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This commit is contained in:
MeowcaTheoRange 2023-11-24 23:10:00 -06:00
parent ad502232bb
commit 81568fa474
4 changed files with 0 additions and 340 deletions

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@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: CI
# Controls when the workflow will run
workflows: [pages-build-deployment]
- completed
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Runs a set of commands using the runners shell
- name: Install Dependencies
run: sudo npm install -g nativefier
- name: Stage Overall
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}
zip -r *
mkdir build
mv build/
- name: Stage For Linux
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}
cd build
nativefier --icon "${{ github.workspace }}/sprites/jellybeanTitle.png" --name "Mid-Simulator" --platform linux --arch x64 --portable --disable-context-menu --height 400 --width 700 --single-instance --zoom 1.0 --lang "en-US" --min-width 700 --min-height 400 --max-width 1400 --max-height 800
cd Mid-Simulator-linux-x64
zip -r ../ *
# - name: Stage For Windows
# run: |
# cd ${{ github.workspace }}/build
# nativefier --icon "${{ github.workspace }}/sprites/jellybeanTitle.png" --name "Mid-Simulator" --platform windows --arch x64 --portable --disable-context-menu --height 400 --width 700 --single-instance --zoom 1.0 --lang "en-US" --min-width 700 --min-height 400 --max-width 1400 --max-height 800
# ls
# cd Mid-Simulator-win32-x64
# zip -r ../ *
# - name: Stage For Mac
# run: |
# cd ${{ github.workspace }}/build
# nativefier --icon "${{ github.workspace }}/sprites/jellybeanTitle.png" --name "Mid-Simulator" --platform osx --arch x64 --portable --disable-context-menu --height 400 --width 700 --single-instance --zoom 1.0 --lang "en-US" --min-width 700 --min-height 400 --max-width 1400 --max-height 800
# ls
# cd Mid-Simulator-darwin-x64
# zip -r ../ *
# cd ${{ github.workspace }}/build
# nativefier --icon "${{ github.workspace }}/sprites/jellybeanTitle.png" --name "Mid-Simulator" --platform osx --arch arm64 --portable --disable-context-menu --height 400 --width 700 --single-instance --zoom 1.0 --lang "en-US" --min-width 700 --min-height 400 --max-width 1400 --max-height 800
# ls
# cd Mid-Simulator-darwin-arm64
# zip -r ../ *
- name: "[Debug] Check Dirs"
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}/build
echo "LS 1"
cd ..
echo "LS 2"
cd ..
echo "LS 3"
- uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
artifacts: "${{ github.workspace }}/build/*.zip"
body: "Electron build of Mid-Sim, built automatically on ${{ }} (${{ runner.os }} ${{ runner.arch }})"
tag: "Mid-SimElectronBuild"
name: "Mid-Sim Electron Build (${{ github.run_id }})"
allowUpdates: true
commit: "main"
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Cleanup
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}
rm -rf build

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
language = "kaboom"
entrypoint = "code/main.js"

