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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
var Ri = Object.defineProperty;
var s = (t, e) => Ri(t, "name", { value: e, configurable: !0 });
var jr = (() => {
for (var t = new Uint8Array(128), e = 0; e < 64; e++)
t[e < 26 ? e + 65 : e < 52 ? e + 71 : e < 62 ? e - 4 : e * 4 - 205] = e;
return (n) => {
for (
var o = n.length,
a = new Uint8Array(
(((o - (n[o - 1] == "=") - (n[o - 2] == "=")) * 3) / 4) | 0
u = 0,
l = 0;
u < o;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
) {
var f = t[n.charCodeAt(u++)],
v = t[n.charCodeAt(u++)],
m = t[n.charCodeAt(u++)],
P = t[n.charCodeAt(u++)];
(a[l++] = (f << 2) | (v >> 4)),
(a[l++] = (v << 4) | (m >> 2)),
(a[l++] = (m << 6) | P);
return a;
function be(t) {
return (t * Math.PI) / 180;
s(be, "deg2rad");
function lt(t) {
return (t * 180) / Math.PI;
s(lt, "rad2deg");
function Qe(t, e, n) {
return e > n ? Qe(t, n, e) : Math.min(Math.max(t, e), n);
s(Qe, "clamp");
function Je(t, e, n) {
if (typeof t == "number" && typeof e == "number") return t + (e - t) * n;
if (t instanceof D && e instanceof D) return t.lerp(e, n);
if (t instanceof re && e instanceof re) return t.lerp(e, n);
throw new Error(
`Bad value for lerp(): ${t}, ${e}. Only number, Vec2 and Color is supported.`
s(Je, "lerp");
function et(t, e, n, o, a) {
return o + ((t - e) / (n - e)) * (a - o);
s(et, "map");
function Nr(t, e, n, o, a) {
return Qe(et(t, e, n, o, a), o, a);
s(Nr, "mapc");
var D = class t {
static {
s(this, "Vec2");
x = 0;
y = 0;
constructor(e = 0, n = e) {
(this.x = e), (this.y = n);
static fromAngle(e) {
let n = be(e);
return new t(Math.cos(n), Math.sin(n));
static LEFT = new t(-1, 0);
static RIGHT = new t(1, 0);
static UP = new t(0, -1);
static DOWN = new t(0, 1);
clone() {
return new t(this.x, this.y);
add(...e) {
let n = T(...e);
return new t(this.x + n.x, this.y + n.y);
sub(...e) {
let n = T(...e);
return new t(this.x - n.x, this.y - n.y);
scale(...e) {
let n = T(...e);
return new t(this.x * n.x, this.y * n.y);
dist(...e) {
let n = T(...e);
return this.sub(n).len();
sdist(...e) {
let n = T(...e);
return this.sub(n).slen();
len() {
return Math.sqrt(this.dot(this));
slen() {
return this.dot(this);
unit() {
let e = this.len();
return e === 0 ? new t(0) : this.scale(1 / e);
normal() {
return new t(this.y, -this.x);
reflect(e) {
return this.sub(e.scale(2 * this.dot(e)));
project(e) {
return e.scale(e.dot(this) / e.len());
reject(e) {
return this.sub(this.project(e));
dot(e) {
return this.x * e.x + this.y * e.y;
cross(e) {
return this.x * e.y - this.y * e.x;
angle(...e) {
let n = T(...e);
return lt(Math.atan2(this.y - n.y, this.x - n.x));
angleBetween(...e) {
let n = T(...e);
return lt(Math.atan2(this.cross(n), this.dot(n)));
lerp(e, n) {
return new t(Je(this.x, e.x, n), Je(this.y, e.y, n));
slerp(e, n) {
let o = this.dot(e),
a = this.cross(e),
u = Math.atan2(a, o);
return this.scale(Math.sin((1 - n) * u))
.add(e.scale(Math.sin(n * u)))
.scale(1 / a);
isZero() {
return this.x === 0 && this.y === 0;
toFixed(e) {
return new t(Number(this.x.toFixed(e)), Number(this.y.toFixed(e)));
transform(e) {
return e.multVec2(this);
eq(e) {
return this.x === e.x && this.y === e.y;
bbox() {
return new me(this, 0, 0);
toString() {
return `vec2(${this.x.toFixed(2)}, ${this.y.toFixed(2)})`;
function T(...t) {
if (t.length === 1) {
if (t[0] instanceof D) return new D(t[0].x, t[0].y);
if (Array.isArray(t[0]) && t[0].length === 2) return new D(...t[0]);
return new D(...t);
s(T, "vec2");
var re = class t {
static {
s(this, "Color");
r = 255;
g = 255;
b = 255;
constructor(e, n, o) {
(this.r = Qe(e, 0, 255)),
(this.g = Qe(n, 0, 255)),
(this.b = Qe(o, 0, 255));
static fromArray(e) {
return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2]);
static fromHex(e) {
if (typeof e == "number")
return new t((e >> 16) & 255, (e >> 8) & 255, (e >> 0) & 255);
if (typeof e == "string") {
let n = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(e);
return new t(parseInt(n[1], 16), parseInt(n[2], 16), parseInt(n[3], 16));
} else throw new Error("Invalid hex color format");
static fromHSL(e, n, o) {
if (n == 0) return new t(255 * o, 255 * o, 255 * o);
let a = s(
(P, b, M) => (
M < 0 && (M += 1),
M > 1 && (M -= 1),
M < 1 / 6
? P + (b - P) * 6 * M
: M < 1 / 2
? b
: M < 2 / 3
? P + (b - P) * (2 / 3 - M) * 6
: P
u = o < 0.5 ? o * (1 + n) : o + n - o * n,
l = 2 * o - u,
f = a(l, u, e + 1 / 3),
v = a(l, u, e),
m = a(l, u, e - 1 / 3);
return new t(Math.round(f * 255), Math.round(v * 255), Math.round(m * 255));
static RED = new t(255, 0, 0);
static GREEN = new t(0, 255, 0);
static BLUE = new t(0, 0, 255);
static YELLOW = new t(255, 255, 0);
static MAGENTA = new t(255, 0, 255);
static CYAN = new t(0, 255, 255);
static WHITE = new t(255, 255, 255);
static BLACK = new t(0, 0, 0);
clone() {
return new t(this.r, this.g, this.b);
lighten(e) {
return new t(this.r + e, this.g + e, this.b + e);
darken(e) {
return this.lighten(-e);
invert() {
return new t(255 - this.r, 255 - this.g, 255 - this.b);
mult(e) {
return new t(
(this.r * e.r) / 255,
(this.g * e.g) / 255,
(this.b * e.b) / 255
lerp(e, n) {
return new t(Je(this.r, e.r, n), Je(this.g, e.g, n), Je(this.b, e.b, n));
toHSL() {
let e = this.r / 255,
n = this.g / 255,
o = this.b / 255,
a = Math.max(e, n, o),
u = Math.min(e, n, o),
l = (a + u) / 2,
f = l,
v = l;
if (a == u) l = f = 0;
else {
let m = a - u;
switch (((f = v > 0.5 ? m / (2 - a - u) : m / (a + u)), a)) {
case e:
l = (n - o) / m + (n < o ? 6 : 0);
case n:
l = (o - e) / m + 2;
case o:
l = (e - n) / m + 4;
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l /= 6;
return [l, f, v];
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eq(e) {
return this.r === e.r && this.g === e.g && this.b === e.b;
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toString() {
return `rgb(${this.r}, ${this.g}, ${this.b})`;
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
toHex() {
return (
"#" +
((1 << 24) + (this.r << 16) + (this.g << 8) + this.b)
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toArray() {
return [this.r, this.g, this.b];
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
function ce(...t) {
if (t.length === 0) return new re(255, 255, 255);
if (t.length === 1) {
if (t[0] instanceof re) return t[0].clone();
if (typeof t[0] == "string") return re.fromHex(t[0]);
if (Array.isArray(t[0]) && t[0].length === 3) return re.fromArray(t[0]);
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return new re(...t);
s(ce, "rgb");
var _r = s((t, e, n) => re.fromHSL(t, e, n), "hsl2rgb"),
he = class t {
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
static {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(this, "Quad");
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
x = 0;
y = 0;
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
w = 1;
h = 1;
constructor(e, n, o, a) {
(this.x = e), (this.y = n), (this.w = o), (this.h = a);
scale(e) {
return new t(
this.x + this.w * e.x,
this.y + this.h * e.y,
this.w * e.w,
this.h * e.h
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pos() {
return new D(this.x, this.y);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
clone() {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return new t(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
eq(e) {
return (
this.x === e.x && this.y === e.y && this.w === e.w && this.h === e.h
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
toString() {
return `quad(${this.x}, ${this.y}, ${this.w}, ${this.h})`;
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
function ge(t, e, n, o) {
return new he(t, e, n, o);
s(ge, "quad");
var Vt = class t {
static {
s(this, "Mat2");
constructor(e, n, o, a) {
(this.a = e), (this.b = n), (this.c = o), (this.d = a);
mul(e) {
return new t(
this.a * e.a + this.b * e.c,
this.a * e.b + this.b * e.d,
this.c * e.a + this.d * e.c,
this.c * e.b + this.d * e.d
transform(e) {
return T(this.a * e.x + this.b * e.y, this.c * e.x + this.d * e.y);
get inverse() {
let e = this.det;
return new t(this.d / e, -this.b / e, -this.c / e, this.a / e);
get transpose() {
return new t(this.a, this.c, this.b, this.d);
get eigenvalues() {
let e = this.trace / 2,
n = this.det,
o = e + Math.sqrt(e * e - n),
a = e - Math.sqrt(e * e - n);
return [o, a];
eigenvectors(e, n) {
return this.c != 0
? [
[e - this.d, this.c],
[n - this.d, this.c],
: this.b != 0
? [
[this.b, e - this.a],
[this.b, n - this.a],
: Math.abs(this.transform(T(1, 0)).x - e) < Number.EPSILON
? [
[1, 0],
[0, 1],
: [
[0, 1],
[1, 0],
get det() {
return this.a * this.d - this.b * this.c;
get trace() {
return this.a + this.d;
static rotation(e) {
let n = Math.cos(e),
o = Math.sin(e);
return new t(n, o, -o, n);
static scale(e, n) {
return new t(e, 0, 0, n);
var bt = class t {
static {
s(this, "Mat3");
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
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constructor(e, n, o, a, u, l, f, v, m) {
(this.m11 = e),
(this.m12 = n),
(this.m13 = o),
(this.m21 = a),
(this.m22 = u),
(this.m23 = l),
(this.m31 = f),
(this.m32 = v),
(this.m33 = m);
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static fromMat2(e) {
return new t(e.a, e.b, 0, e.c, e.d, 0, 0, 0, 1);
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toMat2() {
return new Vt(this.m11, this.m12, this.m21, this.m22);
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
mul(e) {
return new t(
this.m11 * e.m11 + this.m12 * e.m21 + this.m13 * e.m31,
this.m11 * e.m12 + this.m12 * e.m22 + this.m13 * e.m32,
this.m11 * e.m13 + this.m12 * e.m23 + this.m13 * e.m33,
this.m21 * e.m11 + this.m22 * e.m21 + this.m23 * e.m31,
this.m21 * e.m12 + this.m22 * e.m22 + this.m23 * e.m32,
this.m21 * e.m13 + this.m22 * e.m23 + this.m23 * e.m33,
this.m31 * e.m11 + this.m32 * e.m21 + this.m33 * e.m31,
this.m31 * e.m12 + this.m32 * e.m22 + this.m33 * e.m32,
this.m31 * e.m13 + this.m32 * e.m23 + this.m33 * e.m33
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get det() {
return (
this.m11 * this.m22 * this.m33 +
this.m12 * this.m23 * this.m31 +
this.m13 * this.m21 * this.m32 -
this.m13 * this.m22 * this.m31 -
this.m12 * this.m21 * this.m33 -
this.m11 * this.m23 * this.m32
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
rotate(e) {
let n = Math.cos(e),
o = Math.sin(e),
a = this.m11,
u = this.m12;
return (
(this.m11 = n * this.m11 + o * this.m21),
(this.m12 = n * this.m12 + o * this.m22),
(this.m21 = n * this.m21 - o * a),
(this.m22 = n * this.m22 - o * u),
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scale(e, n) {
return (
(this.m11 *= e), (this.m12 *= e), (this.m21 *= n), (this.m22 *= n), this
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get inverse() {
let e = this.det;
return new t(
(this.m22 * this.m33 - this.m23 * this.m32) / e,
(this.m13 * this.m32 - this.m12 * this.m33) / e,
(this.m12 * this.m23 - this.m13 * this.m22) / e,
(this.m23 * this.m31 - this.m21 * this.m33) / e,
(this.m11 * this.m33 - this.m13 * this.m31) / e,
(this.m13 * this.m21 - this.m11 * this.m23) / e,
(this.m21 * this.m32 - this.m22 * this.m31) / e,
(this.m12 * this.m31 - this.m11 * this.m32) / e,
(this.m11 * this.m22 - this.m12 * this.m21) / e
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
get transpose() {
return new t(
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
De = class t {
static {
s(this, "Mat4");
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
m = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
constructor(e) {
e && (this.m = e);
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
static translate(e) {
return new t([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, e.x, e.y, 0, 1]);
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
static scale(e) {
return new t([e.x, 0, 0, 0, 0, e.y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
static rotateX(e) {
e = be(-e);
let n = Math.cos(e),
o = Math.sin(e);
return new t([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, n, -o, 0, 0, o, n, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
static rotateY(e) {
e = be(-e);
let n = Math.cos(e),
o = Math.sin(e);
return new t([n, 0, o, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -o, 0, n, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
static rotateZ(e) {
e = be(-e);
let n = Math.cos(e),
o = Math.sin(e);
return new t([n, -o, 0, 0, o, n, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
translate(e) {
return (
(this.m[12] += this.m[0] * e.x + this.m[4] * e.y),
(this.m[13] += this.m[1] * e.x + this.m[5] * e.y),
(this.m[14] += this.m[2] * e.x + this.m[6] * e.y),
(this.m[15] += this.m[3] * e.x + this.m[7] * e.y),
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
scale(e) {
return (
(this.m[0] *= e.x),
(this.m[4] *= e.y),
(this.m[1] *= e.x),
(this.m[5] *= e.y),
(this.m[2] *= e.x),
(this.m[6] *= e.y),
(this.m[3] *= e.x),
(this.m[7] *= e.y),
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
rotate(e) {
e = be(-e);
let n = Math.cos(e),
o = Math.sin(e),
a = this.m[0],
u = this.m[1],
l = this.m[4],
f = this.m[5];
return (
(this.m[0] = a * n + u * o),
(this.m[1] = -a * o + u * n),
(this.m[4] = l * n + f * o),
(this.m[5] = -l * o + f * n),
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
mult(e) {
let n = [];
for (let o = 0; o < 4; o++)
for (let a = 0; a < 4; a++)
n[o * 4 + a] =
this.m[0 * 4 + a] * e.m[o * 4 + 0] +
this.m[1 * 4 + a] * e.m[o * 4 + 1] +
this.m[2 * 4 + a] * e.m[o * 4 + 2] +
this.m[3 * 4 + a] * e.m[o * 4 + 3];
return new t(n);
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
multVec2(e) {
return new D(
e.x * this.m[0] + e.y * this.m[4] + this.m[12],
e.x * this.m[1] + e.y * this.m[5] + this.m[13]
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
getTranslation() {
return new D(this.m[12], this.m[13]);
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
getScale() {
if (this.m[0] != 0 || this.m[1] != 0) {
let e = this.m[0] * this.m[5] - this.m[1] * this.m[4],
n = Math.sqrt(this.m[0] * this.m[0] + this.m[1] * this.m[1]);
return new D(n, e / n);
} else if (this.m[4] != 0 || this.m[5] != 0) {
let e = this.m[0] * this.m[5] - this.m[1] * this.m[4],
n = Math.sqrt(this.m[4] * this.m[4] + this.m[5] * this.m[5]);
return new D(e / n, n);
} else return new D(0, 0);
getRotation() {
if (this.m[0] != 0 || this.m[1] != 0) {
let e = Math.sqrt(this.m[0] * this.m[0] + this.m[1] * this.m[1]);
return lt(
this.m[1] > 0 ? Math.acos(this.m[0] / e) : -Math.acos(this.m[0] / e)
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} else if (this.m[4] != 0 || this.m[5] != 0) {
let e = Math.sqrt(this.m[4] * this.m[4] + this.m[5] * this.m[5]);
return lt(
Math.PI / 2 -
(this.m[5] > 0
? Math.acos(-this.m[4] / e)
: -Math.acos(this.m[4] / e))
} else return 0;
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2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
getSkew() {
if (this.m[0] != 0 || this.m[1] != 0) {
let e = Math.sqrt(this.m[0] * this.m[0] + this.m[1] * this.m[1]);
return new D(
Math.atan(this.m[0] * this.m[4] + this.m[1] * this.m[5]) / (e * e),
} else if (this.m[4] != 0 || this.m[5] != 0) {
let e = Math.sqrt(this.m[4] * this.m[4] + this.m[5] * this.m[5]);
return new D(
Math.atan(this.m[0] * this.m[4] + this.m[1] * this.m[5]) / (e * e)
} else return new D(0, 0);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
invert() {
let e = [],
n = this.m[10] * this.m[15] - this.m[14] * this.m[11],
o = this.m[9] * this.m[15] - this.m[13] * this.m[11],
a = this.m[9] * this.m[14] - this.m[13] * this.m[10],
u = this.m[8] * this.m[15] - this.m[12] * this.m[11],
l = this.m[8] * this.m[14] - this.m[12] * this.m[10],
f = this.m[8] * this.m[13] - this.m[12] * this.m[9],
v = this.m[6] * this.m[15] - this.m[14] * this.m[7],
m = this.m[5] * this.m[15] - this.m[13] * this.m[7],
P = this.m[5] * this.m[14] - this.m[13] * this.m[6],
b = this.m[4] * this.m[15] - this.m[12] * this.m[7],
M = this.m[4] * this.m[14] - this.m[12] * this.m[6],
w = this.m[5] * this.m[15] - this.m[13] * this.m[7],
_ = this.m[4] * this.m[13] - this.m[12] * this.m[5],
$ = this.m[6] * this.m[11] - this.m[10] * this.m[7],
X = this.m[5] * this.m[11] - this.m[9] * this.m[7],
L = this.m[5] * this.m[10] - this.m[9] * this.m[6],
Q = this.m[4] * this.m[11] - this.m[8] * this.m[7],
O = this.m[4] * this.m[10] - this.m[8] * this.m[6],
oe = this.m[4] * this.m[9] - this.m[8] * this.m[5];
(e[0] = this.m[5] * n - this.m[6] * o + this.m[7] * a),
(e[4] = -(this.m[4] * n - this.m[6] * u + this.m[7] * l)),
(e[8] = this.m[4] * o - this.m[5] * u + this.m[7] * f),
(e[12] = -(this.m[4] * a - this.m[5] * l + this.m[6] * f)),
(e[1] = -(this.m[1] * n - this.m[2] * o + this.m[3] * a)),
(e[5] = this.m[0] * n - this.m[2] * u + this.m[3] * l),
(e[9] = -(this.m[0] * o - this.m[1] * u + this.m[3] * f)),
(e[13] = this.m[0] * a - this.m[1] * l + this.m[2] * f),
(e[2] = this.m[1] * v - this.m[2] * m + this.m[3] * P),
(e[6] = -(this.m[0] * v - this.m[2] * b + this.m[3] * M)),
(e[10] = this.m[0] * w - this.m[1] * b + this.m[3] * _),
(e[14] = -(this.m[0] * P - this.m[1] * M + this.m[2] * _)),
(e[3] = -(this.m[1] * $ - this.m[2] * X + this.m[3] * L)),
(e[7] = this.m[0] * $ - this.m[2] * Q + this.m[3] * O),
(e[11] = -(this.m[0] * X - this.m[1] * Q + this.m[3] * oe)),
(e[15] = this.m[0] * L - this.m[1] * O + this.m[2] * oe);
let H =
this.m[0] * e[0] +
this.m[1] * e[4] +
this.m[2] * e[8] +
this.m[3] * e[12];
for (let ie = 0; ie < 4; ie++)
for (let se = 0; se < 4; se++) e[ie * 4 + se] *= 1 / H;
return new t(e);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
clone() {
return new t([...this.m]);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
toString() {
return this.m.toString();
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
function $n(t, e, n, o = (a) => -Math.cos(a)) {
return t + ((o(n) + 1) / 2) * (e - t);
s($n, "wave");
var Ui = 1103515245,
Pi = 12345,
kr = 2147483648,
jt = class {
static {
s(this, "RNG");
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
constructor(e) {
this.seed = e;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
gen() {
return (this.seed = (Ui * this.seed + Pi) % kr), this.seed / kr;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
genNumber(e, n) {
return e + this.gen() * (n - e);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
genVec2(e, n) {
return new D(this.genNumber(e.x, n.x), this.genNumber(e.y, n.y));
genColor(e, n) {
return new re(
this.genNumber(e.r, n.r),
this.genNumber(e.g, n.g),
this.genNumber(e.b, n.b)
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
genAny(...e) {
if (e.length === 0) return this.gen();
if (e.length === 1) {
if (typeof e[0] == "number") return this.genNumber(0, e[0]);
if (e[0] instanceof D) return this.genVec2(T(0, 0), e[0]);
if (e[0] instanceof re) return this.genColor(ce(0, 0, 0), e[0]);
} else if (e.length === 2) {
if (typeof e[0] == "number" && typeof e[1] == "number")
return this.genNumber(e[0], e[1]);
if (e[0] instanceof D && e[1] instanceof D)
return this.genVec2(e[0], e[1]);
if (e[0] instanceof re && e[1] instanceof re)
return this.genColor(e[0], e[1]);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
Xn = new jt(Date.now());
function Hr(t) {
return t != null && (Xn.seed = t), Xn.seed;
s(Hr, "randSeed");
function kt(...t) {
return Xn.genAny(...t);
s(kt, "rand");
function Qn(...t) {
return Math.floor(kt(...t));
s(Qn, "randi");
function Kr(t) {
return kt() <= t;
s(Kr, "chance");
function Jn(t) {
for (let e = t.length - 1; e > 0; e--) {
let n = Math.floor(Math.random() * (e + 1));
[t[e], t[n]] = [t[n], t[e]];
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return t;
s(Jn, "shuffle");
function qr(t, e) {
return t.length <= e ? t.slice() : Jn(t.slice()).slice(0, e);
s(qr, "chooseMultiple");
function zr(t) {
return t[Qn(t.length)];
s(zr, "choose");
function Zn(t, e) {
return (
t.pos.x + t.width > e.pos.x &&
t.pos.x < e.pos.x + e.width &&
t.pos.y + t.height > e.pos.y &&
t.pos.y < e.pos.y + e.height
s(Zn, "testRectRect");
function Mi(t, e) {
if (
(t.p1.x === t.p2.x && t.p1.y === t.p2.y) ||
(e.p1.x === e.p2.x && e.p1.y === e.p2.y)
return null;
let n =
(e.p2.y - e.p1.y) * (t.p2.x - t.p1.x) -
(e.p2.x - e.p1.x) * (t.p2.y - t.p1.y);
if (n === 0) return null;
let o =
((e.p2.x - e.p1.x) * (t.p1.y - e.p1.y) -
(e.p2.y - e.p1.y) * (t.p1.x - e.p1.x)) /
a =
((t.p2.x - t.p1.x) * (t.p1.y - e.p1.y) -
(t.p2.y - t.p1.y) * (t.p1.x - e.p1.x)) /
return o < 0 || o > 1 || a < 0 || a > 1 ? null : o;
s(Mi, "testLineLineT");
function an(t, e) {
let n = Mi(t, e);
return n
? T(t.p1.x + n * (t.p2.x - t.p1.x), t.p1.y + n * (t.p2.y - t.p1.y))
: null;
s(an, "testLineLine");
function cn(t, e) {
let n = e.p2.sub(e.p1),
if (n.x != 0) {
let u = (t.pos.x - e.p1.x) / n.x,
l = (t.pos.x + t.width - e.p1.x) / n.x;
(o = Math.max(o, Math.min(u, l))), (a = Math.min(a, Math.max(u, l)));
if (n.y != 0) {
let u = (t.pos.y - e.p1.y) / n.y,
l = (t.pos.y + t.height - e.p1.y) / n.y;
(o = Math.max(o, Math.min(u, l))), (a = Math.min(a, Math.max(u, l)));
return a >= o && a >= 0 && o <= 1;
s(cn, "testRectLine");
function er(t, e) {
return (
e.x > t.pos.x &&
e.x < t.pos.x + t.width &&
e.y > t.pos.y &&
e.y < t.pos.y + t.height
s(er, "testRectPoint");
function Wr(t, e) {
let n = Math.max(t.pos.x, Math.min(e.center.x, t.pos.x + t.width)),
o = Math.max(t.pos.y, Math.min(e.center.y, t.pos.y + t.height));
return T(n, o).sdist(e.center) <= e.radius * e.radius;
s(Wr, "testRectCircle");
function Yr(t, e) {
return Xr(e, new Ae(t.points()));
s(Yr, "testRectPolygon");
function tr(t, e) {
let n = e.sub(t.p1),
o = t.p2.sub(t.p1);
if (Math.abs(n.cross(o)) > Number.EPSILON) return !1;
let a = n.dot(o) / o.dot(o);
return a >= 0 && a <= 1;
s(tr, "testLinePoint");
function Rt(t, e) {
let n = t.p2.sub(t.p1),
o = n.dot(n),
a = t.p1.sub(e.center),
u = 2 * n.dot(a),
l = a.dot(a) - e.radius * e.radius,
f = u * u - 4 * o * l;
if (o <= Number.EPSILON || f < 0) return !1;
if (f == 0) {
let v = -u / (2 * o);
if (v >= 0 && v <= 1) return !0;
} else {
let v = (-u + Math.sqrt(f)) / (2 * o),
m = (-u - Math.sqrt(f)) / (2 * o);
if ((v >= 0 && v <= 1) || (m >= 0 && m <= 1)) return !0;
return rr(e, t.p1);
s(Rt, "testLineCircle");
function nr(t, e) {
if (mt(e, t.p1) || mt(e, t.p2)) return !0;
for (let n = 0; n < e.pts.length; n++) {
let o = e.pts[n],
a = e.pts[(n + 1) % e.pts.length];
if (an(t, new Ge(o, a))) return !0;
return !1;
s(nr, "testLinePolygon");
function rr(t, e) {
return t.center.sdist(e) < t.radius * t.radius;
s(rr, "testCirclePoint");
function Di(t, e) {
return (
t.center.sdist(e.center) < (t.radius + e.radius) * (t.radius + e.radius)
s(Di, "testCircleCircle");
function Nt(t, e) {
let n = e.pts[e.pts.length - 1];
for (let o of e.pts) {
if (Rt(new Ge(n, o), t)) return !0;
n = o;
return rr(t, e.pts[0]) ? !0 : mt(e, t.center);
s(Nt, "testCirclePolygon");
function Xr(t, e) {
for (let n = 0; n < t.pts.length; n++)
