# Introduction Part 3 > Miles' Apartment Characters: - Silver Blure - Miles Prower ## Miles Prower Miles had fallen asleep, snoring soundly. His phone was once in his hand, as he forgot to put it down before passing out. It ended up on the floor, vibrating slowly as it tries to tell Miles there's an alarm. Its attempts are futile, and Miles stays asleep. Miles wanted to set an alarm tone, but he didn't like any of the ones the system came with, and he was too lazy to make his own. Finally, a call comes through. It plays a loud ringtone, notifying Miles that someone is calling him - duh. Miles writhes around, opening his eyes and looking around for his phone to hopefully deny the call and head back to sleep. It's not on the coffee table, or in his hand... He looks down. It's, of course, on the floor. Miles picks up his phone, rubbing his eyes to read the screen. ## Narrator **"Silver work is calling. Swipe up to answer - Swipe down to reject"** ## Miles Prower **"Ah, fuck... why is he calling so early?"** He sees the clock, immediately realizing. It's 1PM, and he's most definitely overslept. Thankfully, he has nothing to do, but if he did, he would most absolutely be late. He decides to answer the call, putting the phone on speaker and setting it on the table. ## Silver Blure **"Miles, hey, uh.... are you there?"** **"Hi, it's Silver, uhh... how are you?"** ## Miles Prower **"You sound like you're talking to yourself, Silver. I'm here."** Miles replies in the most crackly, morning-wound voice possible. He didn't mean it, but it's whatever. **"I've been... fine, mostly. I slept through... like, half of the day."** ## Silver Blure **"You haven't been doing anything at all? Just sleeping?"** ## Miles Prower **"Yeah, what about it?"** ## Silver Blure **"Nothing, you just sound so tired, and... I just called to ask if you wanted to come over to my place."** Silver hesitates for a while, causing Miles to think he's open to talk, but just as Miles gets his first breath -- **"You know, I... got a cat, recently! Her name's Jan, and she's such a sweetheart. You should meet her, if you're not, you know... Allergic to cat dander, haha-"** ## Miles Prower Miles waits for longer after Silver's second line, seeing if he has anything else to say. **"Well, uh... Sure, sounds good. When... should I come over?"** ## Silver Blure Silver gets a bit excited, and it's definitely audible through his voice. **"Oh, oh, uh... you can come anytime today! I'll be waiting, no pressure."** ## Miles Prower **"Aww, haha... Alright, I'll see what I can do. I'll be over as soon as possible, OK, Silver?"** ## Silver Blure **"Niice! I can't wait to see you! It'll be fun, trust me. I have so much board games."** ## Miles Prower **"Boo, board games, boooo... haha, I'm kidding. Sure, whatever. I'll be there, see ya."** Miles hangs up, grabbing his phone and trying to get out of the door as soon as possible, making sure to grab his keys.