## v3.0 * Upgrade to StackFrame v1.x for better representation of eval, constructor, and native functions (#44) * Cache and reuse SourceMapConsumers for same source map (#43) * Add function parsing for ES6 function definitions (#46) * Handle file:// protocol when making ajax requests (#40) * Improve function name parsing (#46) ## v2.4 * Resolve original StackFrame if source map resolution fails * Allow users to provide `ajax` for custom source/sourcemap resolution (#26) * Allow users to provide `atob` function definition (#28) * Improved handling of inline source maps ## v2.3 * Cache Promises for remote requests to avoid multiple in-flight requests for same resource (#19) * Cache sourceContent from source maps ## v2.2 * Upgrade source-map dependency * Fix handling of webpack:// urls in source maps * Add component(1) support ## v2.1.2 * .pinpoint() resolves to source-mapped stackframe even if other analysis fails. * Fix stackframe dependency in CommonJS definition ## v2.1.0 * Revert change: allow cross-domain XHR in IE8 and IE9 - too unstable ## v2.0.0 * Return StackFrame objects instead of partial code locations * Add StackTraceGPS.pinpoint(stackframe) enhancing location and function name ## v1.0.4 * Add "offline" option to prevent unwanted network requests * Add "sourceCache" option to allow sources and source maps to be resolved offline ## v1.0.3 * Allow cross-domain XHR in IE8 and IE9 ## v1.0.2 * Name functions such that they can can be filtered out by stacktrace.js ## v1.0.1 * Use Promise.catch() to handle unexpected errors ## v1.0.0 * Use es6-promise to polyfill Promise API ## v0.2.1 * Provide standard distribution (minified and unminified). * Add draft source maps support ## v0.2.0 * Switch to Promise-based API * Switch to Karma/Travis/Jasmine for testing and CI ## v0.1.0 * Initial port from stacktrace.js