if (nr(new Ge(t.pts[n], t.pts[(n + 1) % t.pts.length]), e)) return !0;
return !!(t.pts.some((n) => mt(e, n)) || e.pts.some((n) => mt(t, n)));
s(Xr, "testPolygonPolygon");
function mt(t, e) {
let n = !1,
o = t.pts;
for (let a = 0, u = o.length - 1; a < o.length; u = a++)
o[a].y > e.y != o[u].y > e.y &&
e.x < ((o[u].x - o[a].x) * (e.y - o[a].y)) / (o[u].y - o[a].y) + o[a].x &&
(n = !n);
return n;
s(mt, "testPolygonPoint");
function $r(t, e) {
e = e.sub(t.center);
let n = be(t.angle),
o = Math.cos(n),
a = Math.sin(n),
u = e.x * o + e.y * a,
l = -e.x * a + e.y * o;
return (
(u * u) / (t.radiusX * t.radiusX) + (l * l) / (t.radiusY * t.radiusY) < 1
s($r, "testEllipsePoint");
function sn(t, e) {
let n = e.center.sub(t.center),
o = be(t.angle),
a = Math.cos(o),
u = Math.sin(o),
l = n.x * a + n.y * u,
f = -n.x * u + n.y * a;
return $r(
new Ye(T(), t.radiusX + e.radius, t.radiusY + e.radius, 0),
T(l, f)
s(sn, "testEllipseCircle");
function Qr(t, e) {
let n = t.toMat2().inverse;
return (
(e = new Ge(
Rt(e, new Be(T(), 1))
s(Qr, "testEllipseLine");
function Gi(t, e) {
if (t.radiusX === t.radiusY) return sn(e, new Be(t.center, t.radiusX));
if (e.radiusX === e.radiusY) return sn(t, new Be(e.center, e.radiusX));
let n = new bt(1 / t.radiusX ** 2, 0, 0, 0, 1 / t.radiusY ** 2, 0, 0, 0, -1),
o = new bt(1 / e.radiusX ** 2, 0, 0, 0, 1 / e.radiusY ** 2, 0, 0, 0, -1),
a = t.center.x,
u = t.center.y,
l = e.center.x,
f = e.center.y,
v = be(t.angle),
m = be(e.angle),
P = new bt(
b = new bt(
M = P.inverse,
w = b.inverse,
_ = M.transpose.mul(n).mul(M),
$ = w.transpose.mul(o).mul(w),
X = _.m11,
L = _.m12,
Q = _.m13,
O = _.m21,
oe = _.m22,
H = _.m23,
ie = _.m31,
se = _.m32,
ae = _.m33,
pe = $.m11,
Ce = $.m12,
ve = $.m13,
Ie = $.m21,
Le = $.m22,
Te = $.m23,
Ne = $.m31,
_e = $.m32,
He = $.m33,
dt =
X * oe * ae -
X * H * se -
L * O * ae +
L * H * ie +
Q * O * se -
Q * oe * ie,
Ee =
(X * oe * He -
X * H * _e -
X * se * Te +
X * ae * Le -
L * O * He +
L * H * Ne +
L * ie * Te -
L * ae * Ie +
Q * O * _e -
Q * oe * Ne -
Q * ie * Le +
Q * se * Ie +
O * se * ve -
O * ae * Ce -
oe * ie * ve +
oe * ae * pe +
H * ie * Ce -
H * se * pe) /
Re =
(X * Le * He -
X * Te * _e -
L * Ie * He +
L * Te * Ne +
Q * Ie * _e -
Q * Le * Ne -
O * Ce * He +
O * ve * _e +
oe * pe * He -
oe * ve * Ne -
H * pe * _e +
H * Ce * Ne +
ie * Ce * Te -
ie * ve * Le -
se * pe * Te +
se * ve * Ie +
ae * pe * Le -
ae * Ce * Ie) /
ze =
(pe * Le * He -
pe * Te * _e -
Ce * Ie * He +
Ce * Te * Ne +
ve * Ie * _e -
ve * Le * Ne) /
if (Ee >= 0) {
let ot = -3 * Re + Ee ** 2,
st = 3 * Ee * ze + Re * Ee ** 2 - 4 * Re ** 2,
Ct =
-27 * ze ** 2 +
18 * ze * Ee * Re +
Ee ** 2 * Re ** 2 -
4 * Ee ** 3 * ze -
4 * Re ** 3;
return !(ot > 0 && st < 0 && Ct > 0);
} else {
let ot = -3 * Re + Ee ** 2,
st =
-27 * ze ** 2 +
18 * ze * Ee * Re +
Ee ** 2 * Re ** 2 -
4 * Ee ** 3 * ze -
4 * Re ** 3;
return !(ot > 0 && st > 0);
s(Gi, "testEllipseEllipse");
function Jr(t, e) {
return or(t, new Ae(e.points()));
s(Jr, "testEllipseRect");
function or(t, e) {
let n = t.toMat2().inverse;
return (
(e = new Ae(e.pts.map((o) => n.transform(o.sub(t.center))))),
Nt(new Be(T(), 1), e)
s(or, "testEllipsePolygon");
function Bi(t, e) {
return e instanceof D
? tr(t, e)
: e instanceof Be
? Rt(t, e)
: e instanceof Ge
? an(t, e) != null
: e instanceof me
? cn(e, t)
: e instanceof Ae
? nr(t, e)
: e instanceof Ye
? Qr(e, t)
: !1;
s(Bi, "testLineShape");
function Fi(t, e) {
return e instanceof D
? rr(t, e)
: e instanceof Be
? Di(t, e)
: e instanceof Ge
? Rt(e, t)
: e instanceof me
? Wr(e, t)
: e instanceof Ae
? Nt(t, e)
: e instanceof Ye
? sn(e, t)
: !1;
s(Fi, "testCircleShape");
function Ii(t, e) {
return e instanceof D
? er(t, e)
: e instanceof Be
? Wr(t, e)
: e instanceof Ge
? cn(t, e)
: e instanceof me
? Zn(t, e)
: e instanceof Ae
? Yr(t, e)
: e instanceof Ye
? Jr(e, t)
: !1;
s(Ii, "testRectShape");
function Li(t, e) {
return e instanceof D
? mt(t, e)
: e instanceof Be
? Nt(e, t)
: e instanceof Ge
? nr(e, t)
: e instanceof me
? Yr(e, t)
: e instanceof Ae
? Xr(e, t)
: e instanceof Ye
? or(e, t)
: !1;
s(Li, "testPolygonShape");
function ji(t, e) {
return e instanceof D
? $r(t, e)
: e instanceof Be
? sn(t, e)
: e instanceof Ge
? Qr(t, e)
: e instanceof me
? Jr(t, e)
: e instanceof Ae
? or(t, e)
: e instanceof Ye
? Gi(e, t)
: !1;
s(ji, "testEllipseShape");
function Zr(t, e, n) {
let o = t,
a = n.p1,
u = n.p2,
l = e,
f = u.sub(a),
v = l.cross(f);
if (Math.abs(v) < Number.EPSILON) return null;
let m = a.sub(o),
P = m.cross(f) / v;
if (P <= 0 || P >= 1) return null;
let b = m.cross(l) / v;
if (b <= 0 || b >= 1) return null;
let M = f.normal().unit();
return (
e.dot(M) > 0 && ((M.x *= -1), (M.y *= -1)),
{ point: o.add(l.scale(P)), normal: M, fraction: P }
s(Zr, "raycastLine");
function ki(t, e, n) {
if (t.x != 0) {
let l = (n.pos.x - t.x) / e.x,
f = (n.pos.x + n.width - t.x) / e.x;
(u = T(-Math.sign(e.x), 0)),
(o = Math.max(o, Math.min(l, f))),
(a = Math.min(a, Math.max(l, f)));
if (t.y != 0) {
let l = (n.pos.y - t.y) / e.y,
f = (n.pos.y + n.height - t.y) / e.y;
Math.min(l, f) > o && (u = T(0, -Math.sign(e.y))),
(o = Math.max(o, Math.min(l, f))),
(a = Math.min(a, Math.max(l, f)));
return a >= o && o >= 0 && o <= 1
? { point: t.add(e.scale(o)), normal: u, fraction: o }
: null;
s(ki, "raycastRect");
function eo(t, e, n) {
let o = t,
a = n.center,
u = e,
l = u.dot(u),
f = o.sub(a),
v = 2 * u.dot(f),
m = f.dot(f) - n.radius * n.radius,
P = v * v - 4 * l * m;
if (l <= Number.EPSILON || P < 0) return null;
if (P == 0) {
let b = -v / (2 * l);
if (b >= 0 && b <= 1) {
let M = o.add(u.scale(b));
return { point: M, normal: M.sub(a), fraction: b };
} else {
let b = (-v + Math.sqrt(P)) / (2 * l),
M = (-v - Math.sqrt(P)) / (2 * l),
w = null;
if (
(b >= 0 && b <= 1 && (w = b),
M >= 0 && M <= 1 && (w = Math.min(M, w ?? M)),
w != null)
) {
let _ = o.add(u.scale(w));
return { point: _, normal: _.sub(a).unit(), fraction: w };
return null;
s(eo, "raycastCircle");
function Ni(t, e, n) {
let o = n.pts,
a = null,
u = o[o.length - 1];
for (let l = 0; l < o.length; l++) {
let f = o[l],
v = Zr(t, e, new Ge(u, f));
v && (!a || a.fraction > v.fraction) && (a = v), (u = f);
return a;
s(Ni, "raycastPolygon");
function _i(t, e, n) {
let o = n.toMat2(),
a = o.inverse,
u = a.transform(t.sub(n.center)),
l = a.transform(e),
f = eo(u, l, new Be(T(), 1));
if (f) {
let v = Vt.rotation(be(-n.angle)),
P = Vt.scale(n.radiusX, n.radiusY).transform(f.point),
b = o.transform(f.point).add(n.center),
M = b.dist(t) / e.len();
return {
point: b,
normal: v.transform(T(n.radiusY ** 2 * P.x, n.radiusX ** 2 * P.y)),
fraction: M,
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return f;
s(_i, "raycastEllipse");
function to(t, e, n, o = 64) {
let a = t,
u = e.len(),
l = e.scale(1 / u),
f = 0,
v = T(Math.floor(t.x), Math.floor(t.y)),
m = T(l.x > 0 ? 1 : -1, l.y > 0 ? 1 : -1),
P = T(Math.abs(1 / l.x), Math.abs(1 / l.y)),
b = T(
m.x > 0 ? v.x + 1 - t.x : t.x - v.x,
m.y > 0 ? v.y + 1 - t.y : t.y - v.y
M = T(P.x < 1 / 0 ? P.x * b.x : 1 / 0, P.y < 1 / 0 ? P.y * b.y : 1 / 0),
w = -1;
for (; f <= o; ) {
let _ = n(v);
if (_ === !0)
return {
point: a.add(l.scale(f)),
normal: T(w === 0 ? -m.x : 0, w === 1 ? -m.y : 0),
fraction: f / u,
gridPos: v,
if (_) return _;
M.x < M.y
? ((v.x += m.x), (f = M.x), (M.x += P.x), (w = 0))
: ((v.y += m.y), (f = M.y), (M.y += P.y), (w = 1));
return null;
s(to, "raycastGrid");
var Ge = class t {
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
static {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(this, "Line");
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
constructor(e, n) {
(this.p1 = e.clone()), (this.p2 = n.clone());
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
transform(e) {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return new t(e.multVec2(this.p1), e.multVec2(this.p2));
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
bbox() {
return me.fromPoints(this.p1, this.p2);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
area() {
return this.p1.dist(this.p2);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
clone() {
return new t(this.p1, this.p2);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
collides(e) {
return Bi(this, e);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
contains(e) {
return this.collides(e);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
raycast(e, n) {
return Zr(e, n, this);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
me = class t {
static {
s(this, "Rect");
constructor(e, n, o) {
(this.pos = e.clone()), (this.width = n), (this.height = o);
static fromPoints(e, n) {
return new t(e.clone(), n.x - e.x, n.y - e.y);
center() {
return new D(this.pos.x + this.width / 2, this.pos.y + this.height / 2);
points() {
return [
this.pos.add(this.width, 0),
this.pos.add(this.width, this.height),
this.pos.add(0, this.height),
transform(e) {
return new Ae(this.points().map((n) => e.multVec2(n)));
bbox() {
return this.clone();
area() {
return this.width * this.height;
clone() {
return new t(this.pos.clone(), this.width, this.height);
distToPoint(e) {
return Math.sqrt(this.sdistToPoint(e));
sdistToPoint(e) {
let n = this.pos,
o = this.pos.add(this.width, this.height),
a = Math.max(n.x - e.x, 0, e.x - o.x),
u = Math.max(n.y - e.y, 0, e.y - o.y);
return a * a + u * u;
collides(e) {
return Ii(this, e);
contains(e) {
return this.collides(e);
raycast(e, n) {
return ki(e, n, this);
Be = class t {
static {
s(this, "Circle");
constructor(e, n) {
(this.center = e.clone()), (this.radius = n);
transform(e) {
return new Ye(this.center, this.radius, this.radius).transform(e);
bbox() {
return me.fromPoints(
area() {
return this.radius * this.radius * Math.PI;
clone() {
return new t(this.center, this.radius);
collides(e) {
return Fi(this, e);
contains(e) {
return this.collides(e);
raycast(e, n) {
return eo(e, n, this);
Ye = class t {
static {
s(this, "Ellipse");
constructor(e, n, o, a = 0) {
(this.center = e.clone()),
(this.radiusX = n),
(this.radiusY = o),
(this.angle = a);
static fromMat2(e) {
let n = e.inverse,
o = n.transpose.mul(n),
[a, u] = o.eigenvalues,
[l, f] = o.eigenvectors(a, u),
[v, m] = [1 / Math.sqrt(a), 1 / Math.sqrt(u)];
return v > m
? new t(T(), v, m, lt(Math.atan2(-l[1], l[0])))
: new t(T(), m, v, lt(Math.atan2(-f[1], f[0])));
toMat2() {
let e = be(this.angle),
n = Math.cos(e),
o = Math.sin(e);
return new Vt(
n * this.radiusX,
o * this.radiusY,
-o * this.radiusX,
n * this.radiusY
transform(e) {
if (this.angle == 0 && e.getRotation() == 0)
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
return new t(
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
e.m[0] * this.radiusX,
e.m[5] * this.radiusY
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let n = this.toMat2(),
o = e.getRotation(),
a = e.getScale();
n = bt.fromMat2(n).scale(a.x, a.y).rotate(o).toMat2();
let l = t.fromMat2(n);
return (l.center = e.multVec2(this.center)), l;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
bbox() {
if (this.angle == 0)
return me.fromPoints(
this.center.sub(T(this.radiusX, this.radiusY)),
this.center.add(T(this.radiusX, this.radiusY))
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let e = be(this.angle),
n = Math.cos(e),
o = Math.sin(e),
a = this.radiusX * n,
u = this.radiusX * o,
l = this.radiusY * o,
f = this.radiusY * n,
v = Math.sqrt(a * a + l * l),
m = Math.sqrt(u * u + f * f);
return me.fromPoints(
this.center.sub(T(v, m)),
this.center.add(T(v, m))
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
area() {
return this.radiusX * this.radiusY * Math.PI;
clone() {
return new t(this.center, this.radiusX, this.radiusY, this.angle);
collides(e) {
return ji(this, e);
contains(e) {
e = e.sub(this.center);
let n = be(this.angle),
o = Math.cos(n),
a = Math.sin(n),
u = e.x * o + e.y * a,
l = -e.x * a + e.y * o;
return (
(u * u) / (this.radiusX * this.radiusX) +
(l * l) / (this.radiusY * this.radiusY) <
raycast(e, n) {
return _i(e, n, this);
Ae = class t {
static {
s(this, "Polygon");
constructor(e) {
if (e.length < 3)
throw new Error("Polygons should have at least 3 vertices");
this.pts = e;
transform(e) {
return new t(this.pts.map((n) => e.multVec2(n)));
bbox() {
let e = T(Number.MAX_VALUE),
n = T(-Number.MAX_VALUE);
for (let o of this.pts)
(e.x = Math.min(e.x, o.x)),
(n.x = Math.max(n.x, o.x)),
(e.y = Math.min(e.y, o.y)),
(n.y = Math.max(n.y, o.y));
return me.fromPoints(e, n);
area() {
let e = 0,
n = this.pts.length;
for (let o = 0; o < n; o++) {
let a = this.pts[o],
u = this.pts[(o + 1) % n];
(e += a.x * u.y * 0.5), (e -= u.x * a.y * 0.5);
return Math.abs(e);
clone() {
return new t(this.pts.map((e) => e.clone()));
collides(e) {
return Li(this, e);
contains(e) {
return this.collides(e);
raycast(e, n) {
return Ni(e, n, this);
function no(t, e, n, o) {
let a = o * o,
u = 1 - o,
l = u * u;
return t
.add(e.scale(2 * u * o))
s(no, "evaluateQuadratic");
function ro(t, e, n, o) {
let a = 1 - o;
return e
.scale(2 * a)
.add(n.sub(e).scale(2 * o));
s(ro, "evaluateQuadraticFirstDerivative");
function oo(t, e, n, o) {
return n.sub(e.scale(2)).add(t).scale(2);
s(oo, "evaluateQuadraticSecondDerivative");
function un(t, e, n, o, a) {
let u = a * a,
l = u * a,
f = 1 - a,
v = f * f,
m = v * f;
return t
.add(e.scale(3 * v * a))
.add(n.scale(3 * f * u))
s(un, "evaluateBezier");
function so(t, e, n, o, a) {
let u = a * a,
l = 1 - a,
f = l * l;
return e
.scale(3 * f)
.add(n.sub(e).scale(6 * l * a))
.add(o.sub(n).scale(3 * u));
s(so, "evaluateBezierFirstDerivative");
function io(t, e, n, o, a) {
let u = 1 - a;
return n
.scale(6 * u)
.scale(6 * a)
s(io, "evaluateBezierSecondDerivative");
function ao(t, e, n, o, a) {
let u = 0.5 * (((-a + 2) * a - 1) * a),
l = 0.5 * ((3 * a - 5) * a * a + 2),
f = 0.5 * (((-3 * a + 4) * a + 1) * a),
v = 0.5 * ((a - 1) * a * a);
return t.scale(u).add(e.scale(l)).add(n.scale(f)).add(o.scale(v));
s(ao, "evaluateCatmullRom");
function co(t, e, n, o, a) {
let u = 0.5 * ((-3 * a + 4) * a - 1),
l = 0.5 * ((9 * a - 10) * a),
f = 0.5 * ((-9 * a + 8) * a + 1),
v = 0.5 * ((3 * a - 2) * a);
return t.scale(u).add(e.scale(l)).add(n.scale(f)).add(o.scale(v));
s(co, "evaluateCatmullRomFirstDerivative");
function uo(t) {
let e = sr(t),
n = e(1);
return (o) => {
let a = o * n,
u = e(a, !0);
return t(u);
s(uo, "normalizedCurve");
function sr(t, e = 10, n = 10) {
let o = [0],
a = [0],
l = 1 / (e - 1) / n,
f = 0,
v = t(0),
m = 0;
for (let P = 1; P < e; P++) {
for (let b = 0; b < n; b++) {
m += l;
let M = t(m),
w = M.dist(v);
(f += w), (v = M);
(o[P] = f), (a[P] = m);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return (
(a[e - 1] = 1),
(P, b = !1) => {
if (b) {
let M = P;
if (M <= 0) return 0;
if (M >= f) return 1;
let w = 0;
for (; o[w + 1] < M; ) w++;
let _ = a[w],
$ = a[w + 1],
X = o[w],
L = o[w + 1],
Q = (M - X) / (L - X);
return _ + ($ - _) * Q;
} else {
if (P <= 0) return 0;
if (P >= 1) return o[e - 1];
let M = 0;
for (; a[M + 1] < P; ) M++;
let w = a[M],
_ = a[M + 1],
$ = o[M],
X = o[M + 1],
L = (P - w) / (_ - w);
return $ + (X - $) * L;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(sr, "curveLengthApproximation");
function It(t) {
return 0 <= t && t <= 1;
s(It, "inZeroOneDomain");
function Wn(t, e) {
return Math.abs(t - e) <= Number.EPSILON;
s(Wn, "approximately");
function Lt(t) {
return t < 0 ? -Math.pow(-t, 1 / 3) : Math.pow(t, 1 / 3);
s(Lt, "cubeRoot");
function Hi(t, e, n, o) {
let a = 3 * t - 6 * e + 3 * n,
u = -3 * t + 3 * e,
l = t,
f = -t + 3 * e - 3 * n + o;
if (Wn(f, 0)) {
if (Wn(a, 0)) return Wn(u, 0) ? [] : [-l / u].filter(It);
let L = Math.sqrt(u * u - 4 * a * l),
Q = 2 * a;
return [(L - u) / Q, (-u - L) / Q].filter(It);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(a /= f), (u /= f), (l /= f);
let v = (3 * u - a * a) / 3,
m = v / 3,
P = (2 * a * a * a - 9 * a * u + 27 * l) / 27,
b = P / 2,
M = b * b + m * m * m;
if (M < 0) {
let L = -v / 3,
Q = L * L * L,
O = Math.sqrt(Q),
oe = -P / (2 * O),
H = oe < -1 ? -1 : oe > 1 ? 1 : oe,
ie = Math.acos(H),
ae = 2 * Lt(O),
pe = ae * Math.cos(ie / 3) - a / 3,
Ce = ae * Math.cos((ie + 2 * Math.PI) / 3) - a / 3,
ve = ae * Math.cos((ie + 4 * Math.PI) / 3) - a / 3;
return [pe, Ce, ve].filter(It);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
if (M === 0) {
let L = b < 0 ? Lt(-b) : -Lt(b),
Q = 2 * L - a / 3,
O = -L - a / 3;
return [Q, O].filter(It);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let w = Math.sqrt(M),
_ = Lt(w - b),
$ = Lt(w + b);
return [_ - $ - a / 3].filter(It);
s(Hi, "getCubicRoots");
function Ki(t, e, n, o, a) {
let u = Hi(t.x - a, e.x - a, n.x - a, o.x - a);
return u.length > 0 ? un(t, e, n, o, u[0]).y : NaN;
s(Ki, "cubicBezierYforX");
function lo(t) {
if (!t || t.length == 0)
throw new Error("Need at least one point for easingLinear.");
let e = t.length;
return (n) => {
if (n <= 0 || t.length == 1 || n <= t[0].x) return t[0].y;
for (let o = 0; o < e; o++)
if (t[o].x >= n) return et(n, t[o - 1].x, t[o].x, t[o - 1].y, t[o].y);
return t[t.length - 1].y;
s(lo, "easingLinear");
function mo(t, e) {
return (n) => Ki(T(0, 0), t, e, T(1, 1), n);
s(mo, "easingCubicBezier");
function ho(t, e = "jump-end") {
let n = 1 / t,
o = e == "jump-start" || e == "jump-both",
a = e == "jump-end" || e == "jump-both",
u = 1 / (t + (a ? 1 : 0)),
l = o ? u : 0;
return (f) => {
let v = Math.floor(f / n);
return l + v * u;
s(ho, "easingSteps");
function po(t, e) {
let n = Number.MAX_VALUE,
o = T(0);
for (let a of [t, e])
for (let u = 0; u < a.pts.length; u++) {
let l = a.pts[u],
v = a.pts[(u + 1) % a.pts.length].sub(l).normal().unit(),
m = Number.MAX_VALUE,
P = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (let _ = 0; _ < t.pts.length; _++) {
let $ = t.pts[_].dot(v);
(m = Math.min(m, $)), (P = Math.max(P, $));
let b = Number.MAX_VALUE,
M = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (let _ = 0; _ < e.pts.length; _++) {
let $ = e.pts[_].dot(v);
(b = Math.min(b, $)), (M = Math.max(M, $));
let w = Math.min(P, M) - Math.max(m, b);
if (w < 0) return null;
if (w < Math.abs(n)) {
let _ = M - m,
$ = b - P;
(n = Math.abs(_) < Math.abs($) ? _ : $), (o = v.scale(n));
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return o;
s(po, "sat");
function fo(t, e, n) {
return (e.x - t.x) * (n.y - t.y) - (e.y - t.y) * (n.x - t.x) >= 0;
s(fo, "isOrientedCcw");
function qi(t) {
let e = 0,
n = t[t.length - 1];
for (let o = 0; o < t.length; o++)
(e += (t[o].x - n.x) * (t[o].y + n.y)), (n = t[o]);
return e < 0;
s(qi, "isOrientedCcwPolygon");
function Yn(t, e, n, o) {
let a = o.x - n.x,
u = o.y - n.y,
l = a * (t.y - n.y) - u * (t.x - n.x),
f = a * (e.y - n.y) - u * (e.x - n.x);
return l * f >= 0;
s(Yn, "onSameSide");
function zi(t, e, n, o) {
return Yn(t, e, n, o) && Yn(t, n, e, o) && Yn(t, o, e, n);
s(zi, "pointInTriangle");
function Wi(t, e, n, o) {
for (let a of t)
if (a !== e && a !== n && a !== o && zi(a, e, n, o)) return !0;
return !1;
s(Wi, "someInTriangle");
function Yi(t, e, n, o) {
return fo(t, e, n) && !Wi(o, t, e, n);
s(Yi, "isEar");
function ir(t) {
if (t.length < 3) return [];
if (t.length == 3) return [t];
let e = [],
n = [],
o = 0;
for (let b = 0; b < t.length; b++) {
let M = t[o],
w = t[b];
(w.x < M.x || (w.x == M.x && w.y < M.y)) && (o = o),
(e[b] = b + 1),
(n[b] = b - 1);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(e[e.length - 1] = 0), (n[0] = n.length - 1), qi(t) || ([e, n] = [n, e]);
let a = [];
for (let b = 0; b < t.length; ++b) fo(t[n[b]], t[b], t[e[b]]) || a.push(t[b]);
let u = [],
l = t.length,
f = 1,
v = 0,
for (; l > 3; ) {
(m = e[f]), (P = n[f]);
let b = t[P],
M = t[f],
w = t[m];
if (Yi(b, M, w, a))
u.push([b, M, w]),
(e[P] = m),
(n[m] = P),
a.splice(a.indexOf(M), 1),
(v = 0);
else if (++v > l) return [];
f = m;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return (m = e[f]), (P = n[f]), u.push([t[P], t[f], t[m]]), u;
s(ir, "triangulate");
function ar(t) {
if (t.length < 3) return !1;
let e = t.length - 2,
n = t.length - 1,
o = 0,
a = t[n].sub(t[e]),
u = t[o].sub(t[n]),
l = a.cross(u);
for (; o + 1 < t.length; )
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
if (
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
((e = n),
(n = o),
(a = t[n].sub(t[e])),
(u = t[o].sub(t[n])),
a.cross(u) * l < 0)
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return !1;
return !0;
s(ar, "isConvex");
var _t = class extends Map {
static {
s(this, "Registry");
lastID = 0;
push(e) {
let n = this.lastID;
return this.set(n, e), this.lastID++, n;
pushd(e) {
let n = this.push(e);
return () => this.delete(n);
tt = class t {
static {
s(this, "EventController");
paused = !1;
constructor(e) {
this.cancel = e;
static join(e) {
let n = new t(() => e.forEach((o) => o.cancel()));
return (
Object.defineProperty(n, "paused", {
get: () => e[0].paused,
set: (o) => e.forEach((a) => (a.paused = o)),
(n.paused = !1),
we = class {
static {
s(this, "Event");
handlers = new _t();
add(e) {
let n = this.handlers.pushd((...a) => {
o.paused || e(...a);
o = new tt(n);
return o;
addOnce(e) {
let n = this.add((...o) => {
n.cancel(), e(...o);
return n;
next() {
return new Promise((e) => this.addOnce(e));
trigger(...e) {
this.handlers.forEach((n) => n(...e));
numListeners() {
return this.handlers.size;
clear() {
nt = class {
static {
s(this, "EventHandler");
handlers = {};
on(e, n) {
return (
this.handlers[e] || (this.handlers[e] = new we()),
onOnce(e, n) {
let o = this.on(e, (...a) => {
o.cancel(), n(...a);
return o;
next(e) {
return new Promise((n) => {
this.onOnce(e, (...o) => n(o[0]));
trigger(e, ...n) {
this.handlers[e] && this.handlers[e].trigger(...n);
remove(e) {
delete this.handlers[e];
clear() {
this.handlers = {};
numListeners(e) {
return this.handlers[e]?.numListeners() ?? 0;
function mn(t, e) {
if (t === e) return !0;
let n = typeof t,
o = typeof e;
if (n !== o) return !1;
if (n === "object" && o === "object" && t !== null && e !== null) {
if (Array.isArray(t) !== Array.isArray(e)) return !1;
let a = Object.keys(t),
u = Object.keys(e);
if (a.length !== u.length) return !1;
for (let l of a) {
let f = t[l],
v = e[l];
if (!mn(f, v)) return !1;
return !0;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return !1;
s(mn, "deepEq");
function Xi(t) {
let e = window.atob(t),
n = e.length,
o = new Uint8Array(n);
for (let a = 0; a < n; a++) o[a] = e.charCodeAt(a);
return o.buffer;
s(Xi, "base64ToArrayBuffer");
function bo(t) {
return Xi(t.split(",")[1]);
s(bo, "dataURLToArrayBuffer");
function dn(t, e) {
let n = document.createElement("a");
(n.href = e), (n.download = t), n.click();
s(dn, "download");
function cr(t, e) {
dn(t, "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8," + e);
s(cr, "downloadText");
function vo(t, e) {
cr(t, JSON.stringify(e));
s(vo, "downloadJSON");
function ur(t, e) {
let n = URL.createObjectURL(e);
dn(t, n), URL.revokeObjectURL(n);
s(ur, "downloadBlob");
