import { kaboom, easings, tween, tweentypes } from "../deps.js"; // initialize context kaboom({ width: 700, height: 400, background: [ 0, 0, 0 ], crisp: true, touchToMouse: true, canvas: document.querySelector("#kaboom") }); load(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { loadFont("unscii", "fonts/unscii_8x8.png", 8, 8, {chars: " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"}); // Music loadSound("tutorial", "sounds/Getting it Done.mp3"); //135 loadSound("faith", "sounds/The Friendly Faith Plate.mp3"); //120 loadSound("sonic", "sounds/SonicInMidSim.wav"); //139 loadSound("green", "sounds/GreenHill.wav"); //139 loadSound("gameover", "sounds/gameover.mp3"); // // Sounds loadSound("score", "sounds/score.mp3"); loadSound("metro", "sounds/metro.wav"); loadSound("explode", "sounds/explode.mp3"); // //Menus loadSprite("bgCake", "sprites/bgCake.png"); loadSprite("jellybeanTitle", "sprites/jellybeanTitle.png"); loadSprite("logo", "sprites/logo.png"); loadSprite("jellybeanFail", "sprites/jellybeanFail.png"); loadSprite("keyA", "sprites/keyA.png"); loadSprite("keySpace", "sprites/keySpace.png"); loadSprite("keyClick", "sprites/keyClick.png"); // // Main Game loadSprite("noteClick", "sprites/noteClick.png", { sliceX: 4, sliceY: 2, anims: { idle: { from: 7, to: 7, speed: 30 }, click: { from: 0, to: 7, speed: 60 } }, }) // // Character loadSound("hitsoundFaithPlate", "sounds/hitsoundFaithPlate.mp3"); loadSound("hitsoundJellyBean", "sounds/hitsoundJellyBean.wav"); loadSound("hitsoundCarterRedacted", "sounds/hitsoundJellyBean.wav"); loadSound("hitsoundMarc", "sounds/hitsoundJellyBean.wav"); loadSound("hitsoundRedVelvety", "sounds/hitsoundRedVelvety.wav"); loadSound("hitsoundSonicAndTails", "sounds/hitsoundJellyBean.wav"); loadSound("hitsoundMarkyMark", "sounds/burp.mp3"); loadSprite("JellyBeanPre", "sprites/previews/JellyBeanPre.png"); loadSprite("RedVelvetyPre", "sprites/previews/RedVelvetyPre.png"); loadSprite("MarkyMarkPre", "sprites/previews/MarkyMarkPre.png"); loadSprite("CarterRedactedPre", "sprites/previews/CarterRedactedPre.png"); loadSprite("MarcPre", "sprites/previews/MarcPre.png"); loadSprite("FaithPlatePre", "sprites/previews/FaithPlatePre.png"); loadSprite("SonicAndTailsPre", "sprites/previews/SonicAndTailsPre.png"); // // Cake/tutorial loadSprite("tutorialBG0", "sprites/bgCake.png"); loadSprite("tutorialFG0", "sprites/fgCake0.png"); loadSprite("tutorialFG1", "sprites/fgCake1.png"); loadSprite("Marctutorial", "sprites/marcCake.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 3, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 3, speed: 20 }, talk: { from: 4, to: 5, speed: 20 }, miss: { from: 6, to: 8, speed: 10 }, }, }) loadSprite("CarterRedactedtutorial", "sprites/carterredactedCake.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 3, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 3, speed: 20 }, talk: { from: 4, to: 5, speed: 20 }, miss: { from: 6, to: 8, speed: 10 }, }, }) loadSprite("MarkyMarktutorial", "sprites/markymarkCake.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 4, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 3, speed: 20 }, talk: { from: 4, to: 7, speed: 40 }, miss: { from: 8, to: 10, speed: 10 }, }, }) loadSprite("RedVelvetytutorial", "sprites/redvelvetyCake.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 4, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 3, speed: 20 }, talk: { from: 4, to: 5, speed: 20 }, dox: { from: 6, to: 7, speed: 20 }, miss: { from: 8, to: 10, speed: 10 }, }, }) loadSprite("JellyBeantutorial", "sprites/jellybeanCake.