2024-06-10 14:05:24 -05:00

82 lines
2.8 KiB

export default new Map([
floors_header: "Floors",
date_starting: "Starting",
date_started: "Started",
date_summary: (prefix, time) => `${prefix} ${time}`,
list_index: (index) => `, ${index}`,
parenthesis: (content) => `(${content})`,
openParenthesis: "(",
closeParenthesis: ")",
separator: (p1, p2) => `${p1} - ${p2}`,
hours_long: (hours) =>
hours == 1 ? `${hours} hour long` : `${hours} hours long`,
minutes_long: (hours) =>
hours == 1 ? `${hours} minute long` : `${hours} minutes long`,
events_in: (name) => `Events (${name})`,
event_in: (location) => `In ${location}`,
view_events_in: (name) => `Return to events in ${name}`,
minimize: "Toggle event panel docking",
event_inspector_header: (name) => `Event ${name}`,
event_inspector_host: "Host: ",
event_inspector_back: "Return to events panel",
event_inspector_minimize: "Toggle event inspector docking",
zoom_in_button: "Zoom in",
zoom_out_button: "Zoom out",
menu_search_button: "Search events",
menu_language_button: "Change language",
menu_about_button: "About EventMapper",
about_dialog_close_button: "Close about",
about_dialog_header_title: "About EventMapper",
about_dialog_credits: `EventMapper made by MeowcaTheoRange @ https://abtmtr.link/
See https://git.gay/MeowcaTheoRange/EventMapper for more info
Thanks to:
- Joe 2DCon @ https://2dcon.gg/
- KikiCraft @ https://kikicraft.com/
- Captain Zach @ https://discord.gg/2dcon`,
search_dialog_close_button: "Close search",
search_dialog_header_title: "Search Events",
search_dialog_search_tags: "Tags",
search_dialog_search_by: "Search By",
search_filter_buttons: {
name: {
label: "Title",
title: "Search by title.",
description: {
label: "Description",
title: "Search by text found in the description.",
host: {
label: "Host",
title: "Search by who is hosting the event.",
url: {
label: "URL",
title: "Search by where the event links.",
floor: {
label: "Floor",
title: "Search by what floor the event is on.",
room: {
label: "Room",
title: "Search by what room the event is in.",
search_filters: {
name: ({ src }) => `Found by title`, // Already present
description: ({ src }) => `Found by description`, // Too long to be present
host: ({ src }) => `Found by host ${src}`,
url: ({ src }) => `Found by URL ${src}`,
floor: ({ src }) => `Found by floor ${src}`,
room: ({ src }) => `Found by room ${src}`,
regexAnyWordCharacter: /[^\w]/g,