var lr = s((t) => t.match(/^data:\w+\/\w+;base64,.+/), "isDataURL");
var xo = s((t) => t.split(".").slice(0, -1).join("."), "getFileName");
function Fe(t, e) {
return (...n) => {
let o = n.length;
if (o === t.length) return t(...n);
if (o === e.length) return e(...n);
s(Fe, "overload2");
var yo = (() => {
let t = 0;
return () => t++;
wo = s(
(t) => (t instanceof Error ? t.message : String(t)),
var ln = class {
static {
s(this, "BinaryHeap");
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
constructor(e = (n, o) => n < o) {
(this._compareFn = e), (this._items = []);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
insert(e) {
this._items.push(e), this.moveUp(this._items.length - 1);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
remove() {
if (this._items.length === 0) return null;
let e = this._items[0],
n = this._items.pop();
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
return (
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
this._items.length !== 0 && ((this._items[0] = n), this.moveDown(0)), e
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
clear() {
this._items.splice(0, this._items.length);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
moveUp(e) {
for (; e > 0; ) {
let n = Math.floor((e - 1) / 2);
if (
!this._compareFn(this._items[e], this._items[n]) &&
this._items[e] >= this._items[n]
this.swap(e, n), (e = n);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
moveDown(e) {
for (; e < Math.floor(this._items.length / 2); ) {
let n = 2 * e + 1;
if (
(n < this._items.length - 1 &&
!this._compareFn(this._items[n], this._items[n + 1]) &&
this._compareFn(this._items[e], this._items[n]))
this.swap(e, n), (e = n);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
swap(e, n) {
[this._items[e], this._items[n]] = [this._items[n], this._items[e]];
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
get length() {
return this._items.length;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
var $i = Object.freeze([
776, 2359, 2367, 2984, 3007, 3021, 3633, 3635, 3648, 3657, 4352, 4449, 4520,
function Co(t) {
if (typeof t != "string")
throw new TypeError("string cannot be undefined or null");
let e = [],
n = 0,
o = 0;
for (; n < t.length; ) {
if (
((o += Qi(n + o, t)),
oa(t[n + o]) && o++,
ta(t[n + o]) && o++,
na(t[n + o]) && o++,
sa(t[n + o]))
) {
e.push(t.substring(n, n + o)), (n += o), (o = 0);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return e;
s(Co, "runes");
function Qi(t, e) {
let n = e[t];
if (!Ji(n) || t === e.length - 1) return 1;
let o = n + e[t + 1],
a = e.substring(t + 2, t + 5);
return go(o) && go(a)
? 4
: Zi(o) && ra(a)
? e.slice(t).indexOf(String.fromCodePoint(917631)) + 2
: ea(a)
? 4
: 2;
s(Qi, "nextUnits");
function Ji(t) {
return t && vt(t[0].charCodeAt(0), 55296, 56319);
s(Ji, "isFirstOfSurrogatePair");
function go(t) {
return vt(mr(t), 127462, 127487);
s(go, "isRegionalIndicator");
function Zi(t) {
return vt(mr(t), 127988, 127988);
s(Zi, "isSubdivisionFlag");
function ea(t) {
return vt(mr(t), 127995, 127999);
s(ea, "isFitzpatrickModifier");
function ta(t) {
return typeof t == "string" && vt(t.charCodeAt(0), 65024, 65039);
s(ta, "isVariationSelector");
function na(t) {
return typeof t == "string" && vt(t.charCodeAt(0), 8400, 8447);
s(na, "isDiacriticalMark");
function ra(t) {
let e = t.codePointAt(0);
return typeof t == "string" && typeof e == "number" && vt(e, 917504, 917631);
s(ra, "isSupplementarySpecialpurposePlane");
function oa(t) {
return typeof t == "string" && $i.includes(t.charCodeAt(0));
s(oa, "isGrapheme");
function sa(t) {
return typeof t == "string" && t.charCodeAt(0) === 8205;
s(sa, "isZeroWidthJoiner");
function mr(t) {
let e = t.charCodeAt(0) - 55296,
n = t.charCodeAt(1) - 56320;
return (e << 10) + n + 65536;
s(mr, "codePointFromSurrogatePair");
function vt(t, e, n) {
return t >= e && t <= n;
s(vt, "betweenInclusive");
function To(t) {
return (
t?.prototype &&
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t.prototype, "constructor") !== void 0
s(To, "isClass");
var dr = {
"Joy-Con L+R (STANDARD GAMEPAD Vendor: 057e Product: 200e)": {
buttons: {
0: "south",
1: "east",
2: "west",
3: "north",
4: "lshoulder",
5: "rshoulder",
6: "ltrigger",
7: "rtrigger",
8: "select",
9: "start",
10: "lstick",
11: "rstick",
12: "dpad-up",
13: "dpad-down",
14: "dpad-left",
15: "dpad-right",
16: "home",
17: "capture",
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
sticks: { left: { x: 0, y: 1 }, right: { x: 2, y: 3 } },
"Joy-Con (L) (STANDARD GAMEPAD Vendor: 057e Product: 2006)": {
buttons: {
0: "south",
1: "east",
2: "west",
3: "north",
4: "lshoulder",
5: "rshoulder",
9: "select",
10: "lstick",
16: "start",
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
sticks: { left: { x: 0, y: 1 } },
"Joy-Con (R) (STANDARD GAMEPAD Vendor: 057e Product: 2007)": {
buttons: {
0: "south",
1: "east",
2: "west",
3: "north",
4: "lshoulder",
5: "rshoulder",
9: "start",
10: "lstick",
16: "select",
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
sticks: { left: { x: 0, y: 1 } },
"Pro Controller (STANDARD GAMEPAD Vendor: 057e Product: 2009)": {
buttons: {
0: "south",
1: "east",
2: "west",
3: "north",
4: "lshoulder",
5: "rshoulder",
6: "ltrigger",
7: "rtrigger",
8: "select",
9: "start",
10: "lstick",
11: "rstick",
12: "dpad-up",
13: "dpad-down",
14: "dpad-left",
15: "dpad-right",
16: "home",
17: "capture",
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
sticks: { left: { x: 0, y: 1 }, right: { x: 2, y: 3 } },
default: {
buttons: {
0: "south",
1: "east",
2: "west",
3: "north",
4: "lshoulder",
5: "rshoulder",
6: "ltrigger",
7: "rtrigger",
8: "select",
9: "start",
10: "lstick",
11: "rstick",
12: "dpad-up",
13: "dpad-down",
14: "dpad-left",
15: "dpad-right",
16: "home",
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
sticks: { left: { x: 0, y: 1 }, right: { x: 2, y: 3 } },
var Ut = class {
static {
s(this, "ButtonState");
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
pressed = new Set([]);
pressedRepeat = new Set([]);
released = new Set([]);
down = new Set([]);
update() {
this.pressed.clear(), this.released.clear(), this.pressedRepeat.clear();
press(e) {
this.pressed.add(e), this.pressedRepeat.add(e), this.down.add(e);
pressRepeat(e) {
release(e) {
this.down.delete(e), this.pressed.delete(e), this.released.add(e);
hr = class {
static {
s(this, "GamepadState");
buttonState = new Ut();
stickState = new Map();
pr = class {
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
static {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(this, "FPSCounter");
dts = [];
timer = 0;
fps = 0;
tick(e) {
(this.timer += e),
this.timer >= 1 &&
((this.timer = 0),
(this.fps = Math.round(
1 / (this.dts.reduce((n, o) => n + o) / this.dts.length)
(this.dts = []));
Eo = s((t) => {
if (!t.canvas) throw new Error("Please provide a canvas");
let e = {
canvas: t.canvas,
loopID: null,
stopped: !1,
dt: 0,
time: 0,
realTime: 0,
fpsCounter: new pr(),
timeScale: 1,
skipTime: !1,
isHidden: !1,
numFrames: 0,
mousePos: new D(0),
mouseDeltaPos: new D(0),
keyState: new Ut(),
mouseState: new Ut(),
mergedGamepadState: new hr(),
gamepadStates: new Map(),
gamepads: [],
charInputted: [],
isMouseMoved: !1,
lastWidth: t.canvas.offsetWidth,
lastHeight: t.canvas.offsetHeight,
events: new nt(),
function n() {
return e.dt * e.timeScale;
s(n, "dt");
function o() {
return e.isHidden;
s(o, "isHidden");
function a() {
return e.time;
s(a, "time");
function u() {
return e.fpsCounter.fps;
s(u, "fps");
function l() {
return e.numFrames;
s(l, "numFrames");
function f() {
return e.canvas.toDataURL();
s(f, "screenshot");
function v(p) {
e.canvas.style.cursor = p;
s(v, "setCursor");
function m() {
return e.canvas.style.cursor;
s(m, "getCursor");
function P(p) {
if (p)
try {
let V = e.canvas.requestPointerLock();
V.catch && V.catch((j) => console.error(j));
} catch (V) {
else document.exitPointerLock();
s(P, "setCursorLocked");
function b() {
return !!document.pointerLockElement;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(b, "isCursorLocked");
function M(p) {
? p.requestFullscreen()
: p.webkitRequestFullscreen && p.webkitRequestFullscreen();
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(M, "enterFullscreen");
function w() {
? document.exitFullscreen()
: document.webkitExitFullScreen && document.webkitExitFullScreen();
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(w, "exitFullscreen");
function _(p = !0) {
p ? M(e.canvas) : w();
s(_, "setFullscreen");
function $() {
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
return (
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
document.fullscreenElement === e.canvas ||
document.webkitFullscreenElement === e.canvas
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s($, "isFullscreen");
function X() {
e.stopped = !0;
for (let p in te) e.canvas.removeEventListener(p, te[p]);
for (let p in We) document.removeEventListener(p, We[p]);
for (let p in je) window.removeEventListener(p, je[p]);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(X, "quit");
function L(p) {
e.loopID !== null && cancelAnimationFrame(e.loopID);
let V = 0,
j = s((J) => {
if (e.stopped) return;
if (document.visibilityState !== "visible") {
e.loopID = requestAnimationFrame(j);
let xe = J / 1e3,
le = xe - e.realTime,
Ke = t.maxFPS ? 1 / t.maxFPS : 0;
(e.realTime = xe),
(V += le),
V > Ke &&
(e.skipTime ||
((e.dt = V), (e.time += n()), e.fpsCounter.tick(e.dt)),
(V = 0),
(e.skipTime = !1),
(e.loopID = requestAnimationFrame(j));
}, "frame");
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(L, "run");
function Q() {
return "ontouchstart" in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(Q, "isTouchscreen");
function O() {
return e.mousePos.clone();
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(O, "mousePos");
function oe() {
return e.mouseDeltaPos.clone();
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(oe, "mouseDeltaPos");
function H(p = "left") {
return e.mouseState.pressed.has(p);
s(H, "isMousePressed");
function ie(p = "left") {
return e.mouseState.down.has(p);
s(ie, "isMouseDown");
function se(p = "left") {
return e.mouseState.released.has(p);
s(se, "isMouseReleased");
function ae() {
return e.isMouseMoved;
s(ae, "isMouseMoved");
function pe(p) {
return p === void 0
? e.keyState.pressed.size > 0
: e.keyState.pressed.has(p);
s(pe, "isKeyPressed");
function Ce(p) {
return p === void 0
? e.keyState.pressedRepeat.size > 0
: e.keyState.pressedRepeat.has(p);
s(Ce, "isKeyPressedRepeat");
function ve(p) {
return p === void 0 ? e.keyState.down.size > 0 : e.keyState.down.has(p);
s(ve, "isKeyDown");
function Ie(p) {
return p === void 0
? e.keyState.released.size > 0
: e.keyState.released.has(p);
s(Ie, "isKeyReleased");
function Le(p) {
return p === void 0
? e.mergedGamepadState.buttonState.pressed.size > 0
: e.mergedGamepadState.buttonState.pressed.has(p);
s(Le, "isGamepadButtonPressed");
function Te(p) {
return p === void 0
? e.mergedGamepadState.buttonState.down.size > 0
: e.mergedGamepadState.buttonState.down.has(p);
s(Te, "isGamepadButtonDown");
function Ne(p) {
return p === void 0
? e.mergedGamepadState.buttonState.released.size > 0
: e.mergedGamepadState.buttonState.released.has(p);
s(Ne, "isGamepadButtonReleased");
function _e(p) {
return e.events.on("resize", p);
s(_e, "onResize");
let He = Fe(
(p) => e.events.on("keyDown", p),
(p, V) => e.events.on("keyDown", (j) => j === p && V(p))
dt = Fe(
(p) => e.events.on("keyPress", p),
(p, V) => e.events.on("keyPress", (j) => j === p && V(p))
Ee = Fe(
(p) => e.events.on("keyPressRepeat", p),
(p, V) => e.events.on("keyPressRepeat", (j) => j === p && V(p))
Re = Fe(
(p) => e.events.on("keyRelease", p),
(p, V) => e.events.on("keyRelease", (j) => j === p && V(p))
ze = Fe(
(p) => e.events.on("mouseDown", (V) => p(V)),
(p, V) => e.events.on("mouseDown", (j) => j === p && V(j))
ot = Fe(
(p) => e.events.on("mousePress", (V) => p(V)),
(p, V) => e.events.on("mousePress", (j) => j === p && V(j))
st = Fe(
(p) => e.events.on("mouseRelease", (V) => p(V)),
(p, V) => e.events.on("mouseRelease", (j) => j === p && V(j))
function Ct(p) {
return e.events.on("mouseMove", () => p(O(), oe()));
s(Ct, "onMouseMove");
function Xt(p) {
return e.events.on("charInput", p);
s(Xt, "onCharInput");
function $t(p) {
return e.events.on("touchStart", p);
s($t, "onTouchStart");
function An(p) {
return e.events.on("touchMove", p);
s(An, "onTouchMove");
function Qt(p) {
return e.events.on("touchEnd", p);
s(Qt, "onTouchEnd");
function Vn(p) {
return e.events.on("scroll", p);
s(Vn, "onScroll");
function Rn(p) {
return e.events.on("hide", p);
s(Rn, "onHide");
function Jt(p) {
return e.events.on("show", p);
s(Jt, "onShow");
function Un(p, V) {
if (typeof p == "function") return e.events.on("gamepadButtonDown", p);
if (typeof p == "string" && typeof V == "function")
return e.events.on("gamepadButtonDown", (j) => j === p && V(p));
s(Un, "onGamepadButtonDown");
function Pn(p, V) {
if (typeof p == "function") return e.events.on("gamepadButtonPress", p);
if (typeof p == "string" && typeof V == "function")
return e.events.on("gamepadButtonPress", (j) => j === p && V(p));
s(Pn, "onGamepadButtonPress");
function Zt(p, V) {
if (typeof p == "function") return e.events.on("gamepadButtonRelease", p);
if (typeof p == "string" && typeof V == "function")
return e.events.on("gamepadButtonRelease", (j) => j === p && V(p));
s(Zt, "onGamepadButtonRelease");
function en(p, V) {
return e.events.on("gamepadStick", (j, J) => j === p && V(J));
s(en, "onGamepadStick");
function Mn(p) {
e.events.on("gamepadConnect", p);
s(Mn, "onGamepadConnect");
function Dt(p) {
e.events.on("gamepadDisconnect", p);
s(Dt, "onGamepadDisconnect");
function Dn(p) {
return e.mergedGamepadState.stickState.get(p) || new D(0);
s(Dn, "getGamepadStick");
function it() {
return [...e.charInputted];
s(it, "charInputted");
function Se() {
return [...e.gamepads];
s(Se, "getGamepads");
function Gt() {
e.keyState.down.forEach((p) => e.events.trigger("keyDown", p)),
e.mouseState.down.forEach((p) => e.events.trigger("mouseDown", p)),
s(Gt, "processInput");
function Gn() {
e.mergedGamepadState.stickState.forEach((p, V) => {
e.mergedGamepadState.stickState.set(V, new D(0));
(e.charInputted = []),
(e.isMouseMoved = !1),
e.gamepadStates.forEach((p) => {
p.stickState.forEach((V, j) => {
p.stickState.set(j, new D(0));
s(Gn, "resetInput");
function Tt(p) {
let V = {
index: p.index,
isPressed: (j) =>
isDown: (j) => e.gamepadStates.get(p.index).buttonState.down.has(j),
isReleased: (j) =>
getStick: (j) => e.gamepadStates.get(p.index).stickState.get(j),
return (
e.gamepadStates.set(p.index, {
buttonState: new Ut(),
stickState: new Map([
["left", new D(0)],
["right", new D(0)],
s(Tt, "registerGamepad");
function Bn(p) {
(e.gamepads = e.gamepads.filter((V) => V.index !== p.index)),
s(Bn, "removeGamepad");
function Fn() {
for (let p of navigator.getGamepads())
p && !e.gamepadStates.has(p.index) && Tt(p);
for (let p of e.gamepads) {
let V = navigator.getGamepads()[p.index],
J = (t.gamepads ?? {})[V.id] ?? dr[V.id] ?? dr.default,
xe = e.gamepadStates.get(p.index);
for (let le = 0; le < V.buttons.length; le++)
? (xe.buttonState.down.has(J.buttons[le]) ||
e.events.trigger("gamepadButtonPress", J.buttons[le])),
e.events.trigger("gamepadButtonDown", J.buttons[le]))
: xe.buttonState.down.has(J.buttons[le]) &&
e.events.trigger("gamepadButtonRelease", J.buttons[le]));
for (let le in J.sticks) {
let Ke = J.sticks[le],
at = new D(V.axes[Ke.x], V.axes[Ke.y]);
xe.stickState.set(le, at),
e.mergedGamepadState.stickState.set(le, at),
e.events.trigger("gamepadStick", le, at);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(Fn, "processGamepad");
let te = {},
We = {},
je = {},
Ue = t.pixelDensity || window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
te.mousemove = (p) => {
let V = new D(p.offsetX, p.offsetY),
j = new D(p.movementX, p.movementY);
if ($()) {
let J = e.canvas.width / Ue,
xe = e.canvas.height / Ue,
le = window.innerWidth,
Ke = window.innerHeight,
at = le / Ke,
In = J / xe;
if (at > In) {
let $e = Ke / xe,
pt = (le - J * $e) / 2;
(V.x = et(p.offsetX - pt, 0, J * $e, 0, J)),
(V.y = et(p.offsetY, 0, xe * $e, 0, xe));
} else {
let $e = le / J,
pt = (Ke - xe * $e) / 2;
(V.x = et(p.offsetX, 0, J * $e, 0, J)),
(V.y = et(p.offsetY - pt, 0, xe * $e, 0, xe));
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
e.events.onOnce("input", () => {
(e.isMouseMoved = !0),
(e.mousePos = V),
(e.mouseDeltaPos = j),
let Oe = ["left", "middle", "right", "back", "forward"];
(te.mousedown = (p) => {
e.events.onOnce("input", () => {
let V = Oe[p.button];
V && (e.mouseState.press(V), e.events.trigger("mousePress", V));
(te.mouseup = (p) => {
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
e.events.onOnce("input", () => {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let V = Oe[p.button];
V && (e.mouseState.release(V), e.events.trigger("mouseRelease", V));
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let ht = new Set([
" ",
Et = {
ArrowLeft: "left",
ArrowRight: "right",
ArrowUp: "up",
ArrowDown: "down",
" ": "space",
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(te.keydown = (p) => {
ht.has(p.key) && p.preventDefault(),
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
e.events.onOnce("input", () => {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let V = Et[p.key] || p.key.toLowerCase();
V.length === 1
? (e.events.trigger("charInput", V), e.charInputted.push(V))
: V === "space" &&
(e.events.trigger("charInput", " "), e.charInputted.push(" ")),
? (e.keyState.pressRepeat(V),
e.events.trigger("keyPressRepeat", V))
: (e.keyState.press(V),
e.events.trigger("keyPressRepeat", V),
e.events.trigger("keyPress", V));
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(te.keyup = (p) => {
e.events.onOnce("input", () => {
let V = Et[p.key] || p.key.toLowerCase();
e.keyState.release(V), e.events.trigger("keyRelease", V);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(te.touchstart = (p) => {
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
e.events.onOnce("input", () => {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let V = [...p.changedTouches],
j = e.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
t.touchToMouse !== !1 &&
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
((e.mousePos = new D(V[0].clientX - j.x, V[0].clientY - j.y)),
e.events.trigger("mousePress", "left")),
V.forEach((J) => {
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
new D(J.clientX - j.x, J.clientY - j.y),
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(te.touchmove = (p) => {
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
e.events.onOnce("input", () => {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let V = [...p.changedTouches],
j = e.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
if (t.touchToMouse !== !1) {
let J = e.mousePos;
(e.mousePos = new D(V[0].clientX - j.x, V[0].clientY - j.y)),
(e.mouseDeltaPos = e.mousePos.sub(J)),
V.forEach((J) => {
new D(J.clientX - j.x, J.clientY - j.y),
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(te.touchend = (p) => {
e.events.onOnce("input", () => {
let V = [...p.changedTouches],
j = e.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
t.touchToMouse !== !1 &&
((e.mousePos = new D(V[0].clientX - j.x, V[0].clientY - j.y)),
(e.mouseDeltaPos = new D(0, 0)),
e.events.trigger("mouseRelease", "left")),
V.forEach((J) => {
new D(J.clientX - j.x, J.clientY - j.y),
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(te.touchcancel = (p) => {
e.events.onOnce("input", () => {
let V = [...p.changedTouches],
j = e.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
t.touchToMouse !== !1 &&
((e.mousePos = new D(V[0].clientX - j.x, V[0].clientY - j.y)),
e.events.trigger("mouseRelease", "left")),
V.forEach((J) => {
new D(J.clientX - j.x, J.clientY - j.y),
(te.wheel = (p) => {
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
e.events.onOnce("input", () => {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
e.events.trigger("scroll", new D(p.deltaX, p.deltaY));
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(te.contextmenu = (p) => p.preventDefault()),
(We.visibilitychange = () => {
document.visibilityState === "visible"
? ((e.skipTime = !0), (e.isHidden = !1), e.events.trigger("show"))
: ((e.isHidden = !0), e.events.trigger("hide"));
(je.gamepadconnected = (p) => {
let V = Tt(p.gamepad);
e.events.onOnce("input", () => {
e.events.trigger("gamepadConnect", V);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(je.gamepaddisconnected = (p) => {
let V = Se().filter((j) => j.index === p.gamepad.index)[0];
e.events.onOnce("input", () => {
e.events.trigger("gamepadDisconnect", V);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
for (let p in te) e.canvas.addEventListener(p, te[p]);
for (let p in We) document.addEventListener(p, We[p]);
for (let p in je) window.addEventListener(p, je[p]);
let tn = new ResizeObserver((p) => {
for (let V of p)
if (V.target === e.canvas) {
if (
e.lastWidth === e.canvas.offsetWidth &&
e.lastHeight === e.canvas.offsetHeight
(e.lastWidth = e.canvas.offsetWidth),
(e.lastHeight = e.canvas.offsetHeight),
e.events.onOnce("input", () => {
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return (
dt: n,
time: a,
run: L,
canvas: e.canvas,
fps: u,
numFrames: l,
quit: X,
isHidden: o,
setFullscreen: _,
isFullscreen: $,
setCursor: v,
screenshot: f,
getGamepads: Se,
getCursor: m,
setCursorLocked: P,
isCursorLocked: b,
isTouchscreen: Q,
mousePos: O,
mouseDeltaPos: oe,
isKeyDown: ve,
isKeyPressed: pe,
isKeyPressedRepeat: Ce,
isKeyReleased: Ie,
isMouseDown: ie,
isMousePressed: H,
isMouseReleased: se,
isMouseMoved: ae,
isGamepadButtonPressed: Le,
isGamepadButtonDown: Te,
isGamepadButtonReleased: Ne,
getGamepadStick: Dn,
charInputted: it,
onResize: _e,
onKeyDown: He,
onKeyPress: dt,
onKeyPressRepeat: Ee,
onKeyRelease: Re,
onMouseDown: ze,
onMousePress: ot,
onMouseRelease: st,
onMouseMove: Ct,
onCharInput: Xt,
onTouchStart: $t,
onTouchMove: An,
onTouchEnd: Qt,
onScroll: Vn,
onHide: Rn,
onShow: Jt,
onGamepadButtonDown: Un,
onGamepadButtonPress: Pn,
onGamepadButtonRelease: Zt,
onGamepadStick: en,
onGamepadConnect: Mn,
onGamepadDisconnect: Dt,
events: e.events,
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
}, "default");
var qe = class t {
static {
s(this, "Texture");
src = null;
constructor(e, n, o, a = {}) {
this.ctx = e;
let u = e.gl;
(this.glTex = e.gl.createTexture()),
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
e.onDestroy(() => this.free()),
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(this.width = n),
(this.height = o);
let l =
{ linear: u.LINEAR, nearest: u.NEAREST }[
a.filter ?? e.opts.texFilter
] ?? u.NEAREST,
f =
{ repeat: u.REPEAT, clampToEadge: u.CLAMP_TO_EDGE }[a.wrap] ??
