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2022-12-06 08:20:16 +00:00
# Miles' House
- Miles Prower
- Silver Blure
-- December --
### Miles Prower
> It is 8am, and Miles is sleeping on his couch, dreaming about his career.
> The re-discovery of the Miles Electric dances across his brain. In his dream, he's holding it, making a bunch of money as it makes a small and consistent beeping sound.
> The sound only gets louder...
### Silver Blure
> CALL FROM: Silver Blure
### Miles Prower
> Miles stretches, waking up to the horrible sound of his ringtone. Due to his phone's primitive software, this tone is the same exact tone as his alarm.
> He snatches it off of the coffee table, lying back and taking the call.
### Silver Blure
> "Miles? Hey, uh - hi! Happy December, haha- it's been long! I don't know if you... forgot, but we're dating, y'know?"
### Miles Prower
> "...Silver? Hi? I, uh... didn't forget - I think I might've accidentally, like, went into hibernation, or something..."
### Silver Blure
> "Oh, God, seriously? Miles, you're a member of society, not a wild Mobian. That explains why it's been so long since you last answered."
> "But Miles, I'm calling you now because, well, I'm no longer manager of the burger shop anymore - I got a new job, like... a month ago, and we're having a holiday party. Would you want to join?"
### Miles Prower
> "...Is this the first time you've called me, Silver?"
### Silver Blure
> No? I've called you many times before this. This is the first time you've picked up."
> ...You've missed so much, man. And I miss you. Please, wake up and come to the party. You'll have a good time, alright?"
### Miles Prower
> "Silver, I'm... so sorry- I... I'll come to the party. When, uh... when is--"
### Silver Blure
> "Oh! Uh- You're-- coming? I, uh, sorry, I'm just- it's- hah- it's today at 12. In the afternoon."
### Miles Prower
> "I'll... be sure to make it, alright. I promise you."
### Silver Blure
> "Alright, that's great! I miss you, and I love you dearly- see you soon..."
### Miles Prower
> "...love you too, man. I always will. See ya-"
> Miles hangs up the phone, geting up off of the couch. The first thing he should do is take a shower, but he isn't... too fond of water.
> Ever since the incident, Miles always gets a sting of horrible shame whenever he sees a pool of water, or if water touches him.
> However, he'll have to overcome his fear in order to take a shower.
2022-12-06 08:38:37 +00:00
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