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 4, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 3, speed: 20 }, talk: { from: 4, to: 5, speed: 20 }, dox: { from: 6, to: 7, speed: 20 }, miss: { from: 8, to: 10, speed: 10 }, }, }) // // Faith/faith loadSprite("faithBG0", "sprites/bgFaith.png"); loadSprite("faithFG0", "sprites/fgFaith.png"); loadSprite("FaithPlatefaith", "sprites/faithplateFaith.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 3, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 3, speed: 20 }, talk: { from: 4, to: 5, speed: 20 }, miss: { from: 6, to: 8, speed: 10 }, }, }) // // Sonic In Mid Sim/sonic loadSprite("sonicBG0", "sprites/SonicBG.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 3, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 6, speed: 10, loop: true } }, }); loadSprite("sonicFG0", "sprites/SonicFG.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 3, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 0, speed: 20 } }, }); loadSprite("SonicAndTailssonic0", "sprites/SonicMidSim.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 4, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 6, speed: 20 }, talk: { from: 7, to: 8, speed: 20 }, miss: { from: 9, to: 11, speed: 10 }, }, }); loadSprite("SonicAndTailssonic1", "sprites/TailsMidSim.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 9, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 15, speed: 20 }, talk: { from: 16, to: 23, speed: 20 }, miss: { from: 24, to: 26, speed: 10 }, }, }); loadSprite("greenBG0", "sprites/SonicBG.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 3, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 6, speed: 10, loop: true } }, }); loadSprite("greenFG0", "sprites/SonicFG.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 3, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 0, speed: 20 } }, }); loadSprite("SonicAndTailsgreen0", "sprites/SonicMidSim.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 4, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 6, speed: 20 }, talk: { from: 7, to: 8, speed: 20 }, miss: { from: 9, to: 11, speed: 10 }, }, }); loadSprite("SonicAndTailsgreen1", "sprites/TailsMidSim.png", { sliceX: 3, sliceY: 9, anims: { idle: { from: 0, to: 15, speed: 20 }, talk: { from: 16, to: 23, speed: 20 }, miss: { from: 24, to: 26, speed: 10 }, }, }); resolve("All assets loaded."); })) var charts = { "tutorial": [ 5, // How much seconds it takes to get from Right Stage to the hitmarker 135, // Song BPM "................................................................................................................................J...........J.J...........J.J.J.............J.J.................J...........J.J...........J.J...J...............................J...........J.J...........J.J.J.............J.J...J.............J...........J.J...........J.J...J...............................J...........J.J...........J.J.J.............J.J...J.............J...........J.J...........J.J...J...............................J...........J.J...........J.J.J.............J.J...J...J...J.J...J...........J.J...........J.J...J...............................J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J...................................J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.....J.............................J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J...................................J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.....J.J.....J.J.....J...........J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.................................J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.....J.J.....J.J.....J.J.....J...................................................................................................................................J...........J.J...........J.J.J.............J.J...J...J...J.J...J...........J.J...........J.J...J...............................J...........J.J...........J.J.J.............J.J...J...J...J.J...J...........J.J...........J.J...J...............................J...........J.J...........J.J.J.............J.J...J...J...J.J...J...........J.J...........J.J...J...............................J...........J.J...........J.J.J.............J.J...J...J...J.J...J...........J.J...........J.J...J...