n &&
o &&
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
u.texParameteri(u.TEXTURE_2D, u.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, l),
u.texParameteri(u.TEXTURE_2D, u.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, l),
u.texParameteri(u.TEXTURE_2D, u.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, f),
u.texParameteri(u.TEXTURE_2D, u.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, f),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
static fromImage(e, n, o = {}) {
let a = new t(e, n.width, n.height, o);
return a.update(n), (a.src = n), a;
update(e, n = 0, o = 0) {
let a = this.ctx.gl;
a.texSubImage2D(a.TEXTURE_2D, 0, n, o, a.RGBA, a.UNSIGNED_BYTE, e),
bind() {
unbind() {
free() {
yt = class {
static {
s(this, "FrameBuffer");
constructor(e, n, o, a = {}) {
this.ctx = e;
let u = e.gl;
e.onDestroy(() => this.free()),
(this.tex = new qe(e, n, o, a)),
(this.glFramebuffer = u.createFramebuffer()),
(this.glRenderbuffer = u.createRenderbuffer()),
u.renderbufferStorage(u.RENDERBUFFER, u.DEPTH_STENCIL, n, o),
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
get width() {
return this.tex.width;
get height() {
return this.tex.height;
toImageData() {
let e = this.ctx.gl,
n = new Uint8ClampedArray(this.width * this.height * 4);
e.readPixels(0, 0, this.width, this.height, e.RGBA, e.UNSIGNED_BYTE, n),
let o = this.width * 4,
a = new Uint8Array(o);
for (let u = 0; u < ((this.height / 2) | 0); u++) {
let l = u * o,
f = (this.height - u - 1) * o;
a.set(n.subarray(l, l + o)), n.copyWithin(l, f, f + o), n.set(a, f);
return new ImageData(n, this.width, this.height);
toDataURL() {
let e = document.createElement("canvas"),
n = e.getContext("2d");
return (
(e.width = this.width),
(e.height = this.height),
n.putImageData(this.toImageData(), 0, 0),
clear() {
let e = this.ctx.gl;
draw(e) {
this.bind(), e(), this.unbind();
bind() {
this.ctx.pushViewport({ x: 0, y: 0, w: this.width, h: this.height });
unbind() {
free() {
let e = this.ctx.gl;
hn = class {
static {
s(this, "Shader");
constructor(e, n, o, a) {
(this.ctx = e), e.onDestroy(() => this.free());
let u = e.gl,
l = u.createShader(u.VERTEX_SHADER),
f = u.createShader(u.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
u.shaderSource(l, n),
u.shaderSource(f, o),
let v = u.createProgram();
if (
((this.glProgram = v),
u.attachShader(v, l),
u.attachShader(v, f),
a.forEach((m, P) => u.bindAttribLocation(v, P, m)),
!u.getProgramParameter(v, u.LINK_STATUS))
) {
let m = u.getShaderInfoLog(l);
if (m) throw new Error("VERTEX SHADER " + m);
let P = u.getShaderInfoLog(f);
if (P) throw new Error("FRAGMENT SHADER " + P);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
u.deleteShader(l), u.deleteShader(f);
bind() {
unbind() {
send(e) {
let n = this.ctx.gl;
for (let o in e) {
let a = e[o],
u = n.getUniformLocation(this.glProgram, o);
if (typeof a == "number") n.uniform1f(u, a);
else if (a instanceof De)
n.uniformMatrix4fv(u, !1, new Float32Array(a.m));
else if (a instanceof re) n.uniform3f(u, a.r, a.g, a.b);
else if (a instanceof D) n.uniform2f(u, a.x, a.y);
else if (Array.isArray(a)) {
let l = a[0];
typeof l == "number"
? n.uniform1fv(u, a)
: l instanceof D
? n.uniform2fv(u, a.map((f) => [f.x, f.y]).flat())
: l instanceof re &&
n.uniform3fv(u, a.map((f) => [f.r, f.g, f.b]).flat());
} else throw new Error("Unsupported uniform data type");
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
free() {
pn = class {
static {
s(this, "BatchRenderer");
vqueue = [];
iqueue = [];
numDraws = 0;
curPrimitive = null;
curTex = null;
curShader = null;
curUniform = {};
constructor(e, n, o, a) {
let u = e.gl;
(this.vertexFormat = n),
(this.ctx = e),
(this.stride = n.reduce((l, f) => l + f.size, 0)),
(this.maxVertices = o),
(this.maxIndices = a),
(this.glVBuf = u.createBuffer()),
u.bufferData(u.ARRAY_BUFFER, o * 4, u.DYNAMIC_DRAW),
(this.glIBuf = u.createBuffer()),
u.bufferData(u.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, a * 4, u.DYNAMIC_DRAW),
push(e, n, o, a, u = null, l = {}) {
(e !== this.curPrimitive ||
u !== this.curTex ||
a !== this.curShader ||
!mn(this.curUniform, l) ||
this.vqueue.length + n.length * this.stride > this.maxVertices ||
this.iqueue.length + o.length > this.maxIndices) &&
let f = this.vqueue.length / this.stride;
for (let v of n) this.vqueue.push(v);
for (let v of o) this.iqueue.push(v + f);
(this.curPrimitive = e),
(this.curShader = a),
(this.curTex = u),
(this.curUniform = l);
flush() {
if (
!this.curPrimitive ||
!this.curShader ||
this.vqueue.length === 0 ||
this.iqueue.length === 0
let e = this.ctx.gl;
e.bufferSubData(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, new Float32Array(this.vqueue)),
new Uint16Array(this.iqueue)
(this.vqueue = []),
(this.iqueue = []),
free() {
let e = this.ctx.gl;
e.deleteBuffer(this.glVBuf), e.deleteBuffer(this.glIBuf);
function xt(t) {
let e = [],
n = s((u) => {
e.push(u), t(u);
}, "push"),
o = s(() => {
e.pop(), t(a() ?? null);
}, "pop"),
a = s(() => e[e.length - 1], "cur");
return [n, o, a];
s(xt, "genStack");
function fr(t, e = {}) {
let n = [];
function o(H) {
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(o, "onDestroy");
function a() {
n.forEach((H) => H()), t.getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context").loseContext();
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(a, "destroy");
let u = null;
function l(H) {
if (mn(H, u)) return;
u = H;
let ie = H.reduce((se, ae) => se + ae.size, 0);
(se, ae, pe) => (
t.vertexAttribPointer(pe, ae.size, t.FLOAT, !1, ie * 4, se),
se + ae.size * 4
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(l, "setVertexFormat");
let [f, v] = xt((H) => t.bindTexture(t.TEXTURE_2D, H)),
[m, P] = xt((H) => t.bindBuffer(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, H)),
[b, M] = xt((H) => t.bindBuffer(t.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, H)),
[w, _] = xt((H) => t.bindFramebuffer(t.FRAMEBUFFER, H)),
[$, X] = xt((H) => t.bindRenderbuffer(t.RENDERBUFFER, H)),
[L, Q] = xt(({ x: H, y: ie, w: se, h: ae }) => {
t.viewport(H, ie, se, ae);
[O, oe] = xt((H) => t.useProgram(H));
return (
L({ x: 0, y: 0, w: t.drawingBufferWidth, h: t.drawingBufferHeight }),
gl: t,
opts: e,
onDestroy: o,
destroy: a,
pushTexture2D: f,
popTexture2D: v,
pushArrayBuffer: m,
popArrayBuffer: P,
pushElementArrayBuffer: b,
popElementArrayBuffer: M,
pushFramebuffer: w,
popFramebuffer: _,
pushRenderbuffer: $,
popRenderbuffer: X,
pushViewport: L,
popViewport: Q,
pushProgram: O,
popProgram: oe,
setVertexFormat: l,
s(fr, "initGfx");
var Ve = class t {
static {
s(this, "Asset");
loaded = !1;
data = null;
error = null;
onLoadEvents = new we();
onErrorEvents = new we();
onFinishEvents = new we();
constructor(e) {
e.then((n) => {
(this.loaded = !0), (this.data = n), this.onLoadEvents.trigger(n);
.catch((n) => {
if (((this.error = n), this.onErrorEvents.numListeners() > 0))
else throw n;
.finally(() => {
this.onFinishEvents.trigger(), (this.loaded = !0);
static loaded(e) {
let n = new t(Promise.resolve(e));
return (n.data = e), (n.loaded = !0), n;
onLoad(e) {
return (
this.loaded && this.data ? e(this.data) : this.onLoadEvents.add(e), this
onError(e) {
return (
this.loaded && this.error ? e(this.error) : this.onErrorEvents.add(e),
onFinish(e) {
return this.loaded ? e() : this.onFinishEvents.add(e), this;
then(e) {
return this.onLoad(e);
catch(e) {
return this.onError(e);
finally(e) {
return this.onFinish(e);
rt = class {
static {
s(this, "AssetBucket");
assets = new Map();
lastUID = 0;
add(e, n) {
let o = e ?? this.lastUID++ + "",
a = new Ve(n);
return this.assets.set(o, a), a;
addLoaded(e, n) {
let o = e ?? this.lastUID++ + "",
a = Ve.loaded(n);
return this.assets.set(o, a), a;
get(e) {
return this.assets.get(e);
progress() {
if (this.assets.size === 0) return 1;
let e = 0;
return (
this.assets.forEach((n) => {
n.loaded && e++;
e / this.assets.size
function gr(t) {
return fetch(t).then((e) => {
if (!e.ok) throw new Error(`Failed to fetch "${t}"`);
return e;
s(gr, "fetchURL");
function Ht(t) {
return gr(t).then((e) => e.json());
s(Ht, "fetchJSON");
function So(t) {
return gr(t).then((e) => e.text());
s(So, "fetchText");
function Oo(t) {
return gr(t).then((e) => e.arrayBuffer());
s(Oo, "fetchArrayBuffer");
function Kt(t) {
let e = new Image();
return (
(e.crossOrigin = "anonymous"),
(e.src = t),
new Promise((n, o) => {
(e.onload = () => n(e)),
(e.onerror = () => o(new Error(`Failed to load image from "${t}"`)));
s(Kt, "loadImg");
var br =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~",
Pt = "topleft";
var Ao = "monospace",
qt = "monospace";
var fn = "linear";
var gn = [
{ name: "a_pos", size: 2 },
{ name: "a_uv", size: 2 },
{ name: "a_color", size: 4 },
aa = gn.reduce((t, e) => t + e.size, 0),
Vo = 2048,
Ro = Vo * 4 * aa,
Uo = Vo * 6,
Po = `
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
attribute vec2 a_pos;
attribute vec2 a_uv;
attribute vec4 a_color;
varying vec2 v_pos;
varying vec2 v_uv;
varying vec4 v_color;
vec4 def_vert() {
return vec4(a_pos, 0.0, 1.0);
void main() {
vec4 pos = vert(a_pos, a_uv, a_color);
v_pos = a_pos;
v_uv = a_uv;
v_color = a_color;
gl_Position = pos;
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
Mo = `
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
precision mediump float;
varying vec2 v_pos;
varying vec2 v_uv;
varying vec4 v_color;
uniform sampler2D u_tex;
vec4 def_frag() {
return v_color * texture2D(u_tex, v_uv);
void main() {
gl_FragColor = frag(v_pos, v_uv, v_color, u_tex);
if (gl_FragColor.a == 0.0) {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
bn = `
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
vec4 vert(vec2 pos, vec2 uv, vec4 color) {
return def_vert();
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
vn = `
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
vec4 frag(vec2 pos, vec2 uv, vec4 color, sampler2D tex) {
return def_frag();
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
Do = new Set(["id", "require"]),
Go = new Set(["add", "update", "draw", "destroy", "inspect", "drawInspect"]),
vr = /\[(?<style>\w+)\](?<text>.*?)\[\/\k<style>\]/g,
Bo = 200,
Fo = 640,
Io = 65536;
var xn = 2.5949095,
Lo = 1.70158 + 1,
jo = (2 * Math.PI) / 3,
ko = (2 * Math.PI) / 4.5,
yn = {
linear: (t) => t,
easeInSine: (t) => 1 - Math.cos((t * Math.PI) / 2),
easeOutSine: (t) => Math.sin((t * Math.PI) / 2),
easeInOutSine: (t) => -(Math.cos(Math.PI * t) - 1) / 2,
easeInQuad: (t) => t * t,
easeOutQuad: (t) => 1 - (1 - t) * (1 - t),
easeInOutQuad: (t) =>
t < 0.5 ? 2 * t * t : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * t + 2, 2) / 2,
easeInCubic: (t) => t * t * t,
easeOutCubic: (t) => 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, 3),
easeInOutCubic: (t) =>
t < 0.5 ? 4 * t * t * t : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * t + 2, 3) / 2,
easeInQuart: (t) => t * t * t * t,
easeOutQuart: (t) => 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, 4),
easeInOutQuart: (t) =>
t < 0.5 ? 8 * t * t * t * t : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * t + 2, 4) / 2,
easeInQuint: (t) => t * t * t * t * t,
easeOutQuint: (t) => 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, 5),
easeInOutQuint: (t) =>
t < 0.5 ? 16 * t * t * t * t * t : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * t + 2, 5) / 2,
easeInExpo: (t) => (t === 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * t - 10)),
easeOutExpo: (t) => (t === 1 ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t)),
easeInOutExpo: (t) =>
t === 0
? 0
: t === 1
? 1
: t < 0.5
? Math.pow(2, 20 * t - 10) / 2
: (2 - Math.pow(2, -20 * t + 10)) / 2,
easeInCirc: (t) => 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(t, 2)),
easeOutCirc: (t) => Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(t - 1, 2)),
easeInOutCirc: (t) =>
t < 0.5
? (1 - Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(2 * t, 2))) / 2
: (Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(-2 * t + 2, 2)) + 1) / 2,
easeInBack: (t) => Lo * t * t * t - 1.70158 * t * t,
easeOutBack: (t) =>
1 + Lo * Math.pow(t - 1, 3) + 1.70158 * Math.pow(t - 1, 2),
easeInOutBack: (t) =>
t < 0.5
? (Math.pow(2 * t, 2) * ((xn + 1) * 2 * t - xn)) / 2
: (Math.pow(2 * t - 2, 2) * ((xn + 1) * (t * 2 - 2) + xn) + 2) / 2,
easeInElastic: (t) =>
t === 0
? 0
: t === 1
? 1
: -Math.pow(2, 10 * t - 10) * Math.sin((t * 10 - 10.75) * jo),
easeOutElastic: (t) =>
t === 0
? 0
: t === 1
? 1
: Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * 10 - 0.75) * jo) + 1,
easeInOutElastic: (t) =>
t === 0
? 0
: t === 1
? 1
: t < 0.5
? -(Math.pow(2, 20 * t - 10) * Math.sin((20 * t - 11.125) * ko)) / 2
: (Math.pow(2, -20 * t + 10) * Math.sin((20 * t - 11.125) * ko)) / 2 +
easeInBounce: (t) => 1 - yn.easeOutBounce(1 - t),
easeOutBounce: (t) =>
t < 1 / 2.75
? 7.5625 * t * t
: t < 2 / 2.75
? 7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + 0.75
: t < 2.5 / 2.75
? 7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + 0.9375
: 7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + 0.984375,
easeInOutBounce: (t) =>
t < 0.5
? (1 - yn.easeOutBounce(1 - 2 * t)) / 2
: (1 + yn.easeOutBounce(2 * t - 1)) / 2,
Mt = yn;
var zt = class {
static {
s(this, "TexPacker");
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
textures = [];
bigTextures = [];
x = 0;
y = 0;
curHeight = 0;
constructor(e, n, o) {
(this.gfx = e),
(this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas")),
(this.canvas.width = n),
(this.canvas.height = o),
(this.textures = [qe.fromImage(e, this.canvas)]),
(this.bigTextures = []),
(this.c2d = this.canvas.getContext("2d"));
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
add(e) {
if (e.width > this.canvas.width || e.height > this.canvas.height) {
let a = qe.fromImage(this.gfx, e);
return this.bigTextures.push(a), [a, new he(0, 0, 1, 1)];
this.x + e.width > this.canvas.width &&
((this.x = 0), (this.y += this.curHeight), (this.curHeight = 0)),
this.y + e.height > this.canvas.height &&
(this.c2d.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height),
this.textures.push(qe.fromImage(this.gfx, this.canvas)),
(this.x = 0),
(this.y = 0),
(this.curHeight = 0));
let n = this.textures[this.textures.length - 1],
o = new D(this.x, this.y);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
return (
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(this.x += e.width),
e.height > this.curHeight && (this.curHeight = e.height),
e instanceof ImageData
? this.c2d.putImageData(e, o.x, o.y)
: this.c2d.drawImage(e, o.x, o.y),
new he(
o.x / this.canvas.width,
o.y / this.canvas.height,
e.width / this.canvas.width,
e.height / this.canvas.height
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
free() {
for (let e of this.textures) e.free();
for (let e of this.bigTextures) e.free();
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
function ca(t) {
return {
color: t.color,
opacity: t.opacity,
anchor: t.anchor,
outline: t.outline,
shader: t.shader,
uniform: t.uniform,
s(ca, "getRenderProps");
function No(t, e = {}) {
let n = ne(this);
return {
id: "circle",
radius: t,
draw() {
Object.assign(ca(this), { radius: this.radius, fill: e.fill })
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
renderArea() {
return new me(
new D(this.anchor ? 0 : -this.radius),
this.radius * 2,
this.radius * 2
inspect() {
return `${Math.ceil(this.radius)}`;
s(No, "circle");
function _o(t) {
return {
add() {
this.canvas = t;
s(_o, "drawon");
function Ho(t = 1) {
let e = ne(this),
o = 0,
a = !1;
return {
require: ["opacity"],
add() {
(n = this.opacity), (this.opacity = 0);
update() {
a ||
((o += e.dt()),
(this.opacity = e.map(o, 0, t, 0, n)),
o >= t && ((this.opacity = n), (a = !0)));
s(Ho, "fadeIn");
function Ko(t = "intersect") {
return { id: "mask", mask: t };
s(Ko, "mask");
function qo(t) {
let e = ne(this),
n = fe(e);
return {
id: "opacity",
opacity: t ?? 1,
inspect() {
return `${n.toFixed(this.opacity, 1)}`;
fadeIn(o = 1, a = e.easings.linear) {
return e.tween(0, this.opacity, o, (u) => (this.opacity = u), a);
fadeOut(o = 1, a = e.easings.linear) {
return e.tween(this.opacity, 0, o, (u) => (this.opacity = u), a);
s(qo, "opacity");
function zo(t = 1, e = ce(0, 0, 0), n = 1, o = "miter", a = 10, u = "butt") {
return {
id: "outline",
outline: { width: t, color: e, opacity: n, join: o, miterLimit: a, cap: u },
inspect() {
return `${this.outline.width}, ${this.outline.color}`;
s(zo, "outline");
function Wo(t, e = {}) {
let n = ne(this),
o = fe(n);
if (t.length < 3)
throw new Error(
`Polygon's need more than two points, ${t.length} points provided`
return {
id: "polygon",
pts: t,
colors: e.colors,
uv: e.uv,
tex: e.tex,
radius: e.radius,
draw() {
Object.assign(o.getRenderProps(this), {
pts: this.pts,
colors: this.colors,
uv: this.uv,
tex: this.tex,
radius: this.radius,
fill: e.fill,
renderArea() {
return new Ae(this.pts);
inspect() {
return this.pts.map((a) => `[${a.x},${a.y}]`).join(",");
s(Wo, "polygon");
function Yo(t, e, n) {
let o = ne(this),
return (
o.get("area").forEach((l) => {
if (n && n.some((m) => l.is(m))) return;
let v = l.worldArea().raycast(t, e);
v &&
? v.fraction < a.fraction && ((a = v), (a.object = l))
: ((a = v), (a.object = l)));
s(Yo, "raycast");
function Xo(t, e, n = {}) {
let o = ne(this),
a = fe(o);
return {
id: "rect",
width: t,
height: e,
radius: n.radius || 0,
draw() {
Object.assign(a.getRenderProps(this), {
width: this.width,
height: this.height,
radius: this.radius,
fill: n.fill,
renderArea() {
return new me(T(0), this.width, this.height);
inspect() {
return `${Math.ceil(this.width)}, ${Math.ceil(this.height)}`;
s(Xo, "rect");
function $o(t, e) {
return {
id: "shader",
shader: t,
...(typeof e == "function"
? {
uniform: e(),
update() {
this.uniform = e();
: { uniform: e }),
inspect() {
return `shader: ${t}`;
s($o, "shader");
function wn(t, e = {}) {
let n = ne(this),
o = fe(n),
a = null,
u = null,
l = null,
f = new we();
if (!t) throw new Error("Please pass the resource name or data to sprite()");
let v = s((m, P, b, M) => {
let w = T(1, 1);
return (
b && M
? ((w.x = b / (m.width * P.w)), (w.y = M / (m.height * P.h)))
: b
? ((w.x = b / (m.width * P.w)), (w.y = w.x))
: M && ((w.y = M / (m.height * P.h)), (w.x = w.y)),
}, "calcTexScale");
return {
id: "sprite",
width: 0,
height: 0,
frame: e.frame || 0,
quad: e.quad || new he(0, 0, 1, 1),
animSpeed: e.animSpeed ?? 1,
flipX: e.flipX ?? !1,
flipY: e.flipY ?? !1,
draw() {
if (!a) return;
let m = a.frames[this.frame ?? 0];
if (!m) throw new Error(`Frame not found: ${this.frame ?? 0}`);
if (a.slice9) {
let { left: P, right: b, top: M, bottom: w } = a.slice9,
_ = a.tex.width * m.w,
$ = a.tex.height * m.h,
X = this.width - P - b,
L = this.height - M - w,
Q = P / _,
O = b / _,
oe = 1 - Q - O,
H = M / $,
ie = w / $,
se = 1 - H - ie,
ae = [
ge(0, 0, Q, H),
ge(Q, 0, oe, H),
ge(Q + oe, 0, O, H),
ge(0, H, Q, se),
ge(Q, H, oe, se),
ge(Q + oe, H, O, se),
ge(0, H + se, Q, ie),
ge(Q, H + se, oe, ie),
ge(Q + oe, H + se, O, ie),
ge(0, 0, P, M),
ge(P, 0, X, M),
ge(P + X, 0, b, M),
ge(0, M, P, L),
ge(P, M, X, L),
ge(P + X, M, b, L),
ge(0, M + L, P, w),
ge(P, M + L, X, w),
ge(P + X, M + L, b, w),
for (let pe = 0; pe < 9; pe++) {
let Ce = ae[pe],
ve = ae[pe + 9];
Object.assign(o.getRenderProps(this), {
pos: ve.pos(),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
tex: a.tex,
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
quad: m.scale(Ce),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
flipX: this.flipX,
flipY: this.flipY,
tiled: e.tiled,
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
width: ve.w,
height: ve.h,
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
} else
Object.assign(o.getRenderProps(this), {
tex: a.tex,
quad: m.scale(this.quad ?? new he(0, 0, 1, 1)),
flipX: this.flipX,
flipY: this.flipY,
tiled: e.tiled,
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
width: this.width,
height: this.height,
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
add() {
let m = s((b) => {
let M = b.frames[0].clone();
e.quad && (M = M.scale(e.quad));
let w = v(b.tex, M, e.width, e.height);
(this.width = b.tex.width * M.w * w.x),
(this.height = b.tex.height * M.h * w.y),
e.anim && this.play(e.anim),
(a = b),
}, "setSpriteData"),
P = o.resolveSprite(t);
