# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions name: CI # Controls when the workflow will run on: workflow_run: workflows: [pages-build-deployment] types: - completed # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab workflow_dispatch: # A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel jobs: # This workflow contains a single job called "build" build: # The type of runner that the job will run on runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: contents: write # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job steps: # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it - uses: actions/checkout@v3 # Runs a set of commands using the runners shell - name: Install Dependencies run: sudo npm install -g nativefier - name: Stage Overall run: | cd ${{ github.workspace }} zip -r Mid_Simulator.Source.zip * mkdir build mv Mid_Simulator.Source.zip build/Mid_Simulator.Source.zip - name: Stage For Linux run: | cd ${{ github.workspace }} cd build nativefier https://meowcatheorange.github.io/Mid-Simulator/ --icon "${{ github.workspace }}/sprites/jellybeanTitle.png" --name "Mid-Simulator" --platform linux --arch x64 --portable --disable-context-menu --height 400 --width 700 --single-instance --zoom 1.0 --lang "en-US" --min-width 700 --min-height 400 --max-width 1400 --max-height 800 cd Mid-Simulator-linux-x64 zip -r ../Mid_Simulator.Linux-amd64.zip * # - name: Stage For Windows # run: | # cd ${{ github.workspace }}/build # nativefier https://meowcatheorange.github.io/Mid-Simulator/ --icon "${{ github.workspace }}/sprites/jellybeanTitle.png" --name "Mid-Simulator" --platform windows --arch x64 --portable --disable-context-menu --height 400 --width 700 --single-instance --zoom 1.0 --lang "en-US" --min-width 700 --min-height 400 --max-width 1400 --max-height 800 # ls # cd Mid-Simulator-win32-x64 # zip -r ../Mid_Simulator.Windows-x86_64.zip * # # - name: Stage For Mac # run: | # cd ${{ github.workspace }}/build # nativefier https://meowcatheorange.github.io/Mid-Simulator/ --icon "${{ github.workspace }}/sprites/jellybeanTitle.png" --name "Mid-Simulator" --platform osx --arch x64 --portable --disable-context-menu --height 400 --width 700 --single-instance --zoom 1.0 --lang "en-US" --min-width 700 --min-height 400 --max-width 1400 --max-height 800 # ls # cd Mid-Simulator-darwin-x64 # zip -r ../Mid_Simulator.MacOSX-x86_64.zip * # cd ${{ github.workspace }}/build # nativefier https://meowcatheorange.github.io/Mid-Simulator/ --icon "${{ github.workspace }}/sprites/jellybeanTitle.png" --name "Mid-Simulator" --platform osx --arch arm64 --portable --disable-context-menu --height 400 --width 700 --single-instance --zoom 1.0 --lang "en-US" --min-width 700 --min-height 400 --max-width 1400 --max-height 800 # ls # cd Mid-Simulator-darwin-arm64 # zip -r ../Mid_Simulator.MacOSX-arm64.zip * - name: "[Debug] Check Dirs" run: | cd ${{ github.workspace }}/build echo "LS 1" ls cd .. echo "LS 2" ls cd .. echo "LS 3" ls - uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1 with: artifacts: "${{ github.workspace }}/build/*.zip" body: "Electron build of Mid-Sim, built automatically on ${{ runner.name }} (${{ runner.os }} ${{ runner.arch }})" tag: "Mid-SimElectronBuild" name: "Mid-Sim Electron Build (${{ github.run_id }})" allowUpdates: true commit: "main" token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Cleanup run: | cd ${{ github.workspace }} rm -rf build