Searching in the Avalon Wiki Engine is possible.

Use the searchbar element on the top-left to type text in and look for articles using a filter.

Search methods

Searching by name

This is the default behaviour, typing in a name, and getting your result.

Simply type QUERY (replace "QUERY" with your desired search) into the searchbar.

Searching by tag

Searching for articles using their tag is also very easy.

Simply wrap your tag name search in parentheses, like this: (QUERY)

There are two ways to search for a tag name:

Searching for redirects

Searching for redirects is enabled by default when searching, but there's another mode where you can search for redirects only.

Make your search a >>, like this: >>

Use two greater than symbols (>) to write the entire thing.

If you want to search for redirects that lead to a specific page, you can type >> QUERY, adding an article page (not tag) at the very end.

Shortcuts (Longcuts?)




Redirects QUERY Redirects to QUERY >> to QUERY

Preventing shortcut corrections

Preventing corrections is easy, simply put a \ anywhere within your query to cancel a redirect.

For example, if the article you want to look for is called "Redirects and Tags", the Redirects QUERY shortcut would not let you type Redirects .

So, you can simply cancel the shortcut by placing a \ anywhere it would block a shortcut - usally at the start or in the middle of the word.

\Redirects \( \Redirects to \Tagged