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................", 1 //Texture Scale (too lazy to upsize sprites sometimes) ], "faith": [ 2, 120, "................................................................................................................................J...J...J...JJJJJ...J...J...J...J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.JJJJJJJJJ.J.J.JJJ.J.J.J.J.J.JJJJJ.JJJ.J.J.J.J.J.J.JJJ.JJJ.J.J.J.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.JJJ.JJJ.JJJ.JJJ.JJJ.J.J.J.J.JJJ.J.JJJJJJJJJJJJJ.J.J.J.JJJJJ.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.JJJJJ.J.J.J.J.JJ.J..J.JJJ.JJJ.J.J.JJJ.JJJ.J.J.J.JJJJJ.J.J.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.J.JJJ.J.J.JJJ.J.J.JJJ.J.J.JJJ.J.J.JJJ.J.J.JJJ.J.J.JJJJJJJJJJJJJ.J.J.JJJ.J.JJJ.J.J.JJJ.J.J.JJJ.J.J.J.J.J.J.JJJ.JJJJ.JJ.J.J.J.JJ..J...J.J.J.J.J.J.JJJJJJJJJJJJJ.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.JJJJJ.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J...J...J.J.J.J.JJJJJJJJJ.J.J.J.J.J.J.JJJ.J.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.J.J.JJJ.J.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.J.J.JJJ.J.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.J.J.JJJ.J.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.J.J.JJJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJ..J.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJJ....J.J.JJJJJJJ.J.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.J.J.J.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJ....JJJJJJJJJ....JJJJJJJ.JJJJJJJ..JJJ..J.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.JJJJJJJ..JJJ....JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.JJJJJJJ..JJJ....JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.JJJJJJJJ.JJJ..J.JJJJJJJ.J.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJ.JJJ.J...JJJ.J.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJ.JJJ.JJJ.JJJ.J.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.JJJ.JJJ.J.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.JJJ.JJJ.J.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ...JJJJ........J...JJJJ........J...JJJJ........J...JJJJ........J.J.JJJJ........JJJ.JJJ.JJJ.J.JJJ.J.JJJJ........JJJ.JJJ.JJJ.JJJJJ.J.JJJJ........JJJ.JJJ.JJJ.J.JJJ.J.JJJJ........JJJ.JJJ.JJJ.JJJJJ.J.JJJJJ.......JJJ.J.............", 4 ], "sonic": [ 2, 139, "..................................................J.J.J.J.J.JJ....J.J.J.J..J........JJJJ..J.JJ.J..................T.T.T.T.T.TT....T...T.T..T........TTT.T.T.TT.T..................J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J...J...........J.J.J.J.J.JJ..J.................T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T...T...........T.T.T.T.T.TT..T...............J.....J.....J.J.J.JJ....T.TT........J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J...J.........T.....T.....T.T.T.TT....J.JJ....DD.D.............................................................", 1 ], "green": [ 2, 