View file

@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
# Before You Start
You need:
- Some JS knowledge
- Some knowledge of the KaboomJS engine
- A static file server, for your images and music. That, or download the game locally and place the files into there.
- 2 700 x 400 (or similarly scaled) sprites for your background and foreground.
- 1.333x: 525 x 300
- 2x: 350 x 200
- 4x: 175 x 100
- 8x: 87 x 50
- The names of the files:
- Background: `"[Your Song ID]BG0"` (e.x. `"liveandlearnBG0"`)
- Foreground: `"[Your Song ID]FG0"` (e.x. `"liveandlearnFG0"`)
- Spritesheets that are any size, for your character
- Spritesheet animations:
- `idle: At least 4 images for the animation that will be played every beat`
- `talk: At least 1 image for the animation that will be played when a note is successfully hit`
- `miss: At least 3 images for the animation that will be played when your player misses`
- The names of the file:
- Character file: `"[Your Character ID][Your Song ID]"` (e.x. `"Shadowliveandlearn"`)
# How To Make A Chart File
Add this code before the last **square end bracket (`]`)** near the end of your `charts.js` file.
id: "", // REQUIRED! This ID will also be used to access your song name.
name: "", // Required
speed: 3, // Required
bpm: 120, // Required
events: {
preload: function() { // Required, but you can simply just not modify it if your chart requires no extra assets.
onBeat: function(beat) { // Optional
characters: [
["id", "name"] // Required, other characters are optional
noteTypes: {
"J": noteDefault, // Required, other note types are optional
makeScript: {
customChar: false,
customBG: false,
script: function() { // Required, but if customChar and customBG are false, this doesn't require modification
chart: "...", // Required, duh
scale: 1 // Required
## File basics:
id: "",
name: "",
speed: 3,
bpm: 120,
chart: "...",
scale: 1
The `id` field should contain the simple name of your song.
For example, a song name of `"Live And Learn"` can be `"liveandlearn"`, `"lal"`, or `"learn"`.
id: "liveandlearn"
Next, the `name` field should be the main, detailed name of your song. This field is not case-sensitive, technically, as the font the text is displayed in uses ALL CAPS.
However, you should still be wary about your grammar.
For example, `name` can be `"Live And Learn"`. Please exclude the artist of the song in the title unless you *need* it for recognition or credit.
name: "Live And Learn"
Now, let's move on to the `speed` field, which is basically the time that notes go from Right Stage to your hitmarker.
For example, `5` means it will take 5 seconds for notes to go from right to left. `1` means it will take 1 second for notes to go.
speed: 5
Let's do this quickly, the `bpm` field will be the song tempo in beats per minute.
For example, `172` is the BPM of `Live And Learn`.
bpm: 172
The `chart` field is important, and this would be relatively easy to make in a normal text editor. Each individual character in this string is a step (1/4 of a beat).
However, it's better to use the built-in Chart Editor, which can be accessed by pressing `~` while the song you want to chart is selected in the song picker menu.
After you do so, press the EXPORT button on the chart editor, and then go to your browser's inspector by pressing eiher `F12` or `CTRL-SHIFT-I`.
Copy the newly-created string into the `chart` field, and you're finished with that.
chart: "..."
Alright, the `scale` field is just the scale of your sprites. If you have failed to properly re-scale your sprites (while also using the default settings for characters and backgrounds.), then you can change this field.
## Complicated stuff that requires code
events: {
preload: function() {
onBeat: function(beat) {
characters: [
["id", "name"]
noteTypes: {
"J": noteDefault,
makeScript: {
customChar: false,
customBG: false,
script: function() {
`events.preload()` will be ran before the game starts. This function can be used to load all of your current chart's required assets.
`events.onBeat(beat)` will be ran every beat of your song. The provided variable `beat` will tell you the current beat of the song.
`characters` is a list of all of the playable characters your player will be able to use. Nore really coding-related, but you will need this if you want to give your player some character variety.
The array goes like this: `[ "ID Of Character", "Name Of Character" ]`
If you're not using custom character definitions (see below), you also have 2 more values to play with:
`[ "ID", "Name", X Pos, Y Pos ]`. These define the X and Y position the character will be placed at.
[ "sonic", "Sonic", 20, 108 ]
`noteTypes` is a list of strings that will define different letters of the chart as notes.
`noteTypes.[anonymous](time, letter, prevStep)` is a function that's good for defining custom notes.
The default note is labelled as `noteDefault`, and can be used if you want a specific character to make a default note.
Here's a good use, to define a note that will be empty and full, for making something of a duet:
function(time, prevStep) {
noteDefault(time, "PUT YOUR CORRESPONDING LETTER HERE", prevStep); //The aformentioned default note value, with all of the variables being passed into it.
customNote(time, "PUT YOUR CORRESPONDING LETTER HERE", prevStep, 0, [0, 0, 0], true);
> `customNote` is also a really good helper function for easily defining... custom notes. The internal variables `time, letter, prevStep, w, colorArray, empty,` and `funclol` are used as so:
> `time` is where you pass in the variable with the same name, just like `noteDefault`. This is same with `prevStep`.
> `letter` is where you put the letter that spawns the note, as a way of identification by other modules.
> `w` is the width of your note. You can't change the height, because... why would you need to. Default width is usually 10.
> `colorArray` is the color of your note. If you want to make a sprite note instead, you'll have to use Kaboom's `add()` function instead.
> `empty` determines if this note is empty, which means the player cannot hit this note. Instead, this note will be handled by a seperate "player", designated for only hitting these notes. Animations and actions will also be passed into another player, labelled `players.empty`.
> Finally, `funclol` is where you put the function that runs when you hit this note. Including this automatically makes your note "[not normal.](" Passing parameters are `empty`, `curBeat`, and `letter`.
`time` will return the current time of the song in milliseconds.
`prevStep` will return the step that this note was made on.
`makeScript.script(players, char, bgEl)` will be ran when your chart is loaded. It can be used to load a custom layout by setting `makeScript.customChar` and/or `makeScript.customBG` to true.
Here's a good use, to load a custom character layout:
script: function(players, char, bgEl) {
var player, player2;
player = add([
"dances", //required for all player characters
pos(224, 108),
scale(1) // if using a custom layout, use this instead of the chart's provided scale variable
player2 = add([
pos(20, 108),
return {returnType: "character", main: player, empty: player2};
You'll need to return your code after making some character changes, so make sure you use this.
returnType only has the value "character", which allows the use of these two variables:
- main, a variable for defining the character the player will use (GameObj)
- empty, a variable for defining the character the empty note bot will use to display opposing animation (GameObj)
The included variables can be used as such:
`players`: Will only really mean anything if `makeScript.customChar` is false. It is an object array of the player positions.
e.x. `{ main: bean<GameObj>, empty: shadowthehedge<GameObj> }`
`char`: The ID of the currently selected character. Good for making differing stages for different characters.
`bgEl`: Will only really mean anything if `makeScript.customBG` is false. It is simply the current background GameObj.

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
# Mid-Simulator
The main GitHub repository for JellyBean's Mid-Sim.
## How to Build:
Game's built already. Just download the files, put it in a folder, open VS Code and start a Live Server.
## Documentation For Chartmaking
## Warnings
When downloading/playing an unofficially distributed mod of this game, be careful and look at [code/charts.js](./code/charts.js) for any bad code before you continue! Any `eval()`, popup, or other malicious code references should be a huge red flag!
Some things to look for:
`` (could cause a seizure for those who are photosensitive)