# Silver's House - Miles Prower - Silver Blure - Silver's Cat' ### Silver's Cat' > *Silver and Miles are both sleeping in Silver's bed. They're cuddling, and Miles is snoring loudly. Silver's cat does not like this snoring.* > *She jumps up on the bed, strutting to Miles, beginning to swat as his face.* > *Miles' snoring slowly stops as Silver's cat lands a final blow on his nose.* ### Miles Prower > "the huh- OH my god-" *Miles jumps back to the head of the bed, causing Silver's cat to jump off and run away.* ### Silver Blure > *Silver wakes up in sequence, but actually because, you know, Miles yelped in fear.* "agh- what's the matter-" ### Miles Prower > "Silver... do you have a cat? You never told me you had a cat." ### Silver Blure > "oh, yeah, i'm sorry. yeah, I have a cat... her name is jan. why do you ask..?" ### Miles Prower > "Because... well, I may have just been repeatedly attacked by her." ### Silver Blure > *Silver quietly chuckles.* "hehe- Nice. she's like that sometimes." ### Miles Prower > "Man, I want a cat... I relate too hard with them." ### Silver Blure > "you know, if you want, you could babysit jan. i'm gone for most of the day without her, so it would be great to have someone to watch her." ### Miles Prower > "I mean, sure... but are you sure? My apartment's small, and your house is... well, it's relatively big. Cats love running around, right?" ### Silver Blure > "i never said it would be at your place. you can stay over here and watch her." ### Miles Prower > "Oh. Well... yeah, why not? Do I get snacks?" ### Silver Blure > "anything in the kitchen. except the cake, that is for a work party." ### Miles Prower > "Yeah, I'm in. When do I start-?" ### Silver Blure > "uhh... i guess when I leave for work?" ### Miles Prower > "...OK." ### --- > *Silence comes over the room for a few seconds. There's a train system quite distant from Silver's house, and it can be heard passing by.* ### Silver Blure > "...i'm gonna go back to sleep, Miles. Goodnight." ### Miles Prower > "Alright, goodnight." ### --- > *They both get under the covers, as they were. Dozing off to sleep for the next day... or when Jan swats Miles' face again.*