Welcome to the ADE installation guide!

This guide will assist you while installing the Avalon Documentation Engine on a local server.

Make sure you have your 80 port open on this server.

<%- include("blocks/MessageBox.ejs", { title: "Docker support", content: "This guide will not contain resources for installing ADE on Docker. You are purely on your own for that." }) %>

Installing locally or on a Node server

If you just want ADE for your local network, or on your own real server.


Step 1 - Downloading the repository from GitHub

First, go to any folder you would like to keep ADE in.

Then, go to the GitHub repository for ADE and download the ZIP.

Selecting Code > Download ZIP on the GitHub UI.

Then, extract the ZIP into the folder.

Dragging the ZIP contents into a folder. <%- include("blocks/MessageBox.ejs", { title: "HOLD ON...", content: "Make sure to read the license! This information is important for defining who and what can use the documentation contents.
Alternatively, make a \"License\" article within the Documentation to define your own license for the content.
Instructions on how to do this can be found here." }) %>

Step 2 - Install dependencies

Installing dependencies for the Avalon Documentation Engine is super easy. Simply open a Node terminal in your Documentation folder.

A terminal, which has the documentation as its' current directory.

Then, type npm install (or npm i) into the terminal.

A terminal, which has the output of the aforementioned npm command.

package-lock.json and node-modules/ should appear in the directory.

Installing on Replit

If you want quickly get ADE up and running.

<%- include("blocks/MessageBox.ejs", { title: "Cycles required", content: "In order to use ADE on Replit, you will have to use Cycles to make your ADE Repl Always On.", notice: "2 cycles/day for Always On - recommended amount is 62, for at least a month" }) %>