P ? P.onLoad(m) : n.onLoad(() => m(o.resolveSprite(t).data));
update() {
if (!u) return;
let m = a.anims[u.name];
if (typeof m == "number") {
this.frame = m;
if (m.speed === 0) throw new Error("Sprite anim speed cannot be 0");
(u.timer += n.dt() * this.animSpeed),
u.timer >= 1 / u.speed &&
((u.timer = 0),
(this.frame += l),
(this.frame < Math.min(m.from, m.to) ||
this.frame > Math.max(m.from, m.to)) &&
? u.pingpong
? ((this.frame -= l), (l *= -1), (this.frame += l))
: (this.frame = m.from)
: u.pingpong
? l === Math.sign(m.to - m.from)
? ((this.frame = m.to), (l *= -1), (this.frame += l))
: ((this.frame = m.from), u.onEnd(), this.stop())
: ((this.frame = m.to), u.onEnd(), this.stop())));
play(m, P = {}) {
if (!a) {
f.add(() => this.play(m, P));
let b = a.anims[m];
if (b === void 0) throw new Error(`Anim not found: ${m}`);
u && this.stop(),
(u =
typeof b == "number"
? {
name: m,
timer: 0,
loop: !1,
pingpong: !1,
speed: 0,
onEnd: () => {},
: {
name: m,
timer: 0,
loop: P.loop ?? b.loop ?? !1,
pingpong: P.pingpong ?? b.pingpong ?? !1,
speed: P.speed ?? b.speed ?? 10,
onEnd: P.onEnd ?? (() => {}),
(l = typeof b == "number" ? null : b.from < b.to ? 1 : -1),
(this.frame = typeof b == "number" ? b : b.from),
this.trigger("animStart", m);
stop() {
if (!u) return;
let m = u.name;
(u = null), this.trigger("animEnd", m);
numFrames() {
return a?.frames.length ?? 0;
getCurAnim() {
return u;
curAnim() {
return u?.name;
onAnimEnd(m) {
return this.on("animEnd", m);
onAnimStart(m) {
return this.on("animStart", m);
renderArea() {
return new n.Rect(T(0), this.width, this.height);
inspect() {
if (typeof t == "string") return `"${t}"`;
s(wn, "sprite");
function Qo(t, e = {}) {
let n = ne(this),
o = fe(n);
function a(l) {
let f = n.formatText(
Object.assign(o.getRenderProps(l), {
text: l.text + "",
size: l.textSize,
font: l.font,
width: e.width && l.width,
align: l.align,
letterSpacing: l.letterSpacing,
lineSpacing: l.lineSpacing,
transform: l.textTransform,
styles: l.textStyles,
return (
e.width || (l.width = f.width / (l.scale?.x || 1)),
(l.height = f.height / (l.scale?.y || 1)),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(a, "update");
let u = {
id: "text",
set text(l) {
(t = l), a(this);
get text() {
return t;
textSize: e.size ?? 36,
font: e.font,
width: e.width ?? 0,
height: 0,
align: e.align,
lineSpacing: e.lineSpacing,
letterSpacing: e.letterSpacing,
textTransform: e.transform,
textStyles: e.styles,
add() {
n.onLoad(() => a(this));
draw() {
renderArea() {
return new me(T(0), this.width, this.height);
return a(u), u;
s(Qo, "text");
function Jo(t, e) {
let n = ne(this),
o = fe(n);
return {
id: "rect",
width: t,
height: e,
draw() {
Object.assign(o.getRenderProps(this), {
width: this.width,
height: this.height,
renderArea() {
return new me(T(0), this.width, this.height);
inspect() {
return `${Math.ceil(this.width)}, ${Math.ceil(this.height)}`;
s(Jo, "uvquad");
function Zo(t = {}) {
let e = null,
n = null,
o = null,
a = null;
return {
id: "agent",
require: ["pos", "tile"],
agentSpeed: t.speed ?? 100,
allowDiagonals: t.allowDiagonals ?? !0,
getDistanceToTarget() {
return e ? this.pos.dist(e) : 0;
getNextLocation() {
return n && o ? n[o] : null;
getPath() {
return n ? n.slice() : null;
getTarget() {
return e;
isNavigationFinished() {
return n ? o === null : !0;
isTargetReachable() {
return n !== null;
isTargetReached() {
return e ? this.pos.eq(e) : !0;
setTarget(u) {
(e = u),
(n = this.getLevel().getPath(this.pos, e, {
allowDiagonals: this.allowDiagonals,
(o = n ? 0 : null),
? (a ||
((a = this.getLevel().onNavigationMapChanged(() => {
n &&
o !== null &&
((n = this.getLevel().getPath(this.pos, e, {
allowDiagonals: this.allowDiagonals,
(o = n ? 0 : null),
? this.trigger("navigation-next", this, n[o])
: this.trigger("navigation-ended", this));
this.onDestroy(() => a.cancel())),
this.trigger("navigation-started", this),
this.trigger("navigation-next", this, n[o]))
: this.trigger("navigation-ended", this);
update() {
if (n && o !== null) {
if (this.pos.sdist(n[o]) < 2)
if (o === n.length - 1) {
(this.pos = e.clone()),
(o = null),
this.trigger("navigation-ended", this),
this.trigger("target-reached", this);
} else o++, this.trigger("navigation-next", this, n[o]);
this.moveTo(n[o], this.agentSpeed);
onNavigationStarted(u) {
return this.on("navigation-started", u);
onNavigationNext(u) {
return this.on("navigation-next", u);
onNavigationEnded(u) {
return this.on("navigation-ended", u);
onTargetReached(u) {
return this.on("target-reached", u);
inspect() {
return JSON.stringify({
target: JSON.stringify(e),
path: JSON.stringify(n),
s(Zo, "agent");
function xr(t = {}) {
let e = T(0),
n = t.isObstacle ?? !1,
o = t.cost ?? 0,
a = t.edges ?? [],
u = s(() => {
let f = { left: 1, top: 2, right: 4, bottom: 8 };
return a.map((v) => f[v] || 0).reduce((v, m) => v | m, 0);
}, "getEdgeMask"),
l = u();
return {
id: "tile",
tilePosOffset: t.offset ?? T(0),
set tilePos(f) {
let v = this.getLevel();
(e = f.clone()),
(this.pos = T(
this.tilePos.x * v.tileWidth(),
this.tilePos.y * v.tileHeight()
get tilePos() {
return e;
set isObstacle(f) {
n !== f && ((n = f), this.getLevel().invalidateNavigationMap());
get isObstacle() {
return n;
set cost(f) {
o !== f && ((o = f), this.getLevel().invalidateNavigationMap());
get cost() {
return o;
set edges(f) {
(a = f), (l = u()), this.getLevel().invalidateNavigationMap();
get edges() {
return a;
get edgeMask() {
return l;
getLevel() {
return this.parent;
moveLeft() {
this.tilePos = this.tilePos.add(T(-1, 0));
moveRight() {
this.tilePos = this.tilePos.add(T(1, 0));
moveUp() {
this.tilePos = this.tilePos.add(T(0, -1));
moveDown() {
this.tilePos = this.tilePos.add(T(0, 1));
s(xr, "tile");
function es(t, e) {
if (t == null) throw new Error("health() requires the initial amount of hp");
return {
id: "health",
hurt(n = 1) {
this.setHP(t - n), this.trigger("hurt", n);
heal(n = 1) {
let o = t;
this.setHP(t + n), this.trigger("heal", t - o);
hp() {
return t;
maxHP() {
return e ?? null;
setMaxHP(n) {
e = n;
setHP(n) {
(t = e ? Math.min(e, n) : n), t <= 0 && this.trigger("death");
onHurt(n) {
return this.on("hurt", n);
onHeal(n) {
return this.on("heal", n);
onDeath(n) {
return this.on("death", n);
inspect() {
return `${t}`;
s(es, "health");
function ts(t, e = {}) {
let n = ne(this);
if (t == null) throw new Error("lifespan() requires time");
let o = e.fade ?? 0;
return {
id: "lifespan",
require: ["opacity"],
async add() {
await n.wait(t),
(this.opacity = this.opacity ?? 1),
o > 0 &&
(await n.tween(
(a) => (this.opacity = a),
s(ts, "lifespan");
function ns(t, e, n) {
if (!t) throw new Error("state() requires an initial state");
let o = {};
function a(v) {
o[v] ||
(o[v] = {
enter: new we(),
end: new we(),
update: new we(),
draw: new we(),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(a, "initStateEvents");
function u(v, m, P) {
return a(m), o[m][v].add(P);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(u, "on");
function l(v, m, ...P) {
a(m), o[m][v].trigger(...P);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(l, "trigger");
let f = !1;
return {
id: "state",
state: t,
enterState(v, ...m) {
if (((f = !0), e && !e.includes(v)))
throw new Error(`State not found: ${v}`);
let P = this.state;
if (n) {
if (!n?.[P]) return;
let b = typeof n[P] == "string" ? [n[P]] : n[P];
if (!b.includes(v))
throw new Error(
`Cannot transition state from "${P}" to "${v}". Available transitions: ${b
.map((M) => `"${M}"`)
.join(", ")}`
l("end", P, ...m),
(this.state = v),
l("enter", v, ...m),
l("enter", `${P} -> ${v}`, ...m);
onStateTransition(v, m, P) {
return u("enter", `${v} -> ${m}`, P);
onStateEnter(v, m) {
return u("enter", v, m);
onStateUpdate(v, m) {
return u("update", v, m);
onStateDraw(v, m) {
return u("draw", v, m);
onStateEnd(v, m) {
return u("end", v, m);
update() {
f || (l("enter", t), (f = !0)), l("update", this.state);
draw() {
l("draw", this.state);
inspect() {
return this.state;
s(ns, "state");
function yr(t) {
return { id: "stay", stay: !0, scenesToStay: t };
s(yr, "stay");
function Cn() {
return {
id: "timer",
wait(t, e) {
let n = ne(this),
o = [];
e && o.push(e);
let a = 0,
u = this.onUpdate(() => {
(a += n.dt()), a >= t && (o.forEach((l) => l()), u.cancel());
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return {
get paused() {
return u.paused;
set paused(l) {
u.paused = l;
cancel: u.cancel,
onEnd(l) {
then(l) {
return this.onEnd(l), this;
loop(t, e) {
let n = null,
o = s(() => {
(n = this.wait(t, o)), e();
}, "newAction");
return (
(n = this.wait(0, o)),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
get paused() {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return n.paused;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
set paused(a) {
n.paused = a;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
cancel: () => n.cancel(),
tween(t, e, n, o, a = Mt.linear) {
let u = ne(this),
l = 0,
f = [],
v = this.onUpdate(() => {
l += u.dt();
let m = Math.min(l / n, 1);
o(Je(t, e, a(m))),
m === 1 && (v.cancel(), o(e), f.forEach((P) => P()));
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return {
get paused() {
return v.paused;
set paused(m) {
v.paused = m;
onEnd(m) {
then(m) {
return this.onEnd(m), this;
cancel() {
finish() {
v.cancel(), o(e), f.forEach((m) => m());
s(Cn, "timer");
function rs(t = {}) {
let e = ne(this),
n = fe(e),
{ app: o } = n,
a = {},
u = new Set();
return {
id: "area",
collisionIgnore: t.collisionIgnore ?? [],
add() {
this.area.cursor && this.onHover(() => o.setCursor(this.area.cursor)),
this.onCollideUpdate((l, f) => {
a[l.id] || this.trigger("collide", l, f), (a[l.id] = f), u.add(l.id);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
update() {
for (let l in a)
u.has(Number(l)) ||
(this.trigger("collideEnd", a[l].target), delete a[l]);
drawInspect() {
let l = this.localArea();
let f = {
outline: { width: 4 / n.getViewportScale(), color: ce(0, 0, 255) },
anchor: this.anchor,
fill: !1,
fixed: n.isFixed(this),
l instanceof e.Rect
? e.drawRect({ ...f, pos: l.pos, width: l.width, height: l.height })
: l instanceof e.Polygon
? e.drawPolygon({ ...f, pts: l.pts })
: l instanceof e.Circle &&
e.drawCircle({ ...f, pos: l.center, radius: l.radius }),
area: {
shape: t.shape ?? null,
scale: t.scale ? T(t.scale) : T(1),
offset: t.offset ?? T(0),
cursor: t.cursor ?? null,
isClicked() {
return o.isMousePressed() && this.isHovering();
isHovering() {
let l = n.isFixed(this) ? e.mousePos() : e.toWorld(e.mousePos());
return this.hasPoint(l);
checkCollision(l) {
return a[l.id] ?? null;
getCollisions() {
return Object.values(a);
isColliding(l) {
return !!a[l.id];
isOverlapping(l) {
let f = a[l.id];
return f && f.hasOverlap();
onClick(l, f = "left") {
let v = o.onMousePress(f, () => {
this.isHovering() && l();
return this.onDestroy(() => v.cancel()), v;
onHover(l) {
let f = !1;
return this.onUpdate(() => {
f ? (f = this.isHovering()) : this.isHovering() && ((f = !0), l());
onHoverUpdate(l) {
return this.onUpdate(() => {
this.isHovering() && l();
onHoverEnd(l) {
let f = !1;
return this.onUpdate(() => {
f ? this.isHovering() || ((f = !1), l()) : (f = this.isHovering());
onCollide(l, f) {
if (typeof l == "function" && f === void 0) return this.on("collide", l);
if (typeof l == "string")
return this.onCollide((v, m) => {
v.is(l) && f(v, m);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
onCollideUpdate(l, f) {
if (typeof l == "function" && f === void 0)
return this.on("collideUpdate", l);
if (typeof l == "string")
return this.on("collideUpdate", (v, m) => v.is(l) && f(v, m));
onCollideEnd(l, f) {
if (typeof l == "function" && f === void 0)
return this.on("collideEnd", l);
if (typeof l == "string")
return this.on("collideEnd", (v) => v.is(l) && f(v));
hasPoint(l) {
return mt(this.worldArea(), l);
resolveCollision(l) {
let f = this.checkCollision(l);
f &&
!f.resolved &&
((this.pos = this.pos.add(f.displacement)), (f.resolved = !0));
localArea() {
return this.area.shape ? this.area.shape : this.renderArea();
worldArea() {
let l = this.localArea();
if (!(l instanceof e.Polygon || l instanceof e.Rect))
throw new Error("Only support polygon and rect shapes for now");
let f = this.transform
.scale(T(this.area.scale ?? 1))
if (l instanceof e.Rect) {
let v = wt(this.anchor || Pt)
.add(1, 1)
.scale(l.width, l.height);
return l.transform(f);
screenArea() {
let l = this.worldArea();
return n.isFixed(this) ? l : l.transform(n.game.cam.transform);
inspect() {
return `(${this.area.scale.x.toFixed(1)}, ${this.area.scale.y.toFixed(
s(rs, "area");
function os(t = {}) {
let e = ne(this),
n = fe(e),
o = null,
a = null,
u = !1;
return {
id: "body",
require: ["pos"],
vel: T(0),
drag: t.drag ?? 0,
jumpForce: t.jumpForce ?? Fo,
gravityScale: t.gravityScale ?? 1,
isStatic: t.isStatic ?? !1,
mass: t.mass ?? 1,
add() {
if (this.mass === 0) throw new Error("Can't set body mass to 0");
this.is("area") &&
(this.onCollideUpdate((l, f) => {
if (!l.is("body") || f.resolved) return;
this.trigger("beforePhysicsResolve", f);
let v = f.reverse();
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
if (
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(l.trigger("beforePhysicsResolve", v),
!(f.resolved || v.resolved) && !(this.isStatic && l.isStatic))
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
) {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
if (!this.isStatic && !l.isStatic) {
let m = this.mass + l.mass;
(this.pos = this.pos.add(f.displacement.scale(l.mass / m))),
(l.pos = l.pos.add(f.displacement.scale(-this.mass / m))),
(this.transform = n.calcTransform(this)),
(l.transform = n.calcTransform(l));
} else {
let m = !this.isStatic && l.isStatic ? f : f.reverse();
(m.source.pos = m.source.pos.add(m.displacement)),
(m.source.transform = n.calcTransform(m.source));
(f.resolved = !0),
this.trigger("physicsResolve", f),
l.trigger("physicsResolve", f.reverse());
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
this.onPhysicsResolve((l) => {
n.game.gravity &&
(l.isBottom() && this.isFalling()
? ((this.vel = this.vel.reject(n.game.gravity.unit())),
(o = l.target),
(a = l.target.pos),
u ? (u = !1) : this.trigger("ground", o))
: l.isTop() &&
this.isJumping() &&
((this.vel = this.vel.reject(n.game.gravity.unit())),
this.trigger("headbutt", l.target)));
update() {
if (n.game.gravity && !this.isStatic) {
u && ((o = null), (a = null), this.trigger("fallOff"), (u = !1));
let l = !0;
if (
(o &&
(!this.isColliding(o) || !o.exists() || !o.is("body")
? (u = !0)
: (!o.pos.eq(a) &&
t.stickToPlatform !== !1 &&
(a = o.pos),
(l = !1))),
) {
let f = this.vel.clone();
this.vel = this.vel.add(
n.game.gravity.scale(this.gravityScale * e.dt())
let v = t.maxVelocity ?? Io;
this.vel.slen() > v * v && (this.vel = this.vel.unit().scale(v)),
f.dot(n.game.gravity) < 0 &&
this.vel.dot(n.game.gravity) >= 0 &&
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(this.vel.x *= 1 - this.drag),
(this.vel.y *= 1 - this.drag),
onPhysicsResolve(l) {
return this.on("physicsResolve", l);
onBeforePhysicsResolve(l) {
return this.on("beforePhysicsResolve", l);
curPlatform() {
return o;
isGrounded() {
return o !== null;
isFalling() {
return this.vel.dot(e.getGravityDirection()) > 0;
isJumping() {
return this.vel.dot(e.getGravityDirection()) < 0;
jump(l) {
(o = null),
(a = null),
(this.vel = e.getGravityDirection().scale(-l || -this.jumpForce));
onGround(l) {
return this.on("ground", l);
onFall(l) {
return this.on("fall", l);
onFallOff(l) {
return this.on("fallOff", l);
onHeadbutt(l) {
return this.on("headbutt", l);
s(os, "body");
function ss(t = 2) {
let e = t;
return {
id: "doubleJump",
require: ["body"],
numJumps: t,
add() {
this.onGround(() => {
e = this.numJumps;
doubleJump(n) {
e <= 0 ||
(e < this.numJumps && this.trigger("doubleJump"), e--, this.jump(n));
onDoubleJump(n) {
return this.on("doubleJump", n);
inspect() {
return `${e}`;
s(ss, "doubleJump");
function Tn(t) {
if (!t) throw new Error("Please define an anchor");
return {
id: "anchor",
anchor: t,
inspect() {
return typeof this.anchor == "string"
? this.anchor
: this.anchor.toString();
s(Tn, "anchor");
function is() {
return { id: "fixed", fixed: !0 };
s(is, "fixed");
function as(t, e) {
return {
id: "follow",
require: ["pos"],
follow: { obj: t, offset: e ?? T(0) },
add() {
t.exists() && (this.pos = this.follow.obj.pos.add(this.follow.offset));
update() {
t.exists() && (this.pos = this.follow.obj.pos.add(this.follow.offset));
s(as, "follow");
function cs(t) {
let e = ne(this),
n = fe(e),
o = n.game.layers.indexOf(t);
return {
id: "layer",
get layerIndex() {
return o;
get layer() {
return e.layers[o];
set layer(a) {
if (((o = n.game.layers.indexOf(a)), o == -1))
throw Error("Invalid layer name");
inspect() {
return `${this.layer}`;
s(cs, "layer");
function us(t, e) {
let n = typeof t == "number" ? D.fromAngle(t) : t.unit();
return {
id: "move",
require: ["pos"],
update() {
s(us, "move");
function ls(t = {}) {
let e = ne(this),
n = t.distance ?? Bo,
o = !1;
return {
id: "offscreen",
require: ["pos"],
isOffScreen() {
let a = this.screenPos(),
u = new me(T(0), e.width(), e.height());
return !e.testRectPoint(u, a) && u.sdistToPoint(a) > n * n;
onExitScreen(a) {
return this.on("exitView", a);
onEnterScreen(a) {
return this.on("enterView", a);
update() {
? (o || (this.trigger("exitView"), (o = !0)),
t.hide && (this.hidden = !0),
t.pause && (this.paused = !0),
t.destroy && this.destroy())
: (o && (this.trigger("enterView"), (o = !1)),
t.hide && (this.hidden = !1),
t.pause && (this.paused = !1));
s(ls, "offscreen");
function En(t) {
return t.fixed ? !0 : t.parent ? En(t.parent) : !1;
s(En, "isFixed");
function Wt(...t) {
let e = ne(this),
n = fe(e);
return {
id: "pos",
pos: T(...t),
moveBy(...o) {
this.pos = this.pos.add(T(...o));
move(...o) {
moveTo(...o) {
if (typeof o[0] == "number" && typeof o[1] == "number")
return this.moveTo(T(o[0], o[1]), o[2]);
let a = o[0],
u = o[1];
if (u === void 0) {
this.pos = T(a);
let l = a.sub(this.pos);
if (l.len() <= u * e.dt()) {
this.pos = T(a);
worldPos() {
return this.parent ? this.parent.transform.multVec2(this.pos) : this.pos;
toWorld(o) {
return this.parent
? this.parent.transform.multVec2(this.pos.add(o))
: this.pos.add(o);
fromWorld(o) {
return this.parent
? this.parent.transform.invert().multVec2(o).sub(this.pos)
: o.sub(this.pos);
screenPos() {
let o = this.worldPos();
return En(this) ? o : e.toScreen(o);
toScreen(o) {
let a = this.toWorld(o);
return En(this) ? a : e.toScreen(a);
fromScreen(o) {
return En(this) ? this.fromWorld(o) : this.fromWorld(e.toWorld(o));
toOther(o, a) {
return o.fromWorld(this.toWorld(a));
fromOther(o, a) {
return o.toOther(this, a);
inspect() {
return `(${Math.round(this.pos.x)}, ${Math.round(this.pos.y)})`;
drawInspect() {
color: e.rgb(255, 0, 0),
radius: 4 / n.getViewportScale(),
s(Wt, "pos");
function ms(t) {
return {
id: "rotate",
angle: t ?? 0,
rotateBy(e) {
this.angle += e;
rotateTo(e) {
this.angle = e;
inspect() {
return `${Math.round(this.angle)}`;
s(ms, "rotate");
function Yt(...t) {
let e = ne(this),
n = fe(e);
return t.length === 0
? Yt(1)
: {
id: "scale",
scale: T(...t),
scaleTo(...o) {
this.scale = T(...o);
scaleBy(...o) {
inspect() {
return `(${n.toFixed(this.scale.x, 2)}, ${n.toFixed(
s(Yt, "scale");
function ds(t) {
return {
id: "z",
z: t,
inspect() {
return `${this.z}`;
s(ds, "z");
var hs =
var ps =
var fs = jr(
var gs =
var ba = "3001.0.0";
function wt(t) {
switch (t) {
case "topleft":
return new D(-1, -1);
case "top":
return new D(0, -1);
case "topright":
return new D(1, -1);
case "left":
return new D(-1, 0);
case "center":
return new D(0, 0);
case "right":
return new D(1, 0);
case "botleft":
return new D(-1, 1);
case "bot":
return new D(0, 1);
case "botright":
return new D(1, 1);
return t;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(wt, "anchorPt");
function va(t) {
switch (t) {
case "left":
return 0;
case "center":
return 0.5;
case "right":
return 1;
return 0;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(va, "alignPt");
function xa(t) {
return t.createBuffer(1, 1, 44100);
s(xa, "createEmptyAudioBuffer");
var Xe,
ya = s((t) => t && t.loadAseprite, "isKaboomCtx"),
ne = s((t) => {
if (!Xe)
throw new Error(
"You are trying to access to Kaboom Context before their initialization."