150, "................J.....J.....J.....J.....J...J...J.....J.....J...................J.....J.....J...J.....J.....J...J.....J.................................T.T...T.T...T.T...T...........T.T.T...T.T...T.T...T.............T.T...T.T...T.T...T...........T.T.T...T.T...T.T...T.....T.......J.J...J.J...D.J.T.J.T...T.....J.J.J...J.J...D.J.T.J.T...T.......J.J...J.J...D.J.T.J.T...T.....J.J.J...J.J...D.J.T.J.D...D.....J.....J.....J.....J.T.D.T.J.....J.....J.....J.....J.T.D.T.J.....J.....J.....J.....J.T.D.T.J.T.T.T...T.T.T...T.T.T.T.T.T.T.........J.J...J.J...J.J...J...........J.J.J...J.J...J.J...J.............J.J...J.J...J.J...J...........J.J.J...J.J...J.J...J.....J.......T.T...T.T...D.T.J.T.J...J.....T.T.T...T.T...D.T.J.T.J...J.......T.T...T.T...D.T.J.T.J...J.....T.T.T...T.T...D.T.J.T.J.T.D.....T.....T.....T.....T.J.D.J.T.....T.....T.....T.....T.J.D.J.T.....T.....T.....T.....T.J.D.J.T.J.J.J...J.J.J...J.J.J.J.J.J.J................................................................................................................................................................", 1 ] }; var songIdx = 0; var idx = 0; scene("Game", (arr) => { var song = arr[0]; //Also Chart access var char = arr[1]; var hitsound = "hitsound" + arr[1]; var chart = charts[song]; var crochet = ((60 / chart[1]) * 1000); var board = width() - strumLine; var curBeat; var prevBeat; var prevStep; var curStep; var autoplay = false; var debugMode = false; var score = 0; var combo = 0; var health = 1; var font = "apl386o"; if (char == "MarkyMark") { font = "unscii"; } var strumLine = width() / 2; const music = play(song, { volume: 1, loop: false }); const underlay = play("score", { volume: 1, loop: false }); music.pause() wait(chart[0], () => { underlay.pause();; + chart[0]); }); layers([ "bg", "JELLYBEAN", "SKELETONS", "fg", "ui0", "ui1" ], "ui0"); var player; var player2; if (song == "sonic" || song == "green") { player = add([ sprite(char + song + "0"), layer("JELLYBEAN"), "dances", pos(20, 108), scale(chart[3]) ]) player2 = add([ sprite(char + song + "1"), layer("JELLYBEAN"), "dances", pos(224, 20), scale(chart[3]) ]) } else { player = add([ sprite(char + song), layer("JELLYBEAN"), "dances", (song == "faith" ? pos(0, 0) : pos((width() / 2) - 162, height() - 400)), scale(chart[3]) ]) } const bg = add([ sprite(song + "BG0"), layer("bg"), scale(chart[3]) ]) if(song == "sonic" || song == "green")"idle"); const fg = add([ sprite(song + "FG0"), (song == "faith" ? layer("bg") : layer("fg")), scale(chart[3]) ]) if (song == "tutorial") { const fg = add([ sprite(song + "FG1"), layer("fg"), scale(chart[3]) ]); } const noteClick = add([ sprite("noteClick"), scale(0.25), pos(strumLine, 15) ]) onUpdate(() => { if (health > 1) health = 1; if (health < 0) {health = 0;go("Lose", score);music.stop();} if (music.time() > music.duration() && health >= 0) {go("Title");} strumLine = lerp(18, width() / 2, health); noteClick.pos.x = strumLine - 5; curBeat = Math.floor(((music.time() * 1000) / crochet) * 10) / 10; curStep = Math.floor((music.time() * 1000) / (crochet / 4)); prevBeat = Math.floor(((underlay.time() * 1000) / crochet)); prevStep = Math.floor((underlay.time() * 1000) / (crochet / 4)); if (!get("bar" + prevBeat).length) { var bar = add([ prevBeat % 4 == 0 ? rect(3, 50) : rect(2, 50), pos(width(), 20), color(255, 255, 255), ("bar" + prevBeat), { mainBar: prevBeat % 4 == 0, created: underlay.time() }, "bar" ]); } if (!get("note" + prevStep).length) { makeNote(chart[2][Math.floor(prevStep)]); } if (!underlay.isPaused()) { every("bar", (j) => { j.pos.x = lerp(width(), strumLine, (underlay.time() - j.created) / chart[0]); if(j.pos.x <= strumLine) { beatHit(); if (debugMode) play("metro", {detune: j.mainBar ? 