Welcome to the AWE installation guide!

This guide will assist you while installing the Avalon Wiki Engine on a local server.

Make sure you have your 80 port open on this server.

<%- include("blocks/MessageBox.ejs", { title: "Docker support", content: "This guide will not contain resources for installing AWE on Docker. You are purely on your own for that." }) %>

Installing locally or on a Node server

If you just want AWE for your local network, or on your own real server.

Installing on Replit

If you want quickly get AWE up and running.

<%- include("blocks/MessageBox.ejs", { title: "Cycles required", content: "In order to use AWE on Replit, you will have to use Cycles to make your AWE Repl Always On.", notice: "2 cycles/day for Always On" }) %>