return ya(t) ? t : Xe;
}, "getKaboomContext"),
fe = s((t) => t._k, "getInternalContext"),
wa = s((t = {}) => {
let e = t.root ?? document.body;
e === document.body &&
((document.body.style.width = "100%"),
(document.body.style.height = "100%"),
(document.body.style.margin = "0px"),
(document.documentElement.style.width = "100%"),
(document.documentElement.style.height = "100%"));
let n = t.canvas ?? e.appendChild(document.createElement("canvas")),
o = t.scale ?? 1,
a = t.width && t.height && !t.stretch && !t.letterbox;
? ((n.width = t.width * o), (n.height = t.height * o))
: ((n.width = n.parentElement.offsetWidth),
(n.height = n.parentElement.offsetHeight));
let u = ["outline: none", "cursor: default"];
if (a) {
let r = n.width,
i = n.height;
u.push(`width: ${r}px`), u.push(`height: ${i}px`);
} else u.push("width: 100%"), u.push("height: 100%");
t.crisp &&
(u.push("image-rendering: pixelated"),
u.push("image-rendering: crisp-edges")),
(n.style.cssText = u.join(";"));
let l = t.pixelDensity || window.devicePixelRatio;
(n.width *= l), (n.height *= l), (n.tabIndex = 0);
let f = document.createElement("canvas");
(f.width = 256), (f.height = 256);
let v = f.getContext("2d", { willReadFrequently: !0 }),
m = Eo({
canvas: n,
touchToMouse: t.touchToMouse,
gamepads: t.gamepads,
pixelDensity: t.pixelDensity,
maxFPS: t.maxFPS,
P = [],
b = m.canvas.getContext("webgl", {
antialias: !0,
depth: !0,
stencil: !0,
alpha: !0,
preserveDrawingBuffer: !0,
M = fr(b, { texFilter: t.texFilter }),
w = (() => {
let r = Dt(bn, vn),
i = qe.fromImage(
new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray([255, 255, 255, 255]), 1, 1)
c =
t.width && t.height
? new yt(M, t.width * l * o, t.height * l * o)
: new yt(M, b.drawingBufferWidth, b.drawingBufferHeight),
d = null,
h = 1;
t.background &&
((d = ce(t.background)),
(h = Array.isArray(t.background) ? t.background[3] : 1),
b.clearColor(d.r / 255, d.g / 255, d.b / 255, h ?? 1)),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let y = new pn(M, gn, Ro, Uo),
x = qe.fromImage(
new ImageData(
new Uint8ClampedArray([
128, 128, 128, 255, 190, 190, 190, 255, 190, 190, 190, 255, 128,
128, 128, 255,
{ wrap: "repeat", filter: "nearest" }
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return {
lastDrawCalls: 0,
defShader: r,
defTex: i,
frameBuffer: c,
postShader: null,
postShaderUniform: null,
renderer: y,
transform: new De(),
transformStack: [],
bgTex: x,
bgColor: d,
bgAlpha: h,
width: t.width ?? b.drawingBufferWidth / l / o,
height: t.height ?? b.drawingBufferHeight / l / o,
viewport: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: b.drawingBufferWidth,
height: b.drawingBufferHeight,
fixed: !1,
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
class _ {
static {
s(this, "SpriteData");
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
frames = [new he(0, 0, 1, 1)];
anims = {};
slice9 = null;
constructor(i, c, d = {}, h = null) {
(this.tex = i),
c && (this.frames = c),
(this.anims = d),
(this.slice9 = h);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
get width() {
return this.tex.width * this.frames[0].w;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
get height() {
return this.tex.height * this.frames[0].h;
static from(i, c = {}) {
return typeof i == "string"
? _.fromURL(i, c)
: Promise.resolve(_.fromImage(i, c));
static fromImage(i, c = {}) {
let [d, h] = L.packer.add(i),
y = c.frames
? c.frames.map(
(x) =>
new he(h.x + x.x * h.w, h.y + x.y * h.h, x.w * h.w, x.h * h.h)
: ve(c.sliceX || 1, c.sliceY || 1, h.x, h.y, h.w, h.h);
return new _(d, y, c.anims, c.slice9);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
static fromURL(i, c = {}) {
return Kt(i).then((d) => _.fromImage(d, c));
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
class $ {
static {
s(this, "SoundData");
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
constructor(i) {
this.buf = i;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
static fromArrayBuffer(i) {
return new Promise((c, d) => X.ctx.decodeAudioData(i, c, d)).then(
(c) => new $(c)
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
static fromURL(i) {
return lr(i)
? $.fromArrayBuffer(bo(i))
: Oo(i).then((c) => $.fromArrayBuffer(c));
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let X = (() => {
let r = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(),
i = r.createGain();
let c = new $(xa(r));
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
return (
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
.then((d) => {
c.buf = d;
.catch((d) => {
console.error("Failed to load burp: ", d);
{ ctx: r, masterNode: i, burpSnd: c }
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
L = {
urlPrefix: "",
sprites: new rt(),
fonts: new rt(),
bitmapFonts: new rt(),
sounds: new rt(),
shaders: new rt(),
custom: new rt(),
music: {},
packer: new zt(M, 2048, 2048),
loaded: !1,
function Q(r) {
return typeof r != "string" || lr(r) ? r : L.urlPrefix + r;
s(Q, "fixURL");
let O = {
events: new nt(),
objEvents: new nt(),
root: kn([]),
gravity: null,
scenes: {},
currentScene: null,
layers: null,
defaultLayerIndex: 0,
logs: [],
cam: {
pos: null,
scale: new D(1),
angle: 0,
shake: 0,
transform: new De(),
function oe(r) {
return L.custom.add(null, r);
s(oe, "load");
function H() {
let r = [
return r.reduce((i, c) => i + c.progress(), 0) / r.length;
s(H, "loadProgress");
function ie(r) {
return r !== void 0 && (L.urlPrefix = r), L.urlPrefix;
s(ie, "loadRoot");
function se(r, i) {
return L.custom.add(r, Ht(i));
s(se, "loadJSON");
class ae {
static {
s(this, "FontData");
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
filter = fn;
outline = null;
size = 64;
constructor(i, c = {}) {
if (
((this.fontface = i),
(this.filter = c.filter ?? fn),
(this.size = c.size ?? 64),
this.size > 256)
throw new Error(`Max font size: ${256}`);
c.outline &&
((this.outline = { width: 1, color: ce(0, 0, 0) }),
typeof c.outline == "number"
? (this.outline.width = c.outline)
: typeof c.outline == "object" &&
(c.outline.width && (this.outline.width = c.outline.width),
c.outline.color && (this.outline.color = c.outline.color)));
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
function pe(r, i, c = {}) {
let d = new FontFace(r, typeof i == "string" ? `url(${i})` : i);
return (
.catch((h) => {
throw new Error(`Failed to load font from "${i}": ${h}`);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
.then((h) => new ae(h, c))
s(pe, "loadFont");
function Ce(r, i, c, d, h = {}) {
return L.bitmapFonts.add(
Kt(i).then((y) => Dn(qe.fromImage(M, y, h), c, d, h.chars ?? br))
s(Ce, "loadBitmapFont");
function ve(r = 1, i = 1, c = 0, d = 0, h = 1, y = 1) {
let x = [],
A = h / r,
E = y / i;
for (let g = 0; g < i; g++)
for (let C = 0; C < r; C++) x.push(new he(c + C * A, d + g * E, A, E));
return x;
s(ve, "slice");
function Ie(r, i) {
return (
(r = Q(r)),
typeof i == "string"
? new Promise((c, d) => {
Ht(i).then((h) => {
Ie(r, h).then(c).catch(d);
: _.from(r).then((c) => {
let d = {};
for (let h in i) {
let y = i[h],
x = c.frames[0],
A = 2048 * x.w,
E = 2048 * x.h,
g = y.frames
? y.frames.map(
(N) =>
new he(
x.x + ((y.x + N.x) / A) * x.w,
x.y + ((y.y + N.y) / E) * x.h,
(N.w / A) * x.w,
(N.h / E) * x.h
: ve(
y.sliceX || 1,
y.sliceY || 1,
x.x + (y.x / A) * x.w,
x.y + (y.y / E) * x.h,
(y.width / A) * x.w,
(y.height / E) * x.h
C = new _(c.tex, g, y.anims);
L.sprites.addLoaded(h, C), (d[h] = C);
return d;
s(Ie, "loadSpriteAtlas");
function Le(r, i = {}) {
let c = document.createElement("canvas"),
d = r[0].width,
h = r[0].height;
(c.width = d * r.length), (c.height = h);
let y = c.getContext("2d");
r.forEach((A, E) => {
A instanceof ImageData
? y.putImageData(A, E * d, 0)
: y.drawImage(A, E * d, 0);
let x = y.getImageData(0, 0, r.length * d, h);
return _.fromImage(x, { ...i, sliceX: r.length, sliceY: 1 });
s(Le, "createSpriteSheet");
function Te(r, i, c = { sliceX: 1, sliceY: 1, anims: {} }) {
return (
(i = Q(i)),
? i.some((d) => typeof d == "string")
? L.sprites.add(
i.map((d) =>
typeof d == "string" ? Kt(d) : Promise.resolve(d)
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
).then((d) => Le(d, c))
: L.sprites.addLoaded(r, Le(i, c))
: typeof i == "string"
? L.sprites.add(r, _.from(i, c))
: L.sprites.addLoaded(r, _.fromImage(i, c))
s(Te, "loadSprite");
function Ne(r, i) {
return (
(i = Q(i)),
new Promise(async (c) => {
let d = typeof i == "string" ? await Ht(i) : i,
h = await Promise.all(d.frames.map(Kt)),
y = document.createElement("canvas");
(y.width = d.width), (y.height = d.height * d.frames.length);
let x = y.getContext("2d");
h.forEach((E, g) => {
x.drawImage(E, 0, g * d.height);
let A = await Te(null, y, {
sliceY: d.frames.length,
anims: d.anims,
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(Ne, "loadPedit");
function _e(r, i, c) {
(i = Q(i)),
(c = Q(c)),
typeof i == "string" && !c && (c = xo(i) + ".json");
let d = typeof c == "string" ? Ht(c) : Promise.resolve(c);
return L.sprites.add(
d.then((h) => {
let y = h.meta.size,
x = h.frames.map(
(E) =>
new he(
E.frame.x / y.w,
E.frame.y / y.h,
E.frame.w / y.w,
E.frame.h / y.h
A = {};
for (let E of h.meta.frameTags)
E.from === E.to
? (A[E.name] = E.from)
: (A[E.name] = {
from: E.from,
to: E.to,
speed: 10,
loop: !0,
pingpong: E.direction === "pingpong",
return _.from(i, { frames: x, anims: A });
s(_e, "loadAseprite");
function He(r, i, c) {
return L.shaders.addLoaded(r, Dt(i, c));
s(He, "loadShader");
function dt(r, i, c) {
(i = Q(i)), (c = Q(c));
let d = s((y) => (y ? So(y) : Promise.resolve(null)), "resolveUrl"),
h = Promise.all([d(i), d(c)]).then(([y, x]) => Dt(y, x));
return L.shaders.add(r, h);
s(dt, "loadShaderURL");
function Ee(r, i) {
return (
(i = Q(i)),
typeof i == "string" ? $.fromURL(i) : $.fromArrayBuffer(i)
s(Ee, "loadSound");
function Re(r, i) {
let c = new Audio(i);
return (c.preload = "auto"), (L.music[r] = Q(i));
s(Re, "loadMusic");
function ze(r = "bean") {
return Te(r, hs);
s(ze, "loadBean");
function ot(r) {
return L.sprites.get(r);
s(ot, "getSprite");
function st(r) {
return L.sounds.get(r);
s(st, "getSound");
function Ct(r) {
return L.fonts.get(r);
s(Ct, "getFont");
function Xt(r) {
return L.bitmapFonts.get(r);
s(Xt, "getBitmapFont");
function $t(r) {
return L.shaders.get(r);
s($t, "getShader");
function An(r) {
return L.custom.get(r);
s(An, "getAsset");
function Qt(r) {
if (typeof r == "string") {
let i = ot(r);
if (i) return i;
if (H() < 1) return null;
throw new Error(`Sprite not found: ${r}`);
} else {
if (r instanceof _) return Ve.loaded(r);
if (r instanceof Ve) return r;
throw new Error(`Invalid sprite: ${r}`);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(Qt, "resolveSprite");
function Vn(r) {
if (typeof r == "string") {
let i = st(r);
if (i) return i;
if (H() < 1) return null;
throw new Error(`Sound not found: ${r}`);
} else {
if (r instanceof $) return Ve.loaded(r);
if (r instanceof Ve) return r;
throw new Error(`Invalid sound: ${r}`);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(Vn, "resolveSound");
function Rn(r) {
if (!r) return w.defShader;
if (typeof r == "string") {
let i = $t(r);
if (i) return i.data ?? i;
if (H() < 1) return null;
throw new Error(`Shader not found: ${r}`);
} else if (r instanceof Ve) return r.data ? r.data : r;
return r;
s(Rn, "resolveShader");
function Jt(r) {
if (!r) return Jt(t.font ?? Ao);
if (typeof r == "string") {
let i = Xt(r),
c = Ct(r);
if (i) return i.data ?? i;
if (c) return c.data ?? c;
if (document.fonts.check(`${64}px ${r}`)) return r;
if (H() < 1) return null;
throw new Error(`Font not found: ${r}`);
} else if (r instanceof Ve) return r.data ? r.data : r;
return r;
s(Jt, "resolveFont");
function Un(r) {
return (
r !== void 0 && (X.masterNode.gain.value = r), X.masterNode.gain.value
s(Un, "volume");
function Pn(r, i = {}) {
let c = new we(),
d = new Audio(r);
function y() {
de.paused || (m.isHidden() && !t.backgroundAudio) || X.ctx.resume();
s(y, "resumeAudioCtx");
function x() {
y(), d.play();
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return (
s(x, "play"),
i.paused || x(),
(d.onended = () => c.trigger()),
play() {
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
seek(A) {
d.currentTime = A;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
stop() {
d.pause(), this.seek(0);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
set loop(A) {
d.loop = A;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
get loop() {
return d.loop;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
set paused(A) {
A ? d.pause() : x();
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
get paused() {
return d.paused;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
time() {
return d.currentTime;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
duration() {
return d.duration;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
set volume(A) {
d.volume = Qe(A, 0, 1);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
get volume() {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return d.volume;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
set speed(A) {
d.playbackRate = Math.max(A, 0);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
get speed() {
return d.playbackRate;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
set detune(A) {},
get detune() {
return 0;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
onEnd(A) {
return c.add(A);
then(A) {
return this.onEnd(A);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(Pn, "playMusic");
function Zt(r, i = {}) {
if (typeof r == "string" && L.music[r]) return Pn(L.music[r], i);
let c = X.ctx,
d = i.paused ?? !1,
h = c.createBufferSource(),
y = new we(),
x = c.createGain(),
A = i.seek ?? 0,
E = 0,
g = 0,
C = !1;
(h.loop = !!i.loop),
(h.detune.value = i.detune ?? 0),
(h.playbackRate.value = i.speed ?? 1),
(h.onended = () => {
F() >= (h.buffer?.duration ?? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) &&
(x.gain.value = i.volume ?? 1);
let N = s((B) => {
(h.buffer = B.buf),
d || ((E = c.currentTime), h.start(0, A), (C = !0));
}, "start"),
G = Vn(r);
G instanceof Ve && G.onLoad(N);
let F = s(() => {
if (!h.buffer) return 0;
let B = d ? g - E : c.currentTime - E,
R = h.buffer.duration;
return h.loop ? B % R : Math.min(B, R);
}, "getTime"),
S = s((B) => {
let R = c.createBufferSource();
return (
(R.buffer = B.buffer),
(R.loop = B.loop),
(R.playbackRate.value = B.playbackRate.value),
(R.detune.value = B.detune.value),
(R.onended = B.onended),
}, "cloneNode");
return {
stop() {
(this.paused = !0), this.seek(0);
set paused(B) {
if (d !== B)
if (((d = B), B)) C && (h.stop(), (C = !1)), (g = c.currentTime);
else {
h = S(h);
let R = g - E;
h.start(0, R), (C = !0), (E = c.currentTime - R), (g = 0);
get paused() {
return d;
play(B = 0) {
this.seek(B), (this.paused = !1);
seek(B) {
h.buffer?.duration &&
(B > h.buffer.duration ||
? ((h = S(h)), (E = g - B))
: (h.stop(),
(h = S(h)),
(E = c.currentTime - B),
h.start(0, B),
(C = !0),
(g = 0))));
set speed(B) {
h.playbackRate.value = B;
get speed() {
return h.playbackRate.value;
set detune(B) {
h.detune.value = B;
get detune() {
return h.detune.value;
set volume(B) {
x.gain.value = Math.max(B, 0);
get volume() {
return x.gain.value;
set loop(B) {
h.loop = B;
get loop() {
return h.loop;
duration() {
return h.buffer?.duration ?? 0;
time() {
return F() % this.duration();
onEnd(B) {
return y.add(B);
then(B) {
return this.onEnd(B);
s(Zt, "play");
function en(r) {
return Zt(X.burpSnd, r);
s(en, "burp");
function Mn(r, i) {
let c = new yt(M, r, i);
return {
clear: () => c.clear(),
free: () => c.free(),
toDataURL: () => c.toDataURL(),
toImageData: () => c.toImageData(),
width: c.width,
height: c.height,
draw: (d) => {
Se(), c.bind(), d(), Se(), c.unbind();
s(Mn, "makeCanvas");
function Dt(r = bn, i = vn) {
let c = Po.replace("{{user}}", r ?? bn),
d = Mo.replace("{{user}}", i ?? vn);
try {
return new hn(
gn.map((h) => h.name)
} catch (h) {
let x = /(?<type>^\w+) SHADER ERROR: 0:(?<line>\d+): (?<msg>.+)/,
A = wo(h).match(x),
E = Number(A.groups.line) - 14,
g = A.groups.msg.trim(),
C = A.groups.type.toLowerCase();
throw new Error(`${C} shader line ${E}: ${g}`);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(Dt, "makeShader");
function Dn(r, i, c, d) {
let h = r.width / i,
y = {},
x = d.split("").entries();
for (let [A, E] of x)
y[E] = new he((A % h) * i, Math.floor(A / h) * c, i, c);
return { tex: r, map: y, size: c };
s(Dn, "makeFont");
function it(r, i, c, d = w.defTex, h = w.defShader, y = {}) {
let x = Rn(h);
if (!x || x instanceof Ve) return;
let A = w.fixed || c ? w.transform : O.cam.transform.mult(w.transform),
E = [];
for (let g of r) {
let C = Bn(A.multVec2(g.pos));
g.color.r / 255,
g.color.g / 255,
g.color.b / 255,
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
w.renderer.push(b.TRIANGLES, E, i, x, d, y);
s(it, "drawRaw");
function Se() {
s(Se, "flush");
function Gt() {
w.bgColor ||
ct(() => {
width: Pe(),
height: ke(),
quad: new he(0, 0, Pe() / 64, ke() / 64),
tex: w.bgTex,
fixed: !0,
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(w.renderer.numDraws = 0),
(w.fixed = !1),
(w.transformStack.length = 0),
(w.transform = new De());
s(Gt, "frameStart");
function Gn(r, i) {
(w.postShader = r), (w.postShaderUniform = i ?? null);
s(Gn, "usePostEffect");
function Tt() {
(w.lastDrawCalls = w.renderer.numDraws),
b.viewport(0, 0, b.drawingBufferWidth, b.drawingBufferHeight);
let r = w.width,
i = w.height;
(w.width = b.drawingBufferWidth / l),
(w.height = b.drawingBufferHeight / l),
flipY: !0,
tex: w.frameBuffer.tex,
pos: new D(w.viewport.x, w.viewport.y),
width: w.viewport.width,
height: w.viewport.height,
shader: w.postShader,
typeof w.postShaderUniform == "function"
? w.postShaderUniform()
: w.postShaderUniform,
fixed: !0,
(w.width = r),
(w.height = i);
s(Tt, "frameEnd");
function Bn(r) {
return new D((r.x / Pe()) * 2 - 1, (-r.y / ke()) * 2 + 1);
s(Bn, "screen2ndc");
function Fn(r) {
w.transform = r.clone();
s(Fn, "pushMatrix");
function te(...r) {
if (r[0] === void 0) return;
let i = T(...r);
(i.x === 0 && i.y === 0) || w.transform.translate(i);
s(te, "pushTranslate");
function We(...r) {
if (r[0] === void 0) return;
let i = T(...r);
(i.x === 1 && i.y === 1) || w.transform.scale(i);
s(We, "pushScale");
function je(r) {
r && w.transform.rotate(r);
s(je, "pushRotate");
function Ue() {
s(Ue, "pushTransform");
function Oe() {
w.transformStack.length > 0 && (w.transform = w.transformStack.pop());
s(Oe, "popTransform");
function ht(r) {
if (r.width === void 0 || r.height === void 0)
throw new Error('drawUVQuad() requires property "width" and "height".');
if (r.width <= 0 || r.height <= 0) return;
let i = r.width,
c = r.height,
h = wt(r.anchor || Pt).scale(new D(i, c).scale(-0.5)),
y = r.quad || new he(0, 0, 1, 1),
x = r.color || ce(255, 255, 255),
A = r.opacity ?? 1,
E = r.tex ? 0.1 / r.tex.width : 0,
g = r.tex ? 0.1 / r.tex.height : 0,
C = y.x + E,
N = y.y + g,
G = y.w - E * 2,
F = y.h - g * 2;
pos: new D(-i / 2, c / 2),
uv: new D(r.flipX ? C + G : C, r.flipY ? N : N + F),
color: x,
opacity: A,
pos: new D(-i / 2, -c / 2),
uv: new D(r.flipX ? C + G : C, r.flipY ? N + F : N),
color: x,
opacity: A,
pos: new D(i / 2, -c / 2),
uv: new D(r.flipX ? C : C + G, r.flipY ? N + F : N),
color: x,
opacity: A,
pos: new D(i / 2, c / 2),
uv: new D(r.flipX ? C : C + G, r.flipY ? N : N + F),
color: x,
opacity: A,
[0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3],
s(ht, "drawUVQuad");
function Et(r) {
if (!r.tex) throw new Error('drawTexture() requires property "tex".');
let i = r.quad ?? new he(0, 0, 1, 1),
c = r.tex.width * i.w,
d = r.tex.height * i.h,
h = new D(1);
if (r.tiled) {
let y = Math.ceil((r.width || c) / c),
x = Math.ceil((r.height || d) / d),
E = wt(r.anchor || Pt)
.add(new D(1, 1))
.scale(y * c, x * d);
for (let g = 0; g < y; g++)
for (let C = 0; C < x; C++)
Object.assign({}, r, {
pos: (r.pos || new D(0)).add(new D(c * g, d * C)).sub(E),
scale: h.scale(r.scale || new D(1)),
tex: r.tex,
quad: i,
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
width: c,
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
height: d,
anchor: "topleft",
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
} else
r.width && r.height
? ((h.x = r.width / c), (h.y = r.height / d))
: r.width
? ((h.x = r.width / c), (h.y = h.x))
: r.height && ((h.y = r.height / d), (h.x = h.y)),
Object.assign({}, r, {
scale: h.scale(r.scale || new D(1)),
tex: r.tex,
quad: i,
width: c,
height: d,
s(Et, "drawTexture");
function tn(r) {
if (!r.sprite) throw new Error('drawSprite() requires property "sprite"');
let i = Qt(r.sprite);
if (!i || !i.data) return;
let c = i.data.frames[r.frame ?? 0];
if (!c) throw new Error(`Frame not found: ${r.frame ?? 0}`);
Object.assign({}, r, {
tex: i.data.tex,
quad: c.scale(r.quad ?? new he(0, 0, 1, 1)),
s(tn, "drawSprite");
function p(r, i, c, d, h, y = 1) {
(d = be(d % 360)), (h = be(h % 360)), h <= d && (h += Math.PI * 2);
let x = [],
A = Math.ceil(((h - d) / be(8)) * y),
E = (h - d) / A;
for (let g = d; g < h; g += E)
x.push(r.add(i * Math.cos(g), c * Math.sin(g)));
return x.push(r.add(i * Math.cos(h), c * Math.sin(h))), x;
s(p, "getArcPts");
function V(r) {
if (r.width === void 0 || r.height === void 0)
throw new Error('drawRect() requires property "width" and "height".');
if (r.width <= 0 || r.height <= 0) return;
let i = r.width,
c = r.height,
h = wt(r.anchor || Pt)
.add(1, 1)
.scale(new D(i, c).scale(-0.5)),
y = [new D(0, 0), new D(i, 0), new D(i, c), new D(0, c)];
if (r.radius) {
let x = Math.min(i, c) / 2,
A = Array.isArray(r.radius)
? r.radius.map((E) => Math.min(x, E))
: new Array(4).fill(Math.min(x, r.radius));
y = [
new D(A[0], 0),
? p(new D(i - A[1], A[1]), A[1], A[1], 270, 360)
: [T(i, 0)]),
? p(new D(i - A[2], c - A[2]), A[2], A[2], 0, 90)
: [T(i, c)]),
...(A[3] ? p(new D(A[3], c - A[3]), A[3], A[3], 90, 180) : [T(0, c)]),
...(A[0] ? p(new D(A[0], A[0]), A[0], A[0], 180, 270) : []),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
Object.assign({}, r, {
offset: h,
pts: y,
? {
colors: r.horizontal
? [r.gradient[0], r.gradient[1], r.gradient[1], r.gradient[0]]
: [
: {}),
s(V, "drawRect");
function j(r) {
let { p1: i, p2: c } = r;
if (!i || !c)
throw new Error('drawLine() requires properties "p1" and "p2".');
let d = r.width || 1,
h = c
.scale(d * 0.5),
y = [i.sub(h), i.add(h), c.add(h), c.sub(h)].map((x) => ({
pos: new D(x.x, x.y),
uv: new D(0),
color: r.color ?? re.WHITE,
opacity: r.opacity ?? 1,
it(y, [0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3], r.fixed, w.defTex, r.shader, r.uniform);
s(j, "drawLine");
function J(r) {
let i = r.pts,
c = [],
d = (r.width || 1) * 0.5,
h = i[0] === i[i.length - 1] || i[0].eq(i[i.length - 1]),
y = r.pos || T(0, 0),
h ? (x = i[0].sub(i[i.length - 2])) : (x = i[1].sub(i[0]));
let A = x.len(),
E = x.normal().scale(-d / A),
C = i[0];
if (!h)
switch (r.cap) {
case "square": {
let S = x.scale(-d / A);
c.push(C.add(S).add(E)), c.push(C.add(S).sub(E));
case "round": {
let S = Math.max(d, 10),
B = Math.PI / S,
R = E.scale(-1),
W = Math.cos(B),
q = Math.sin(B);
for (let Y = 0; Y < S; Y++)
(R = T(R.x * W - R.y * q, R.x * q + R.y * W));
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
for (let S = 1; S < i.length; S++) {
if (C === i[S] || C.eq(i[S])) continue;
(g = C), (C = i[S]);
let B = C.sub(g),
R = B.len(),
W = B.normal().scale(-d / R),
q = x.cross(B);
if (Math.abs(q) / (A * R) < 0.05) {
x.dot(B) < 0 && (c.push(g.sub(E)), c.push(g.add(E))),
(x = B),
(A = R),
(E = W);
let Y = W.sub(E).cross(B) / q,
z = E.add(x.scale(Y));
q > 0
? (c.push(g.add(z)),
: (c.push(g.add(E)),
(x = B),
(A = R),
(E = W);
if (!h)
switch ((c.push(C.add(E)), c.push(C.sub(E)), r.cap)) {
case "square": {
let S = x.scale(d / A);
c.push(C.add(S).add(E)), c.push(C.add(S).sub(E));
case "round": {
let S = Math.max(d, 10),
B = Math.PI / S,
R = E.scale(1),
W = Math.cos(B),
q = Math.sin(B);
for (let Y = 0; Y < S; Y++)
(R = T(R.x * W - R.y * q, R.x * q + R.y * W)),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
if (c.length < 4) return;
let N = c.map((S) => ({
pos: y.add(S),
uv: T(),
color: r.color || re.WHITE,
opacity: r.opacity ?? 1,
G = [],
F = 0;
for (let S = 0; S < c.length - 2; S += 2)
(G[F++] = S + 1),
(G[F++] = S),
(G[F++] = S + 2),
(G[F++] = S + 2),
(G[F++] = S + 3),
(G[F++] = S + 1);
h &&
((G[F++] = c.length - 1),
(G[F++] = c.length - 2),
(G[F++] = 0),
(G[F++] = 0),
(G[F++] = 1),
(G[F++] = c.length - 1)),
it(N, G, r.fixed, w.defTex, r.shader, r.uniform);
s(J, "_drawLinesBevel");
function xe(r) {
let i = r.pts,
c = [],
d = (r.width || 1) * 0.5,
h = i[0] === i[i.length - 1] || i[0].eq(i[i.length - 1]),
y = r.pos || T(0, 0),
h ? (x = i[0].sub(i[i.length - 2])) : (x = i[1].sub(i[0]));
let A = x.len(),
E = x.normal().scale(-d / A),
C = i[0];
if (!h)
switch (r.cap) {
case "square": {
let S = x.scale(-d / A);
c.push(C.add(S).add(E)), c.push(C.add(S).sub(E));
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
case "round": {
let S = Math.max(d, 10),
B = Math.PI / S,
R = E.scale(-1),
W = Math.cos(B),
q = Math.sin(B);
for (let Y = 0; Y < S; Y++)
(R = T(R.x * W - R.y * q, R.x * q + R.y * W));
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
for (let S = 1; S < i.length; S++) {
if (C === i[S] || C.eq(i[S])) continue;
(g = C), (C = i[S]);
let B = C.sub(g),
R = B.len(),
W = B.normal().scale(-d / R),
q = x.cross(B);
if (Math.abs(q) / (A * R) < 0.05) {
x.dot(B) < 0 && (c.push(g.sub(E)), c.push(g.add(E))),
(x = B),
(A = R),
(E = W);
let Y = W.sub(E).cross(B) / q,
z = E.add(x.scale(Y));
if (q > 0) {
let Me = g.add(z),
U = Math.max(d, 10),
k = be(E.angleBetween(W) / U),
I = E,
K = Math.cos(k),
Z = Math.sin(k);
for (let ee = 0; ee < U; ee++)
(I = T(I.x * K - I.y * Z, I.x * Z + I.y * K));
} else {
let Me = g.sub(z),
U = Math.max(d, 10),
k = be(E.angleBetween(W) / U),
I = E,
K = Math.cos(k),
Z = Math.sin(k);
for (let ee = 0; ee < U; ee++)
(I = T(I.x * K - I.y * Z, I.x * Z + I.y * K));
(x = B), (A = R), (E = W);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
if (!h)
switch ((c.push(C.add(E)), c.push(C.sub(E)), r.cap)) {
case "square": {
let S = x.scale(d / A);
c.push(C.add(S).add(E)), c.push(C.add(S).sub(E));
case "round": {
let S = Math.max(d, 10),
B = Math.PI / S,
R = E.scale(1),
W = Math.cos(B),
q = Math.sin(B);
for (let Y = 0; Y < S; Y++)
(R = T(R.x * W - R.y * q, R.x * q + R.y * W)),
if (c.length < 4) return;
let N = c.map((S) => ({
pos: y.add(S),
uv: T(),
color: r.color || re.WHITE,
opacity: r.opacity ?? 1,
G = [],
F = 0;
for (let S = 0; S < c.length - 2; S += 2)
(G[F++] = S + 1),
(G[F++] = S),
(G[F++] = S + 2),
(G[F++] = S + 2),
(G[F++] = S + 3),
(G[F++] = S + 1);
h &&
((G[F++] = c.length - 1),
(G[F++] = c.length - 2),
(G[F++] = 0),
(G[F++] = 0),
(G[F++] = 1),
(G[F++] = c.length - 1)),
it(N, G, r.fixed, w.defTex, r.shader, r.uniform);
s(xe, "_drawLinesRound");
function le(r) {
let i = r.pts,
c = [],
d = (r.width || 1) * 0.5,
h = i[0] === i[i.length - 1] || i[0].eq(i[i.length - 1]),
y = r.pos || T(0, 0),
h ? (x = i[0].sub(i[i.length - 2])) : (x = i[1].sub(i[0]));
let A = x.len(),
E = x.normal().scale(-d / A),
C = i[0];
if (!h)
switch (r.cap) {
case "square": {
let S = x.scale(-d / A);
c.push(C.add(S).add(E)), c.push(C.add(S).sub(E));
case "round": {
let S = Math.max(d, 10),
B = Math.PI / S,
R = E.scale(-1),
W = Math.cos(B),
q = Math.sin(B);
for (let Y = 0; Y < S; Y++)
(R = T(R.x * W - R.y * q, R.x * q + R.y * W));
for (let S = 1; S < i.length; S++) {
if (C === i[S] || C.eq(i[S])) continue;
(g = C), (C = i[S]);
let B = C.sub(g),
R = B.len(),
W = B.normal().scale(-d / R),
q = x.cross(B);
if (Math.abs(q) / (A * R) < 0.05) {
x.dot(B) < 0 && (c.push(g.sub(E)), c.push(g.add(E))),
(x = B),
(A = R),
(E = W);
let Y = W.sub(E).cross(B) / q,
z = E.add(x.scale(Y));
c.push(g.add(z)), c.push(g.sub(z)), (x = B), (A = R), (E = W);
if (!h)
switch ((c.push(C.add(E)), c.push(C.sub(E)), r.cap)) {
case "square": {
let S = x.scale(d / A);
c.push(C.add(S).add(E)), c.push(C.add(S).sub(E));
case "round": {
let S = Math.max(d, 10),
B = Math.PI / S,
R = E.scale(1),
W = Math.cos(B),
q = Math.sin(B);
for (let Y = 0; Y < S; Y++)
(R = T(R.x * W - R.y * q, R.x * q + R.y * W)),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
if (c.length < 4) return;
let N = c.map((S) => ({
pos: y.add(S),
uv: T(),
color: r.color || re.WHITE,
opacity: r.opacity ?? 1,
G = [],
F = 0;
for (let S = 0; S < c.length - 2; S += 2)
(G[F++] = S + 1),
(G[F++] = S),
(G[F++] = S + 2),
(G[F++] = S + 2),
(G[F++] = S + 3),
(G[F++] = S + 1);
h &&
((G[F++] = c.length - 1),
(G[F++] = c.length - 2),
(G[F++] = 0),
(G[F++] = 0),
(G[F++] = 1),
(G[F++] = c.length - 1)),
it(N, G, r.fixed, w.defTex, r.shader, r.uniform);
s(le, "_drawLinesMiter");
function Ke(r) {
let i = r.pts;
if (!i) throw new Error('drawLines() requires property "pts".');
if (!(i.length < 2)) {
if (i.length > 2)
switch (r.join) {
case "bevel":
return J(r);
case "round":
return xe(r);
case "miter":
return le(r);
if (r.radius && i.length >= 3) {
j(Object.assign({}, r, { p1: i[0], p2: i[1] }));
for (let c = 1; c < i.length - 2; c++) {
let d = i[c],
h = i[c + 1];
j(Object.assign({}, r, { p1: d, p2: h }));
j(Object.assign({}, r, { p1: i[i.length - 2], p2: i[i.length - 1] }));
} else
for (let c = 0; c < i.length - 1; c++)
j(Object.assign({}, r, { p1: i[c], p2: i[c + 1] })),
r.join !== "none" &&
pt(Object.assign({}, r, { pos: i[c], radius: r.width / 2 }));
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(Ke, "drawLines");
function at(r, i) {
let c = i.segments ?? 16,
d = [];
for (let h = 0; h <= c; h++) d.push(r(h / c));
pts: d,
width: i.width || 1,
pos: i.pos,
color: i.color,
opacity: i.opacity,
s(at, "drawCurve");
function In(r) {
at((i) => un(r.pt1, r.pt2, r.pt3, r.pt4, i), r);
s(In, "drawBezier");
function $e(r) {
if (!r.p1 || !r.p2 || !r.p3)
throw new Error(
'drawTriangle() requires properties "p1", "p2" and "p3".'