200 : 0}); destroy(j); } }); every("note", (j) => { j.pos.x = lerp(width(), strumLine, (underlay.time() - j.created) / chart[0]); if(autoplay) { if(j.pos.x <= strumLine && !j.empty) { play(hitsound);"talk"); destroy(j); } } else { if(j.pos.x <= strumLine - 20 && !j.empty) { score -= 200; destroy(j); play("explode");"miss"); shake(5); combo = 0; health -= 0.1; } } if(j.pos.x >= strumLine - 20 && j.empty) { if(j.pos.x <= strumLine) { destroy(j); //Destroys note. No score. player2?.play("talk"); } } }); } }) var mt; onKeyPress("enter", () => { if (!underlay.isPaused()) { underlay.pause(); music.pause(); mt = [underlay.time(), music.time()]; } else {[0]);[1]); } }); onKeyPress("space", () => {judgeHitsLol()}); onKeyPress("a", () => {autoplay = !autoplay}); onKeyPress("d", () => {debugMode = !debugMode}); onClick(() => {judgeHitsLol()}); onTouchStart(() => {judgeHitsLol()}); onDraw(() => { drawLine({ p1: vec2(0, 20), p2: vec2(width(), 20), width: 2, color: rgb(255, 255, 255), }) drawLine({ p1: vec2(0, 70), p2: vec2(width(), 70), width: 2, color: rgb(255, 255, 255), }) drawLines({ // 80 * 240, 20 * 60 pts: [ vec2(strumLine, 18), vec2(strumLine + 10, 18), vec2(strumLine + 10, 72), vec2(strumLine, 72), vec2(strumLine, 18) ], width: 2, pos: vec2(100, 200), color: rgb(255, 255, 255), }) drawText({ text: "MID-SIMULATOR DEMO -- WORK IN PROGRESS!", size: 20, pos: vec2(0, 0), font: font }); if (debugMode) { drawText({ text: underlay.time() * 1000, size: 20, pos: vec2(0, 20), font: font }); drawText({ text: curBeat, size: 20, pos: vec2(0, 40), font: font }); drawText({ text: prevStep + "/" + (chart[2].length - 1), size: 20, pos: vec2(0, 60), font: font }); drawText({ text: (chart[2][Math.floor(prevStep)] ? chart[2][Math.floor(prevStep)] : "."), size: 20, pos: vec2(0, 80), font: font }); drawText({ text: (chart[2][Math.floor(curStep)] ? chart[2][Math.floor(curStep)] : "."), size: 20, pos: vec2(0, 100), font: font }); drawText({ text: "Health: " + health, size: 20, pos: vec2(strumLine, 120), font: font }); } drawText({ text: "Score: " + score, size: 20, pos: vec2(strumLine, 80), font: font }); drawText({ text: "Combo: " + combo, size: 20, pos: vec2(strumLine, 100), font: font }); if (autoplay) { drawText({ text: "AUTOPLAY", size: 20, pos: vec2(strumLine, 120), font: font }); } }) function makeNote(letter) { switch (letter) { case "J": add([ rect(10, 50), pos(width(), 20), chart[2][Math.floor(prevStep)] == "F" ? color(168, 56, 50) : color(232, 3, 252), ("note" + prevStep), "note", { created: underlay.time(), type: chart[2][Math.floor(prevStep)] } ]); break; case "T": add([ rect(0, 50), pos(width(), 20), ("note" + prevStep), "note", "empty", { created: underlay.time(), empty: true, type: chart[2][Math.floor(prevStep)] } ]); break; case "D": add([ rect(10, 50), pos(width(), 20), chart[2][Math.floor(prevStep)] == "F" ? color(168, 56, 50) : color(232, 3, 252), ("note" + prevStep), "note", { created: underlay.time(), type: chart[2][Math.floor(prevStep)] } ]); add([ rect(0, 50), pos(width(), 20), ("note" + prevStep), "note", "empty", { created: underlay.time(), empty: true, type: chart[2][Math.floor(prevStep)] } ]); break; } } function judgeHitsLol() { var iv = false; every("note", (j) => { if (!iv) { if (!j.empty) { var str = "No Rating"; var theColor = WHITE; if(j.pos.x >= strumLine - 20) { if(j.pos.x <= strumLine + 22) { iv = true; destroy(j); //Destroys note. No score."click"); combo += 1; str = "MID"; theColor = RED; } if(j.pos.x <= strumLine + 12) { play(hitsound); //Plays sound!"talk"); score += 20; health += 0.01; str = "Perfect!"; theColor = MAGENTA; } if(j.pos.x <= strumLine) { score += 50; health += 0.02; str = "Marvelous!"; theColor = YELLOW; } if(j.pos.x <= strumLine - 3) { score += 50; health -= 0.01; str = "Perfect!"; theColor = MAGENTA; } if(j.pos.x <= strumLine - 8) { score -= 100; health -= 0.02; str = "Overshot"; theColor = CYAN; } } if (str != "No Rating") { var