2024-11-23 20:36:52 +00:00
extends ColorRect
@onready var main_window = get_tree().root
@onready var character := $"vert_align/horiz_align/scale/TextureRect"
@onready var osd = $"OSD"
@onready var beepplayer := $"Beep"
@onready var tapplayer := $"Tap"
@onready var vert_align = $"vert_align"
@onready var horiz_align = $"vert_align/horiz_align"
@onready var scale_node = $"vert_align/horiz_align/scale"
var dragging = false
var dragging_start_position:Vector2i
var old_window_position:Vector2i
var signal_offset = false
var signal_change = false
var signal_beep_num = false
var signal_beep_bpm = false
var bpm_snap = 1
var character_opacity = 100.0
var numerator = int(GlobalConfig.tempo_numerator)
var change_array = []
2024-12-01 07:36:12 +00:00
func _enter_tree() -> void:
main_window = get_tree().root
main_window.borderless = true
main_window.always_on_top = true
main_window.transparent = true
main_window.min_size = Vector2i(100, 100)
main_window.title = "FunkPanion"
ProjectSettings.set_setting("display/window/subwindows/embed_subwindows", true)
2024-11-23 20:36:52 +00:00
func _ready() -> void:
horiz_align.alignment = GlobalConfig.spritesheet_anchor[0]
vert_align.alignment = GlobalConfig.spritesheet_anchor[1]
main_window.min_size = Vector2i(100, 100)
main_window.size = character.spritesheet_parser.max_dimensions * GlobalConfig.sprite_scale
character.scale = Vector2(GlobalConfig.sprite_scale, GlobalConfig.sprite_scale)
character_opacity = GlobalConfig.spritesheet_default_opacity * 100
character.flip_h = GlobalConfig.sprite_flip
self.color.a = GlobalConfig.background_opacity
func _gui_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.get_button_index() == 1:
dragging = event.is_pressed()
dragging_start_position = DisplayServer.mouse_get_position()
old_window_position = main_window.get_position()
func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
set_default_cursor_shape(Control.CURSOR_DRAG if dragging else Control.CURSOR_ARROW)
if dragging:
main_window.set_position(old_window_position + (DisplayServer.mouse_get_position() - dragging_start_position))
character.modulate.a = character_opacity / 100
if not GlobalConfig.anim_is_global:
if not GlobalConfig.bpm_is_global:
func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void:
if GlobalConfig.anim_is_global:
if GlobalConfig.bpm_is_global:
func _input_functions(input) -> void:
if GlobalConfig.bpm_needs_enable and not input.is_action_pressed("mod_enable"):
bpm_snap = 1
if input.is_action_pressed("mod_snap_fine"):
bpm_snap *= 0.5
if input.is_action_pressed("mod_snap_coarse"):
bpm_snap *= 10
if input.is_action_just_pressed("bpm_decrease"):
if input.is_action_just_pressed("bpm_increase"):
if input.is_action_just_pressed("bpm_opadecrease"):
if input.is_action_just_pressed("bpm_opaincrease"):
if input.is_action_just_pressed("bpm_reset"):
if input.is_action_just_pressed("bpm_tsdecrease"):
if input.is_action_just_pressed("bpm_tsincrease"):
var time = 0.0
func _anim_process(input) -> void:
var process_key_input = input.is_action_pressed("mod_enable") or not GlobalConfig.anim_needs_enable
var prev_time = time
time = Time.get_ticks_msec()
for animation in character.anims:
if animation.key != null:
var kd_before = animation.keydown
animation.keydown = process_key_input and input.is_action_pressed(animation.key)
if animation.keydown and not kd_before:
animation.tstamp = time
animation.active = animation.keydown or Tempo.beat_at_time(time - animation.tstamp, character.bpm) <= 1
var prev_active_anim = character.active_anims.front()
character.active_anims = character.anims.filter(func(a): return a.active)
character.active_anims.sort_custom(func(a, b): return a.tstamp > b.tstamp)
var active_anim = character.active_anims.front()
if active_anim and active_anim != prev_active_anim:
active_anim.tstamp = time
func _osd_opacity_change():
osd.show_osd("Character opacity", str(character_opacity) + "%", [
title = "",
icon = "remove",
icon_pos = osd.ICON_POSITION.CENTER,
toggles = false,
action = (func():
title = "",
icon = "add",
icon_pos = osd.ICON_POSITION.CENTER,
toggles = false,
action = (func():
func _osd_bpm_change():
osd.show_osd("Tempo", str(character.bpm) + "bpm", [
title = "",
icon = "remove",
icon_pos = osd.ICON_POSITION.CENTER,
toggles = false,
action = (func():
title = "",
icon = "touch_app",
icon_pos = osd.ICON_POSITION.CENTER,
toggles = false,
action = (func():
title = "",
icon = "add",
icon_pos = osd.ICON_POSITION.CENTER,
toggles = false,
action = (func():
func _osd_num_change():
osd.show_osd("Time signature", str(numerator) + "/4", [
title = "",
icon = "remove",
icon_pos = osd.ICON_POSITION.CENTER,
toggles = false,
action = (func():
title = "",
icon = "add",
icon_pos = osd.ICON_POSITION.CENTER,
toggles = false,
action = (func():
func _osd_bpm_reset():
osd.show_osd(str(numerator) + " taps for Tapper", "Sync", [
title = "Reset/Tap",
icon = "touch_app",
icon_pos = osd.ICON_POSITION.RIGHT,
toggles = false,
action = (func():
func _run_opacitychange(delta: float):
if character_opacity + delta < 0.0:
character_opacity = 0.0
elif character_opacity + delta > 100.0:
character_opacity = 100.0
character_opacity += delta
func _run_bpmchange(delta: float):
if character.bpm + delta < 60.0:
character.bpm = 60.0
elif character.bpm + delta > 1000.0:
character.bpm = 1000.0
character.bpm += delta
func _run_numeratorchange(delta: int):
if numerator + delta < 2:
numerator = 2
elif numerator + delta > 16:
numerator = 16
numerator += delta
func _run_offset():
for anim in character.anims:
if anim.type == GlobalConfig.SpritesheetAnimType.IDLE:
anim.tstamp = Time.get_ticks_msec()
func _run_tapper():
var time = Time.get_ticks_msec()
if change_array.size() > 0:
var last_time = change_array.back()
var time_offset = time - last_time
if time_offset <= 2000.0:
change_array = [Time.get_ticks_msec()]
change_array = [Time.get_ticks_msec()]
var avg = MathUtils.average(change_array)
if change_array.size() >= numerator:
character.bpm = floor(Tempo.get_bpm(avg) / bpm_snap) * bpm_snap
else: _osd_bpm_reset()
if (change_array.size() - 1) % numerator == 0:
tapplayer.pitch_scale = 1.25
tapplayer.pitch_scale = 1