return St(Object.assign({}, r, { pts: [r.p1, r.p2, r.p3] }));
s($e, "drawTriangle");
function pt(r) {
if (typeof r.radius != "number")
throw new Error('drawCircle() requires property "radius".');
r.radius !== 0 &&
Object.assign({}, r, {
radiusX: r.radius,
radiusY: r.radius,
angle: 0,
s(pt, "drawCircle");
function wr(r) {
if (r.radiusX === void 0 || r.radiusY === void 0)
throw new Error(
'drawEllipse() requires properties "radiusX" and "radiusY".'
if (r.radiusX === 0 || r.radiusY === 0) return;
let i = r.start ?? 0,
c = r.end ?? 360,
d = wt(r.anchor ?? "center").scale(new D(-r.radiusX, -r.radiusY)),
h = p(d, r.radiusX, r.radiusY, i, c, r.resolution);
let y = Object.assign({}, r, {
pts: h,
radius: 0,
? {
colors: [
...Array(h.length - 1).fill(r.gradient[1]),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
: {}),
if (c - i >= 360 && r.outline) {
r.fill !== !1 && St(Object.assign({}, y, { outline: null })),
St(Object.assign({}, y, { pts: h.slice(1), fill: !1 }));
s(wr, "drawEllipse");
function St(r) {
if (!r.pts) throw new Error('drawPolygon() requires property "pts".');
let i = r.pts.length;
if (!(i < 3)) {
if (
r.fill !== !1)
) {
let c = r.color ?? re.WHITE,
d = r.pts.map((y, x) => ({
pos: new D(y.x, y.y),
uv: r.uv ? r.uv[x] : new D(0, 0),
color: r.colors && r.colors[x] ? r.colors[x].mult(c) : c,
opacity: r.opacity ?? 1,
r.triangulate && ar(r.pts)
? (h = ir(r.pts)
.map((x) => x.map((A) => r.pts.indexOf(A)))
: (h = [...Array(i - 2).keys()]
.map((y) => [0, y + 1, y + 2])
r.indices ?? h,
r.uv ? r.tex : w.defTex,
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
r.outline &&
pts: [...r.pts, r.pts[0]],
radius: r.radius,
width: r.outline.width,
color: r.outline.color,
join: r.outline.join,
uniform: r.uniform,
fixed: r.fixed,
opacity: r.opacity ?? r.outline.opacity,
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(St, "drawPolygon");
function Cr(r, i, c) {
b.stencilFunc(b.NEVER, 1, 255),
b.stencilOp(b.REPLACE, b.REPLACE, b.REPLACE),
b.stencilFunc(c, 1, 255),
b.stencilOp(b.KEEP, b.KEEP, b.KEEP),
s(Cr, "drawStenciled");
function Tr(r, i) {
Cr(r, i, b.EQUAL);
s(Tr, "drawMasked");
function Er(r, i) {
Cr(r, i, b.NOTEQUAL);
s(Er, "drawSubtracted");
function Ts() {
return (w.viewport.width + w.viewport.height) / (w.width + w.height);
s(Ts, "getViewportScale");
function ct(r) {
let i = w.width,
c = w.height;
(w.width = w.viewport.width),
(w.height = w.viewport.height),
(w.width = i),
(w.height = c);
s(ct, "drawUnscaled");
function Sr(r, i) {
i.pos && (r.pos = r.pos.add(i.pos)),
i.scale && (r.scale = r.scale.scale(T(i.scale))),
i.angle && (r.angle += i.angle),
i.color && r.ch.length === 1 && (r.color = r.color.mult(i.color)),
i.opacity && (r.opacity *= i.opacity);
s(Sr, "applyCharTransform");
function Es(r) {
let i = {},
c = r.replace(vr, "$2"),
d = 0;
for (let h of r.matchAll(vr)) {
let y = h.index - d;
for (let x = 0; x < h.groups.text.length; x++)
i[x + y] = [h.groups.style];
d += h[0].length - h.groups.text.length;
return { charStyleMap: i, text: c };
s(Es, "compileStyledText");
let Ln = {};
function Ot(r) {
if (r.text === void 0)
throw new Error('formatText() requires property "text".');
let i = Jt(r.font);
if (r.text === "" || i instanceof Ve || !i)
return { width: 0, height: 0, chars: [], opt: r };
let { charStyleMap: c, text: d } = Es(r.text + ""),
h = Co(d);
if (i instanceof ae || typeof i == "string") {
let q = i instanceof ae ? i.fontface.family : i,
Y =
i instanceof ae
? { outline: i.outline, filter: i.filter }
: { outline: null, filter: fn },
z = Ln[q] ?? {
font: {
tex: new qe(M, 2048, 2048, { filter: Y.filter }),
map: {},
size: 64,
cursor: new D(0),
outline: Y.outline,
Ln[q] || (Ln[q] = z), (i = z.font);
for (let Me of h)
if (!z.font.map[Me]) {
let U = v;
U.clearRect(0, 0, f.width, f.height),
(U.font = `${i.size}px ${q}`),
(U.textBaseline = "top"),
(U.textAlign = "left"),
(U.fillStyle = "#ffffff");
let k = U.measureText(Me),
I = Math.ceil(k.width);
if (!I) continue;
let K = i.size;
z.outline &&
((U.lineJoin = "round"),
(U.lineWidth = z.outline.width * 2),
(U.strokeStyle = z.outline.color.toHex()),
U.strokeText(Me, z.outline.width, z.outline.width),
(I += z.outline.width * 2),
(K += z.outline.width * 3)),
U.fillText(Me, z.outline?.width ?? 0, z.outline?.width ?? 0);
let Z = U.getImageData(0, 0, I, K);
if (
z.cursor.x + I > 2048 &&
((z.cursor.x = 0), (z.cursor.y += K), z.cursor.y > 2048)
throw new Error("Font atlas exceeds character limit");
i.tex.update(Z, z.cursor.x, z.cursor.y),
(i.map[Me] = new he(z.cursor.x, z.cursor.y, I, K)),
(z.cursor.x += I);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let y = r.size || i.size,
x = T(r.scale ?? 1).scale(y / i.size),
A = r.lineSpacing ?? 0,
E = r.letterSpacing ?? 0,
g = 0,
C = 0,
N = 0,
G = [],
F = [],
S = 0,
B = null,
R = null;
for (; S < h.length; ) {
let q = h[S];
if (
q ===
(N += y + A),
G.push({ width: g - E, chars: F }),
(B = null),
(R = null),
(g = 0),
(F = []);
else {
let Y = i.map[q];
if (Y) {
let z = Y.w * x.x;
r.width &&
g + z > r.width &&
((N += y + A),
B != null &&
((S -= F.length - B),
(q = h[S]),
(Y = i.map[q]),
(z = Y.w * x.x),
(F = F.slice(0, B - 1)),
(g = R)),
(B = null),
(R = null),
G.push({ width: g - E, chars: F }),
(g = 0),
(F = [])),
tex: i.tex,
width: Y.w,
height: Y.h,
quad: new he(
Y.x / i.tex.width,
Y.y / i.tex.height,
Y.w / i.tex.width,
Y.h / i.tex.height
ch: q,
pos: new D(g, N),
opacity: r.opacity ?? 1,
color: r.color ?? re.WHITE,
scale: T(x),
angle: 0,
q === " " && ((B = F.length), (R = g)),
(g += z),
(C = Math.max(C, g)),
(g += E);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
G.push({ width: g - E, chars: F }), (N += y), r.width && (C = r.width);
let W = [];
for (let q = 0; q < G.length; q++) {
let Y = (C - G[q].width) * va(r.align ?? "left");
for (let z of G[q].chars) {
let Me = i.map[z.ch],
U = W.length + q;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
if (
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
((z.pos = z.pos.add(Y, 0).add(Me.w * x.x * 0.5, Me.h * x.y * 0.5)),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
) {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let k =
typeof r.transform == "function"
? r.transform(U, z.ch)
: r.transform;
k && Sr(z, k);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
if (c[U]) {
let k = c[U];
for (let I of k) {
let K = r.styles[I],
Z = typeof K == "function" ? K(U, z.ch) : K;
Z && Sr(z, Z);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return { width: C, height: N, chars: W, opt: r };
s(Ot, "formatText");
function Or(r) {
s(Or, "drawText");
function At(r) {
wt(r.opt.anchor ?? "topleft")
.add(1, 1)
.scale(r.width, r.height)
r.chars.forEach((i) => {
tex: i.tex,
width: i.width,
height: i.height,
pos: i.pos,
scale: i.scale,
angle: i.angle,
color: i.color,
opacity: i.opacity,
quad: i.quad,
anchor: "center",
uniform: r.opt.uniform,
shader: r.opt.shader,
fixed: r.opt.fixed,
s(At, "drawFormattedText");
function Pe() {
return w.width;
s(Pe, "width");
function ke() {
return w.height;
s(ke, "height");
function Ss() {
return O.root;
s(Ss, "getTreeRoot");
function Os(r) {
return new D(
((r.x - w.viewport.x) * Pe()) / w.viewport.width,
((r.y - w.viewport.y) * ke()) / w.viewport.height
s(Os, "windowToContent");
function As(r) {
return new D(
(r.x * w.viewport.width) / w.width,
(r.y * w.viewport.height) / w.height
s(As, "contentToView");
function Ar() {
return Os(m.mousePos());
s(Ar, "mousePos");
let Vr = !1,
de = {
inspect: !1,
timeScale: 1,
showLog: !0,
fps: () => m.fps(),
numFrames: () => m.numFrames(),
stepFrame: Br,
drawCalls: () => w.lastDrawCalls,
clearLog: () => (O.logs = []),
log: (r) => {
let i = t.logMax ?? 8;
O.logs.unshift({ msg: r, time: m.time() }),
O.logs.length > i && (O.logs = O.logs.slice(0, i));
error: (r) => de.log(new Error(r.toString ? r.toString() : r)),
curRecording: null,
numObjects: () => Hn("*", { recursive: !0 }).length,
get paused() {
return Vr;
set paused(r) {
(Vr = r), r ? X.ctx.suspend() : X.ctx.resume();
function jn() {
return m.dt() * de.timeScale;
s(jn, "dt");
function Vs(...r) {
return (
r.length > 0 && (O.cam.pos = T(...r)),
O.cam.pos ? O.cam.pos.clone() : rn()
s(Vs, "camPos");
function Rs(...r) {
return r.length > 0 && (O.cam.scale = T(...r)), O.cam.scale.clone();
s(Rs, "camScale");
function Us(r) {
return r !== void 0 && (O.cam.angle = r), O.cam.angle;
s(Us, "camRot");
function Ps() {
return O.cam.transform.clone();
s(Ps, "camTransform");
function Ms(r = 12) {
O.cam.shake += r;
s(Ms, "shake");
function Ds(r) {
return O.cam.transform.multVec2(r);
s(Ds, "toScreen");
function Gs(r) {
return O.cam.transform.invert().multVec2(r);
s(Gs, "toWorld");
function Rr(r) {
let i = new De();
return (
r.pos && i.translate(r.pos),
r.scale && i.scale(r.scale),
r.angle && i.rotate(r.angle),
r.parent ? i.mult(r.parent.transform) : i
s(Rr, "calcTransform");
function kn(r = []) {
let i = new Map(),
c = {},
d = new nt(),
h = [],
y = null,
x = !1,
A = {
id: yo(),
hidden: !1,
transform: new De(),
children: [],
parent: null,
set paused(g) {
if (g !== x) {
x = g;
for (let C of h) C.paused = g;
get paused() {
return x;
add(g = []) {
let C = Array.isArray(g) ? kn(g) : g;
if (C.parent)
throw new Error(
"Cannot add a game obj that already has a parent."
return (
(C.parent = this),
(C.transform = Rr(C)),
C.trigger("add", C),
O.events.trigger("add", C),
readd(g) {
let C = this.children.indexOf(g);
return (
C !== -1 && (this.children.splice(C, 1), this.children.push(g)), g
remove(g) {
let C = this.children.indexOf(g);
if (C !== -1) {
(g.parent = null), this.children.splice(C, 1);
let N = s((G) => {
O.events.trigger("destroy", G),
G.children.forEach((F) => N(F));
}, "trigger");
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
removeAll(g) {
if (g) this.get(g).forEach((C) => this.remove(C));
else for (let C of [...this.children]) this.remove(C);
update() {
this.paused ||
(this.children.forEach((g) => g.update()),
draw() {
if (this.hidden) return;
this.canvas && (Se(), this.canvas.bind());
let g = w.fixed;
this.fixed && (w.fixed = !0),
let C = this.children.sort((N, G) => {
let F = N.layerIndex ?? O.defaultLayerIndex,
S = G.layerIndex ?? O.defaultLayerIndex;
return F - S || (N.z ?? 0) - (G.z ?? 0);
if (this.mask) {
let N = { intersect: Tr, subtract: Er }[this.mask];
if (!N) throw new Error(`Invalid mask func: "${this.mask}"`);
() => {
C.forEach((G) => G.draw());
() => {
} else this.trigger("draw"), C.forEach((N) => N.draw());
Oe(), (w.fixed = g), this.canvas && (Se(), this.canvas.unbind());
drawInspect() {
this.hidden ||
this.children.forEach((g) => g.drawInspect()),
use(g) {
if (!g) return;
if ((To(g) && (g = new g(this)), typeof g == "function"))
return this.use(g(this));
if (typeof g == "string") return this.use({ id: g });
let C = [];
g.id &&
(this.unuse(g.id), (c[g.id] = []), (C = c[g.id]), i.set(g.id, g));
for (let G in g) {
if (Do.has(G)) continue;
let F = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(g, G);
if (
(typeof F.value == "function" && (g[G] = g[G].bind(this)),
F.set && Object.defineProperty(g, G, { set: F.set.bind(this) }),
F.get && Object.defineProperty(g, G, { get: F.get.bind(this) }),
) {
let S =
G === "add"
? () => {
(y = s((B) => C.push(B), "onCurCompCleanup")),
(y = null);
: g[G];
C.push(this.on(G, S).cancel);
} else if (this[G] === void 0)
Object.defineProperty(this, G, {
get: () => g[G],
set: (S) => (g[G] = S),
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
C.push(() => delete this[G]);
else throw new Error(`Duplicate component property: "${G}"`);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let N = s(() => {
if (g.require) {
for (let G of g.require)
if (!this.c(G))
throw new Error(
`Component "${g.id}" requires component "${G}"`
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
}, "checkDeps");
g.destroy && C.push(g.destroy.bind(this)),
? (N(),
g.add &&
((y = s((G) => C.push(G), "onCurCompCleanup")),
(y = null)))
: g.require && C.push(this.on("add", N).cancel);
unuse(g) {
c[g] && (c[g].forEach((C) => C()), delete c[g]),
i.has(g) && i.delete(g);
c(g) {
return i.get(g);
get(g, C = {}) {
let N = C.recursive
? this.children.flatMap(
s(function G(F) {
return [F, ...F.children.flatMap(G)];
}, "recurse")
: this.children;
if (((N = N.filter((G) => (g ? G.is(g) : !0))), C.liveUpdate)) {
let G = s(
(S) =>
C.recursive ? this.isAncestorOf(S) : S.parent === this,
F = [];
Nn((S) => {
G(S) && S.is(g) && N.push(S);
Ur((S) => {
if (G(S) && S.is(g)) {
let B = N.findIndex((R) => R.id === S.id);
B !== -1 && N.splice(B, 1);
this.onDestroy(() => {
for (let S of F) S.cancel();
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return N;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
isAncestorOf(g) {
return g.parent
? g.parent === this || this.isAncestorOf(g.parent)
: !1;
exists() {
return O.root.isAncestorOf(this);
is(g) {
if (g === "*") return !0;
if (Array.isArray(g)) {
for (let C of g) if (!this.c(C)) return !1;
return !0;
} else return this.c(g) != null;
on(g, C) {
let N = d.on(g, C.bind(this));
return y && y(() => N.cancel()), N;
trigger(g, ...C) {
d.trigger(g, ...C), O.objEvents.trigger(g, this, ...C);
destroy() {
this.parent && this.parent.remove(this);
inspect() {
let g = {};
for (let [C, N] of i) g[C] = N.inspect ? N.inspect() : null;
return g;
onAdd(g) {
return this.on("add", g);
onUpdate(g) {
return this.on("update", g);
onDraw(g) {
return this.on("draw", g);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
onDestroy(g) {
return this.on("destroy", g);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
clearEvents() {
E = [
for (let g of E)
A[g] = (...C) => {
let N = m[g](...C);
return h.push(N), A.onDestroy(() => N.cancel()), N;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
for (let g of r) A.use(g);
return A;
s(kn, "make");
function ut(r, i, c) {
return (
O.objEvents[r] || (O.objEvents[r] = new _t()),
O.objEvents.on(r, (d, ...h) => {
d.is(i) && c(d, ...h);
s(ut, "on");
let Bs = Fe(
(r) => {
let i = Bt([{ update: r }]);
return {
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
get paused() {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return i.paused;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
set paused(c) {
i.paused = c;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
cancel: () => i.destroy(),
(r, i) => ut("update", r, i)
Fs = Fe(
(r) => {
let i = Bt([{ draw: r }]);
return {
get paused() {
return i.hidden;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
set paused(c) {
i.hidden = c;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
cancel: () => i.destroy(),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(r, i) => ut("draw", r, i)
Nn = Fe(
(r) => O.events.on("add", r),
(r, i) => ut("add", r, i)
Ur = Fe(
(r) => O.events.on("destroy", r),
(r, i) => ut("destroy", r, i)
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
function Is(r, i, c) {
return ut("collide", r, (d, h, y) => h.is(i) && c(d, h, y));
s(Is, "onCollide");
function Ls(r, i, c) {
return ut("collideUpdate", r, (d, h, y) => h.is(i) && c(d, h, y));
s(Ls, "onCollideUpdate");
function js(r, i, c) {
return ut("collideEnd", r, (d, h, y) => h.is(i) && c(d, h, y));
s(js, "onCollideEnd");
function nn(r, i) {
Hn(r, { recursive: !0 }).forEach(i), Nn(r, i);
s(nn, "forAllCurrentAndFuture");
let ks = Fe(
(r) => m.onMousePress(r),
(r, i) => {
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
let c = [];
return (
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
nn(r, (d) => {
if (!d.area)
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
throw new Error(
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
"onClick() requires the object to have area() component"
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
c.push(d.onClick(() => i(d)));
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
function Ns(r, i) {
let c = [];
return (
nn(r, (d) => {
if (!d.area)
throw new Error(
"onHover() requires the object to have area() component"
c.push(d.onHover(() => i(d)));
s(Ns, "onHover");
function _s(r, i) {
let c = [];
return (
nn(r, (d) => {
if (!d.area)
throw new Error(
"onHoverUpdate() requires the object to have area() component"
c.push(d.onHoverUpdate(() => i(d)));
s(_s, "onHoverUpdate");
function Hs(r, i) {
let c = [];
return (
nn(r, (d) => {
if (!d.area)
throw new Error(
"onHoverEnd() requires the object to have area() component"
c.push(d.onHoverEnd(() => i(d)));
s(Hs, "onHoverEnd");
function Ks(r) {
O.gravity = r ? (O.gravity || T(0, 1)).unit().scale(r) : null;
s(Ks, "setGravity");
function qs() {
return O.gravity ? O.gravity.len() : 0;
s(qs, "getGravity");
function zs(r) {
O.gravity = r.unit().scale(O.gravity ? O.gravity.len() : 1);
s(zs, "setGravityDirection");
function Ws() {
return O.gravity ? O.gravity.unit() : T(0, 1);
s(Ws, "getGravityDirection");
function Ys(...r) {
r.length === 1 || r.length === 2
? ((w.bgColor = ce(r[0])), r[1] && (w.bgAlpha = r[1]))
: (r.length === 3 || r.length === 4) &&
((w.bgColor = ce(r[0], r[1], r[2])), r[3] && (w.bgAlpha = r[3])),
w.bgColor.r / 255,
w.bgColor.g / 255,
w.bgColor.b / 255,
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(Ys, "setBackground");
function Xs() {
return w.bgColor.clone();
s(Xs, "getBackground");
function $s(...r) {
return {
id: "color",
color: ce(...r),
inspect() {
return this.color.toString();
s($s, "color");
function _n(r, i) {
return Number(r.toFixed(i));
s(_n, "toFixed");
function Pr(r) {
return r.fixed ? !0 : r.parent ? Pr(r.parent) : !1;
s(Pr, "isFixed");
function Qs(r) {
return {
color: r.color,
opacity: r.opacity,
anchor: r.anchor,
outline: r.outline,
shader: r.shader,
uniform: r.uniform,
s(Qs, "getRenderProps");
function Js(r) {
L.loaded ? r() : O.events.on("load", r);
s(Js, "onLoad");
function Zs(r, i) {
O.scenes[r] = i;
s(Zs, "scene");
function ei(r, ...i) {
if (!O.scenes[r]) throw new Error(`Scene not found: ${r}`);
O.events.onOnce("frameEnd", () => {
O.events.trigger("sceneLeave", r),
[...O.root.children].forEach((c) => {
(!c.stay || (c.scenesToStay && !c.scenesToStay.includes(r))) &&
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
(O.cam = {
pos: null,
scale: T(1),
angle: 0,
shake: 0,
transform: new De(),
(O.currentScene = r);
s(ei, "go");
function ti(r) {
return O.events.on("sceneLeave", r);
s(ti, "onSceneLeave");
function ni() {
return O.currentScene;
s(ni, "getSceneName");
function ri(r, i) {
try {
return JSON.parse(window.localStorage[r]);
} catch {
return i ? (Mr(r, i), i) : null;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(ri, "getData");
function Mr(r, i) {
window.localStorage[r] = JSON.stringify(i);
s(Mr, "setData");
function Dr(r, ...i) {
let c = r(Xe),
typeof c == "function" ? (d = c(...i)(Xe)) : (d = c);
for (let h in d) (Xe[h] = d[h]), t.global !== !1 && (window[h] = d[h]);
return Xe;
s(Dr, "plug");
function rn() {
return T(Pe() / 2, ke() / 2);
s(rn, "center");
let oi;
((R) => (
(R[(R.None = 0)] = "None"),
(R[(R.Left = 1)] = "Left"),
(R[(R.Top = 2)] = "Top"),
(R[(R.LeftTop = 3)] = "LeftTop"),
(R[(R.Right = 4)] = "Right"),
(R[(R.Horizontal = 5)] = "Horizontal"),
(R[(R.RightTop = 6)] = "RightTop"),
(R[(R.HorizontalTop = 7)] = "HorizontalTop"),
(R[(R.Bottom = 8)] = "Bottom"),
(R[(R.LeftBottom = 9)] = "LeftBottom"),
(R[(R.Vertical = 10)] = "Vertical"),
(R[(R.LeftVertical = 11)] = "LeftVertical"),
(R[(R.RightBottom = 12)] = "RightBottom"),
(R[(R.HorizontalBottom = 13)] = "HorizontalBottom"),
(R[(R.RightVertical = 14)] = "RightVertical"),
(R[(R.All = 15)] = "All")
))((oi ||= {}));
function si(r, i) {
if (!i.tileWidth || !i.tileHeight)
throw new Error("Must provide tileWidth and tileHeight.");
let c = Bt([Wt(i.pos ?? T(0))]),
d = r.length,
h = 0,
y = null,
x = null,
A = null,
E = null,
g = s((U) => U.x + U.y * h, "tile2Hash"),
C = s((U) => T(Math.floor(U % h), Math.floor(U / h)), "hash2Tile"),
N = s(() => {
y = [];
for (let U of c.children) G(U);
}, "createSpatialMap"),
G = s((U) => {
let k = g(U.tilePos);
y[k] ? y[k].push(U) : (y[k] = [U]);
}, "insertIntoSpatialMap"),
F = s((U) => {
let k = g(U.tilePos);
if (y[k]) {
let I = y[k].indexOf(U);
I >= 0 && y[k].splice(I, 1);
}, "removeFromSpatialMap"),
S = s(() => {
let U = !1;
for (let k of c.children) {
let I = c.pos2Tile(k.pos);
(k.tilePos.x != I.x || k.tilePos.y != I.y) &&
((U = !0), F(k), (k.tilePos.x = I.x), (k.tilePos.y = I.y), G(k));
U && c.trigger("spatial_map_changed");
}, "updateSpatialMap"),
B = s(() => {
let U = c.getSpatialMap(),
k = c.numRows() * c.numColumns();
x ? (x.length = k) : (x = new Array(k)), x.fill(1, 0, k);
for (let I = 0; I < U.length; I++) {
let K = U[I];
if (K) {
let Z = 0;
for (let ee of K)
if (ee.isObstacle) {
Z = 1 / 0;
} else Z += ee.cost;
x[I] = Z || 1;
}, "createCostMap"),
R = s(() => {
let U = c.getSpatialMap(),
k = c.numRows() * c.numColumns();
A ? (A.length = k) : (A = new Array(k)), A.fill(15, 0, k);
for (let I = 0; I < U.length; I++) {
let K = U[I];
if (K) {
let Z = K.length,
ee = 15;
for (let ue = 0; ue < Z; ue++) ee |= K[ue].edgeMask;
A[I] = ee;
}, "createEdgeMap"),
W = s(() => {
let U = c.numRows() * c.numColumns(),
k = s((K, Z) => {
let ee = [];
