# Silver's House - Miles Prower - Silver Blure ### Miles Prower > "...how come i've never been to your house in the years we've known each other?" ### Silver Blure > "You were too busy workin' after six to come with. I would've been happy to show you around, but it's fine." ### Miles Prower > "ah, those days. remember when i worked for you instead of dating you?" ### Silver Blure > "I recall you were still gay back then, too?" ### Miles Prower > "i've always been gay. it's... just a part of me. i've always liked boys... them and their nice bodies... and they can be so sweet but rugged sometimes..." ### Silver Blure > *Silver raises an eyebrow.* "...Like who?" ### Miles Prower > *Miles looks directly at Silver, with no hesitation.* "You know *exactly* who, Silv." *Miles comes closer to Silver.* "c'mon... nice bod, sweet personality..." ### Silver Blure > *Silver gets a bit flustered, put in an awkward situation with Miles' distance. He tries not to freak out, though.* ### Miles Prower > *Miles sighs.* "you're perfect. and ripe for loving!" ### Silver Blure > *Silver smiles, calming down a bit.* "...ah- well, thank you Miles-" ### Miles Prower > "no need. it just comes pre-packaged, right?" ### Silver Blure > *Silver buries his face in his hands, mostly in embarrassment.* "oh my God- you smooth asshole--" ### Miles Prower > "hah- anyway, do you have any tv in here?" ### Silver Blure > "Uhh, yeah. it's in the living room! May I show you?" ### Miles Prower > *Miles nods.* "lead the way, silv." ### --- > *Miles and Silver sit down on the couch, cuddling close. Silver passes the remote to Miles, who turns on the TV and looks towards Silver.* ### Miles Prower > "hey, what do you wanna watch-?" ### Silver Blure > "Uh, I dunno. You're the guest, man." ### Miles Prower > *Miles sighs, a bit tired, like always.* "...well, OK. i've been watching this one show, it's a, uh, romance comedy. it's called 'stupid love'. have you ever heard of it?" ### Silver Blure > "Uh, no, I haven't. Is it good?" ### Miles Prower > "It was good enough to make me confess my love to you, Silv. It's... definitely relatable." ### Silver Blure > "Oh! Wait, really? No way." ### Miles Prower > *Miles shakes his head.* "yes way. it's why we're here, now. it's also why I can do..." ### Silver Blure > "do what--" ### Miles Prower > *Miles lifts himself up to face level with Silver, wrapping his arms around Silv.* "this." ### Silver Blure > *Silver gets REALLY flustered, but allows it to happen. He gets close to Miles, holding his sides and straight-up kissing him. They peck for a small bit, before Silver deems it a bit too embarrassing and pulls back, covering his face.* ### Miles Prower > "...uh- Silver-?" ### Silver Blure > "oh my God oh myGodohmygod- Miiiiiles-" ### Miles Prower > "...was it good?" ### Silver Blure > *Silver nods furiously, still looking away from Miles.* ### Miles Prower > *Miles smiles slightly, hugging Silver.* undefined| | | undefined| --- | --- | undefined| [Previous](https://meowcatheorange.github.io/Dizzy-AU/story/human-readable/AAI_IceCreamStore) | [Next](https://meowcatheorange.github.io/Dizzy-AU/story/human-readable/AAK_SilversHouse) |