for (ee.push(K); ee.length > 0; ) {
let ue = ee.pop();
z(ue).forEach((ye) => {
E[ye] < 0 && ((E[ye] = Z), ee.push(ye));
}, "traverse");
E ? (E.length = U) : (E = new Array(U)), E.fill(-1, 0, U);
let I = 0;
for (let K = 0; K < x.length; K++) {
if (E[K] >= 0) {
k(K, I), I++;
}, "createConnectivityMap"),
q = s((U, k) => x[k], "getCost"),
Y = s((U, k) => {
let I = C(U),
K = C(k);
return I.dist(K);
}, "getHeuristic"),
z = s((U, k) => {
let I = [],
K = Math.floor(U % h),
Z = K > 0 && A[U] & 1 && x[U - 1] !== 1 / 0,
ee = U >= h && A[U] & 2 && x[U - h] !== 1 / 0,
ue = K < h - 1 && A[U] & 4 && x[U + 1] !== 1 / 0,
ye = U < h * d - h - 1 && A[U] & 8 && x[U + h] !== 1 / 0;
return (
? (Z &&
(ee && I.push(U - h - 1),
I.push(U - 1),
ye && I.push(U + h - 1)),
ee && I.push(U - h),
ue &&
(ee && I.push(U - h + 1),
I.push(U + 1),
ye && I.push(U + h + 1)),
ye && I.push(U + h))
: (Z && I.push(U - 1),
ee && I.push(U - h),
ue && I.push(U + 1),
ye && I.push(U + h)),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
}, "getNeighbours"),
Me = {
id: "level",
tileWidth() {
return i.tileWidth;
tileHeight() {
return i.tileHeight;
spawn(U, ...k) {
let I = T(...k),
K = (() => {
if (typeof U == "string") {
if (i.tiles[U]) {
if (typeof i.tiles[U] != "function")
throw new Error(
"Level symbol def must be a function returning a component list"
return i.tiles[U](I);
} else if (i.wildcardTile) return i.wildcardTile(U, I);
} else {
if (Array.isArray(U)) return U;
throw new Error("Expected a symbol or a component list");
if (!K) return null;
let Z = !1,
ee = !1;
for (let ye of K)
ye.id === "tile" && (ee = !0), ye.id === "pos" && (Z = !0);
Z || K.push(Wt()), ee || K.push(xr());
let ue = c.add(K);
return (
Z && (ue.tilePosOffset = ue.pos.clone()),
(ue.tilePos = I),
y &&
numColumns() {
return h;
numRows() {
return d;
levelWidth() {
return h * this.tileWidth();
levelHeight() {
return d * this.tileHeight();
tile2Pos(...U) {
return T(...U).scale(this.tileWidth(), this.tileHeight());
pos2Tile(...U) {
let k = T(...U);
return T(
Math.floor(k.x / this.tileWidth()),
Math.floor(k.y / this.tileHeight())
getSpatialMap() {
return y || N(), y;
onSpatialMapChanged(U) {
return this.on("spatial_map_changed", U);
onNavigationMapInvalid(U) {
return this.on("navigation_map_invalid", U);
getAt(U) {
y || N();
let k = g(U);
return y[k] || [];
raycast(U, k) {
U = U.scale(1 / this.tileWidth(), 1 / this.tileHeight());
let I = to(
(K) => {
let Z = this.getAt(K);
if (Z.some((ue) => ue.isObstacle)) return !0;
let ee;
for (let ue of Z)
if (ue.is("area")) {
let ft = ue.worldArea().raycast(U, k);
? ft.fraction < ee.fraction &&
((ee = ft), (ee.object = ue))
: ((ee = ft), (ee.object = ue));
return ee || !1;
return (
I &&
(I.point = I.point.scale(this.tileWidth(), this.tileHeight())),
update() {
y && S();
invalidateNavigationMap() {
(x = null), (A = null), (E = null);
onNavigationMapChanged(U) {
return this.on("navigation_map_changed", U);
getTilePath(U, k, I = {}) {
if (
(x || B(),
A || R(),
E || W(),
U.x < 0 ||
U.x >= h ||
U.y < 0 ||
U.y >= d ||
k.x < 0 ||
k.x >= h ||
k.y < 0 ||
k.y >= d)
return null;
let K = g(U),
Z = g(k);
if (x[Z] === 1 / 0) return null;
if (K === Z) return [];
if (E[K] != -1 && E[K] !== E[Z]) return null;
let ee = new ln((Ze, qn) => Ze.cost < qn.cost);
ee.insert({ cost: 0, node: K });
let ue = new Map();
ue.set(K, K);
let ye = new Map();
for (ye.set(K, 0); ee.length !== 0; ) {
let Ze = ee.remove()?.node;
if (Ze === Z) break;
let qn = z(Ze, I.allowDiagonals);
for (let gt of qn) {
let zn = (ye.get(Ze) || 0) + q(Ze, gt) + Y(gt, Z);
(!ye.has(gt) || zn < ye.get(gt)) &&
(ye.set(gt, zn),
ee.insert({ cost: zn, node: gt }),
ue.set(gt, Ze));
let ft = [],
Ft = Z,
Vi = C(Ft);
for (ft.push(Vi); Ft !== K; ) {
Ft = ue.get(Ft);
let Ze = C(Ft);
return ft.reverse();
getPath(U, k, I = {}) {
let K = this.tileWidth(),
Z = this.tileHeight(),
ee = this.getTilePath(this.pos2Tile(U), this.pos2Tile(k), I);
return ee
? [
.slice(1, -1)
.map((ue) => ue.scale(K, Z).add(K / 2, Z / 2)),
: null;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
return (
c.onNavigationMapInvalid(() => {
c.invalidateNavigationMap(), c.trigger("navigation_map_changed");
r.forEach((U, k) => {
let I = U.split("");
(h = Math.max(I.length, h)),
I.forEach((K, Z) => {
c.spawn(K, T(Z, k));
s(si, "addLevel");
function ii(r) {
let i = m.canvas.captureStream(r),
c = X.ctx.createMediaStreamDestination();
let d = new MediaRecorder(i),
h = [];
return (
(d.ondataavailable = (y) => {
y.data.size > 0 && h.push(y.data);
(d.onerror = () => {
X.masterNode.disconnect(c), i.getTracks().forEach((y) => y.stop());
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
resume() {
pause() {
stop() {
return (
i.getTracks().forEach((y) => y.stop()),
new Promise((y) => {
d.onstop = () => {
y(new Blob(h, { type: "video/mp4" }));
download(y = "kaboom.mp4") {
this.stop().then((x) => ur(y, x));
s(ii, "record");
function ai() {
return document.activeElement === m.canvas;
s(ai, "isFocused");
function ci(r) {
s(ci, "destroy");
let Bt = O.root.add.bind(O.root),
ui = O.root.readd.bind(O.root),
li = O.root.removeAll.bind(O.root),
Hn = O.root.get.bind(O.root),
mi = O.root.wait.bind(O.root),
di = O.root.loop.bind(O.root),
hi = O.root.tween.bind(O.root),
pi = s(function (r, i) {
if (O.layers) throw Error("Layers can only be assigned once.");
let c = r.indexOf(i);
if (c == -1)
throw Error(
"The default layer name should be present in the layers list."
(O.layers = r), (O.defaultLayerIndex = c);
}, "layers");
function Gr(r = 2, i = 1) {
let c = 0;
return {
require: ["scale"],
update() {
let d = Math.sin(c * r) * i;
d < 0 && this.destroy(), (this.scale = T(d)), (c += jn());
s(Gr, "boom");
let fi = Te(null, gs),
gi = Te(null, ps);
function bi(r, i = {}) {
let c = Bt([Wt(r), yr()]),
d = (i.speed || 1) * 5,
h = i.scale || 1;
c.add([wn(gi), Yt(0), Tn("center"), Gr(d, h), ...(i.comps ?? [])]);
let y = c.add([wn(fi), Yt(0), Tn("center"), Cn(), ...(i.comps ?? [])]);
return (
y.wait(0.4 / d, () => y.use(Gr(d, h))),
y.onDestroy(() => c.destroy()),
s(bi, "addKaboom");
function Br() {
s(Br, "updateFrame");
class Kn {
static {
s(this, "Collision");
resolved = !1;
constructor(i, c, d, h = !1) {
(this.source = i),
(this.target = c),
(this.displacement = d),
(this.resolved = h);
reverse() {
return new Kn(
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
hasOverlap() {
return !this.displacement.isZero();
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
isLeft() {
return this.displacement.cross(O.gravity || T(0, 1)) > 0;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
isRight() {
return this.displacement.cross(O.gravity || T(0, 1)) < 0;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
isTop() {
return this.displacement.dot(O.gravity || T(0, 1)) > 0;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
isBottom() {
return this.displacement.dot(O.gravity || T(0, 1)) < 0;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
preventResolution() {
this.resolved = !0;
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
function vi() {
let r = {},
i = t.hashGridSize || 64,
c = new De(),
d = [];
function h(y) {
if (
y.pos && c.translate(y.pos),
y.scale && c.scale(y.scale),
y.angle && c.rotate(y.angle),
(y.transform = c.clone()),
y.c("area") && !y.paused)
) {
let x = y,
E = x.worldArea().bbox(),
g = Math.floor(E.pos.x / i),
C = Math.floor(E.pos.y / i),
N = Math.ceil((E.pos.x + E.width) / i),
G = Math.ceil((E.pos.y + E.height) / i),
F = new Set();
for (let S = g; S <= N; S++)
for (let B = C; B <= G; B++)
if (!r[S]) (r[S] = {}), (r[S][B] = [x]);
else if (!r[S][B]) r[S][B] = [x];
else {
let R = r[S][B];
e: for (let W of R) {
if (W.paused || !W.exists() || F.has(W.id)) continue;
for (let Y of x.collisionIgnore) if (W.is(Y)) continue e;
for (let Y of W.collisionIgnore) if (x.is(Y)) continue e;
let q = po(x.worldArea(), W.worldArea());
if (q) {
let Y = new Kn(x, W, q);
x.trigger("collideUpdate", W, Y);
let z = Y.reverse();
(z.resolved = Y.resolved), W.trigger("collideUpdate", x, z);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
y.children.forEach(h), (c = d.pop());
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(h, "checkObj"), h(O.root);
s(vi, "checkFrame");
function xi() {
let r = O.cam,
i = D.fromAngle(kt(0, 360)).scale(r.shake);
(r.shake = Je(r.shake, 0, 5 * jn())),
(r.transform = new De()
.translate((r.pos ?? rn()).scale(-1).add(i))),
s(xi, "drawFrame");
function yi() {
let r = H();
O.events.numListeners("loading") > 0
? O.events.trigger("loading", r)
: ct(() => {
let i = Pe() / 2,
c = 24,
d = T(Pe() / 2, ke() / 2).sub(T(i / 2, c / 2));
V({ pos: T(0), width: Pe(), height: ke(), color: ce(0, 0, 0) }),
pos: d,
width: i,
height: c,
fill: !1,
outline: { width: 4 },
V({ pos: d, width: i * r, height: c });
s(yi, "drawLoadScreen");
function Fr(r, i) {
ct(() => {
let c = T(8);
Ue(), te(r);
let d = Ot({
text: i,
font: qt,
size: 16,
pos: c,
color: ce(255, 255, 255),
fixed: !0,
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
h = d.width + c.x * 2,
y = d.height + c.x * 2;
r.x + h >= Pe() && te(T(-h, 0)),
r.y + y >= ke() && te(T(0, -y)),
width: h,
height: y,
color: ce(0, 0, 0),
radius: 4,
opacity: 0.8,
fixed: !0,
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(Fr, "drawInspectText");
function wi() {
if (de.inspect) {
let r = null;
for (let i of O.root.get("*", { recursive: !0 }))
if (i.c("area") && i.isHovering()) {
r = i;
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
if ((O.root.drawInspect(), r)) {
let i = [],
c = r.inspect();
for (let d in c) c[d] ? i.push(`${d}: ${c[d]}`) : i.push(`${d}`);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
Fr(T(8), `FPS: ${de.fps()}`);
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
de.paused &&
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
ct(() => {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
Ue(), te(Pe(), 0), te(-8, 8);
let r = 32;
width: r,
height: r,
anchor: "topright",
color: ce(0, 0, 0),
opacity: 0.8,
radius: 4,
fixed: !0,
for (let i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
width: 4,
height: r * 0.6,
anchor: "center",
pos: T((-r / 3) * i, r * 0.5),
color: ce(255, 255, 255),
radius: 2,
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
fixed: !0,
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
de.timeScale !== 1 &&
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
ct(() => {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
Ue(), te(Pe(), ke()), te(-8, -8);
let r = 8,
i = Ot({
text: de.timeScale.toFixed(1),
font: qt,
size: 16,
color: ce(255, 255, 255),
pos: T(-r),
anchor: "botright",
fixed: !0,
width: i.width + r * 2 + r * 4,
height: i.height + r * 2,
anchor: "botright",
color: ce(0, 0, 0),
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
opacity: 0.8,
radius: 4,
fixed: !0,
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
for (let c = 0; c < 2; c++) {
let d = de.timeScale < 1;
p1: T(-i.width - r * (d ? 2 : 3.5), -r),
p2: T(-i.width - r * (d ? 2 : 3.5), -r - i.height),
p3: T(-i.width - r * (d ? 3.5 : 2), -r - i.height / 2),
pos: T(-c * r * 1 + (d ? -r * 0.5 : 0), 0),
color: ce(255, 255, 255),
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
fixed: !0,
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
At(i), Oe();
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
de.curRecording &&
ct(() => {
te(0, ke()),
te(24, -24),
radius: 12,
color: ce(255, 0, 0),
opacity: $n(0, 1, m.time() * 4),
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
fixed: !0,
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
de.showLog &&
O.logs.length > 0 &&
ct(() => {
Ue(), te(0, ke()), te(8, -8);
let r = 8,
i = [];
for (let d of O.logs) {
let h = "",
y = d.msg instanceof Error ? "error" : "info";
(h += `[time]${d.time.toFixed(2)}[/time]`),
(h += " "),
(h += `[${y}]${
d.msg?.toString ? d.msg.toString() : d.msg
O.logs = O.logs.filter((d) => m.time() - d.time < (t.logTime || 4));
let c = Ot({
text: i.join(`
font: qt,
pos: T(r, -r),
anchor: "botleft",
size: 16,
width: Pe() * 0.6,
lineSpacing: r / 2,
fixed: !0,
styles: {
time: { color: ce(127, 127, 127) },
info: { color: ce(255, 255, 255) },
error: { color: ce(255, 0, 127) },
width: c.width + r * 2,
height: c.height + r * 2,
anchor: "botleft",
color: ce(0, 0, 0),
radius: 4,
opacity: 0.8,
fixed: !0,
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(wi, "drawDebug");
function Ci(r) {
O.events.on("loading", r);
s(Ci, "onLoading");
function Ti(r) {
s(Ti, "onResize");
function Ei(r) {
O.events.on("error", r);
s(Ei, "onError");
function Si(r) {
m.run(() => {
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
ct(() => {
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
let d = Pe(),
h = ke(),
y = {
size: 36,
width: d - 32 * 2,
letterSpacing: 4,
lineSpacing: 4,
font: qt,
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
fixed: !0,
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
V({ width: d, height: h, color: ce(0, 0, 255), fixed: !0 });
let x = Ot({
text: "Error",
pos: T(32),
color: ce(255, 128, 0),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
fixed: !0,
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
text: r.message,
pos: T(32, 32 + x.height + 16),
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
fixed: !0,
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
O.events.trigger("error", r);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(Si, "handleErr");
function Oi(r) {
s(Oi, "onCleanup");
function Ai() {
O.events.onOnce("frameEnd", () => {
let r = b.getParameter(b.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);
for (let i = 0; i < r; i++)
b.activeTexture(b.TEXTURE0 + i),
b.bindTexture(b.TEXTURE_2D, null),
b.bindTexture(b.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null);
b.bindBuffer(b.ARRAY_BUFFER, null),
b.bindBuffer(b.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, null),
b.bindRenderbuffer(b.RENDERBUFFER, null),
b.bindFramebuffer(b.FRAMEBUFFER, null),
P.forEach((i) => i());
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
s(Ai, "quit");
let on = !0;
m.run(() => {
try {
L.loaded ||
(H() === 1 && !on && ((L.loaded = !0), O.events.trigger("load"))),
(!L.loaded && t.loadingScreen !== !1) || on
? (Gt(), yi(), Tt())
: (de.paused || Br(),
t.debug !== !1 && wi(),
on && (on = !1),
} catch (r) {
function Ir() {
let r = l,
i = b.drawingBufferWidth / r,
c = b.drawingBufferHeight / r;
if (t.letterbox) {
if (!t.width || !t.height)
throw new Error("Letterboxing requires width and height defined.");
let d = i / c,
h = t.width / t.height;
if (d > h) {
let y = c * h,
x = (i - y) / 2;
w.viewport = { x, y: 0, width: y, height: c };
} else {
let y = i / h,
x = (c - y) / 2;
w.viewport = { x: 0, y: x, width: i, height: y };
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
2024-06-02 05:39:23 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
if (t.stretch && (!t.width || !t.height))
throw new Error("Stretching requires width and height defined.");
w.viewport = { x: 0, y: 0, width: i, height: c };
s(Ir, "updateViewport");
function Lr() {
m.onHide(() => {
t.backgroundAudio || X.ctx.suspend();
m.onShow(() => {
!t.backgroundAudio && !de.paused && X.ctx.resume();
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
m.onResize(() => {
if (m.isFullscreen()) return;
let r = t.width && t.height;
(r && !t.stretch && !t.letterbox) ||
((n.width = n.offsetWidth * l),
(n.height = n.offsetHeight * l),
r ||
(w.frameBuffer = new yt(
(w.width = b.drawingBufferWidth / l / o),
(w.height = b.drawingBufferHeight / l / o)));
t.debug !== !1 &&
(m.onKeyPress(t.debugKey ?? "f1", () => (de.inspect = !de.inspect)),
m.onKeyPress("f2", () => de.clearLog()),
m.onKeyPress("f8", () => (de.paused = !de.paused)),
m.onKeyPress("f7", () => {
de.timeScale = _n(Qe(de.timeScale - 0.2, 0, 2), 1);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
m.onKeyPress("f9", () => {
de.timeScale = _n(Qe(de.timeScale + 0.2, 0, 2), 1);
2024-06-01 06:31:08 +00:00
2024-06-17 22:57:39 +00:00
m.onKeyPress("f10", () => de.stepFrame())),
t.burp && m.onKeyPress("b", () => en());
if (
(s(Lr, "initEvents"),
(Xe = {
_k: {
kaboomCtx: Xe,
app: m,
game: O,
isFixed: Pr,
toFixed: _n,
getViewportScale: Ts,
getRenderProps: Qs,
resolveSprite: Qt,
drawTexture: Et,
calcTransform: Rr,
loadRoot: ie,
loadProgress: H,
loadSprite: Te,
loadSpriteAtlas: Ie,
loadSound: Ee,
loadMusic: Re,
loadBitmapFont: Ce,
loadFont: pe,
loadShader: He,
loadShaderURL: dt,
loadAseprite: _e,
loadPedit: Ne,
loadBean: ze,
loadJSON: se,
load: oe,
getSprite: ot,
getSound: st,
getFont: Ct,
getBitmapFont: Xt,
getShader: $t,
getAsset: An,
Asset: Ve,
SpriteData: _,
SoundData: $,
width: Pe,
height: ke,
center: rn,
dt: jn,
time: m.time,
screenshot: m.screenshot,
record: ii,
isFocused: ai,
setCursor: m.setCursor,
getCursor: m.getCursor,
setCursorLocked: m.setCursorLocked,
isCursorLocked: m.isCursorLocked,
setFullscreen: m.setFullscreen,
isFullscreen: m.isFullscreen,
isTouchscreen: m.isTouchscreen,
onLoad: Js,
onLoading: Ci,
onResize: Ti,
onGamepadConnect: m.onGamepadConnect,
onGamepadDisconnect: m.onGamepadDisconnect,
onError: Ei,
onCleanup: Oi,
camPos: Vs,
camScale: Rs,
camRot: Us,
camTransform: Ps,
shake: Ms,
toScreen: Ds,
toWorld: Gs,
setGravity: Ks,
getGravity: qs,
setGravityDirection: zs,
getGravityDirection: Ws,
setBackground: Ys,
getBackground: Xs,
getGamepads: m.getGamepads,
getTreeRoot: Ss,
add: Bt,
make: kn,
destroy: ci,
destroyAll: li,
get: Hn,
readd: ui,
pos: Wt,
scale: Yt,
rotate: ms,
color: $s,
opacity: qo,
anchor: Tn,
area: rs,
sprite: wn,
text: Qo,
polygon: Wo,
rect: Xo,
circle: No,
uvquad: Jo,
outline: zo,
body: os,
doubleJump: ss,
shader: $o,
timer: Cn,
fixed: is,
stay: yr,
health: es,
lifespan: ts,
state: ns,
z: ds,
layer: cs,
move: us,
offscreen: ls,
follow: as,
fadeIn: Ho,
mask: Ko,
drawon: _o,
raycast: Yo,
tile: xr,
agent: Zo,
on: ut,
onUpdate: Bs,
onDraw: Fs,
onAdd: Nn,
onDestroy: Ur,
onClick: ks,
onCollide: Is,
onCollideUpdate: Ls,
onCollideEnd: js,
onHover: Ns,
onHoverUpdate: _s,
onHoverEnd: Hs,
onKeyDown: m.onKeyDown,
onKeyPress: m.onKeyPress,
onKeyPressRepeat: m.onKeyPressRepeat,
onKeyRelease: m.onKeyRelease,
onMouseDown: m.onMouseDown,
onMousePress: m.onMousePress,
onMouseRelease: m.onMouseRelease,
onMouseMove: m.onMouseMove,
onCharInput: m.onCharInput,
onTouchStart: m.onTouchStart,
onTouchMove: m.onTouchMove,
onTouchEnd: m.onTouchEnd,
onScroll: m.onScroll,
onHide: m.onHide,
onShow: m.onShow,
onGamepadButtonDown: m.onGamepadButtonDown,
onGamepadButtonPress: m.onGamepadButtonPress,
onGamepadButtonRelease: m.onGamepadButtonRelease,
onGamepadStick: m.onGamepadStick,
mousePos: Ar,
mouseDeltaPos: m.mouseDeltaPos,
isKeyDown: m.isKeyDown,
isKeyPressed: m.isKeyPressed,
isKeyPressedRepeat: m.isKeyPressedRepeat,
isKeyReleased: m.isKeyReleased,
isMouseDown: m.isMouseDown,
isMousePressed: m.isMousePressed,
isMouseReleased: m.isMouseReleased,
isMouseMoved: m.isMouseMoved,
isGamepadButtonPressed: m.isGamepadButtonPressed,
isGamepadButtonDown: m.isGamepadButtonDown,
isGamepadButtonReleased: m.isGamepadButtonReleased,
getGamepadStick: m.getGamepadStick,
charInputted: m.charInputted,
loop: di,
wait: mi,
play: Zt,
volume: Un,
burp: en,
audioCtx: X.ctx,
Line: Ge,
Rect: me,
Circle: Be,
Ellipse: Ye,
Polygon: Ae,
Vec2: D,
Color: re,
Mat4: De,
Quad: he,
RNG: jt,
rand: kt,
randi: Qn,
randSeed: Hr,
vec2: T,
rgb: ce,
hsl2rgb: _r,
quad: ge,
choose: zr,
chooseMultiple: qr,
shuffle: Jn,
chance: Kr,
lerp: Je,
tween: hi,
easings: Mt,
map: et,
mapc: Nr,
wave: $n,
deg2rad: be,
rad2deg: lt,
clamp: Qe,
evaluateQuadratic: no,
evaluateQuadraticFirstDerivative: ro,
evaluateQuadraticSecondDerivative: oo,
evaluateBezier: un,
evaluateBezierFirstDerivative: so,
evaluateBezierSecondDerivative: io,
evaluateCatmullRom: ao,
evaluateCatmullRomFirstDerivative: co,
curveLengthApproximation: sr,
normalizedCurve: uo,
easingSteps: ho,
easingLinear: lo,
easingCubicBezier: mo,
testLineLine: an,
testRectRect: Zn,
testRectLine: cn,
testRectPoint: er,
testCirclePolygon: Nt,
testLinePoint: tr,
testLineCircle: Rt,
isConvex: ar,
triangulate: ir,
drawSprite: tn,
drawText: Or,
formatText: Ot,
drawRect: V,
drawLine: j,
drawLines: Ke,
drawTriangle: $e,
drawCircle: pt,
drawEllipse: wr,
drawUVQuad: ht,
drawPolygon: St,
drawCurve: at,
drawBezier: In,
drawFormattedText: At,
drawMasked: Tr,
drawSubtracted: Er,
pushTransform: Ue,
popTransform: Oe,
pushTranslate: te,
pushScale: We,
pushRotate: je,
pushMatrix: Fn,
usePostEffect: Gn,
makeCanvas: Mn,
debug: de,
scene: Zs,
getSceneName: ni,
go: ei,
onSceneLeave: ti,
layers: pi,
addLevel: si,
getData: ri,
setData: Mr,
download: dn,
downloadJSON: vo,
downloadText: cr,
downloadBlob: ur,
plug: Dr,
canvas: m.canvas,
addKaboom: bi,
RED: re.RED,
quit: Ai,
Event: we,
EventHandler: nt,
EventController: tt,
t.plugins && t.plugins.forEach(Dr),
t.global !== !1)
for (let r in Xe) window[r] = Xe[r];
return t.focus !== !1 && m.canvas.focus(), Xe;
}, "kaplay"),
rm = wa;
export {
wt as anchorPt,
rm as default,
fe as getInternalContext,
ne as getKaboomContext,
ya as isKaboomCtx,
//# sourceMappingURL=kaboom.mjs.map