origpos = strumLine - 16; var ratingtxt = add([ text(str, { size: 30, // 48 pixels tall }), pos(origpos, 48), color(theColor), origin("right") ]); tween(ratingtxt.pos, ["y"], 5, 48, 300, easings.easeOutSine, tweentypes.NORMAL); tween(ratingtxt, ["opacity"], 5, 1, 0, easings.easeOutSine, tweentypes.NORMAL, function() { destroy(ratingtxt); }); } } } }); } function beatHit() { every("dances", (obj) => { if (player.curAnim() != "talk" && player.curAnim() != "miss") {"idle"); } }); } }); scene("Help", () => { var songs = [ "tutorial", "faith", "green", "sonic" ]; var names = [ "Tutorial", "Friendly Faith Plate", "Green Hill Zone", "Emerald Hill Zone" ] var chars = { tutorial: [ "JellyBean", "RedVelvety", "Marc", "CarterRedacted", "MarkyMark" ], faith: [ "FaithPlate" ], green: [ "SonicAndTails" ], sonic: [ "SonicAndTails" ] } const bg = add([ sprite("bgCake") ]); onDraw(() => { drawText({ text: "CONTROLS", size: 30, pos: vec2(25, 25) }); drawText({ text: ": ENABLE AUTOPLAY - ENTER TO PAUSE", size: 30, pos: vec2(60, 60) }); drawText({ text: " / : HIT NOTE", size: 30, pos: vec2(55, 95) }); drawSprite({ sprite: "keyA", width: 60, height: 60, pos: vec2(5, 45) }) drawSprite({ sprite: "keySpace", width: 60, height: 60, pos: vec2(20, 80) }) drawSprite({ sprite: "keyClick", width: 60, height: 60, pos: vec2(95, 80) }) drawText({ text: "SOUND & SHAKING WARNINGS", size: 30, pos: vec2(width() / 2 - 105, 25) }); drawText({ text: "CHARACTER ("+ (idx + 1) +"/"+ chars[songs[songIdx]].length +"): " + chars[songs[songIdx]][idx], size: 30, pos: vec2(width() / 2, 200), origin: "top" }); drawText({ text: "SONG ("+ (songIdx + 1) +"/"+ songs.length +"): " + names[songIdx].toUpperCase(), size: 30, pos: vec2(width() / 2, 160), origin: "top" }); drawSprite({ sprite: chars[songs[songIdx]][idx] + "Pre", width: 64, height: 64, pos: vec2((width() / 2) - 34, 248) }); }) add([ pos(0, 140), rect(700, 200), color(0, 0, 0) ]) var lt = add([ pos(10, 200), text("<", { size: 30 }), area(), "LeftText" ]) var rt = add([ pos(width() - 30, 200), text(">", { size: 30 }), area(), "RightText" ]) var dt = add([ pos(10, 160), text("v", { size: 30 }), area(), "DownText" ]) var ut = add([ pos(width() - 30, 160), text("^", { size: 30 }), area(), "UpText" ]) var clickText = add([ pos(25, height() - 60), text("Press Space or Click Here to start", { size: 30 }), area(), "TEXT TEXT" ]) function changeIdx(amt) { idx += amt; if (idx < 0) { idx = chars[songs[songIdx]].length - 1; } else if (idx >= chars[songs[songIdx]].length) { idx = 0; } } function changeSongIdx(amt) { songIdx += amt; idx = 0; if (songIdx < 0) { songIdx = songs.length - 1; } else if (songIdx >= songs.length) { songIdx = 0; } } onKeyPress("left", () => {changeIdx(-1)}); onKeyPress("right", () => {changeIdx(1)}); onKeyPress("down", () => {changeSongIdx(1)}); onKeyPress("up", () => {changeSongIdx(-1)}); onKeyPress("`", () => {go("Chart", songs[songIdx])}); onClick("LeftText", () => {changeIdx(-1)}); onClick("RightText", () => {changeIdx(1)}); onClick("DownText", () => {changeSongIdx(1)}); onClick("UpText", () => {changeSongIdx(-1)}); onKeyPress("space", () => {go("Game", [songs[songIdx], chars[songs[songIdx]][idx]]);/*losemus.stop();*/}); onClick("TEXT TEXT", () => {go("Game", [songs[songIdx], chars[songs[songIdx]][idx]]);/*losemus.stop();*/}); }); scene("Title", () => { const bg = add([ sprite("bgCake") ]); const jb = add([ sprite("jellybeanTitle"), pos(0, height() - 320) ]); const logo = add([ sprite("logo"), pos(0, 0), scale(0.5, 0.5) ]); onDraw(() => { drawText({ text: "SPACE/CLICK TO START", size: 30, pos: vec2(width() / 2 - 90, height() - 60) }); }) onKeyPress("space", () => {go("Help", ["tutorial"]);/*losemus.stop();*/}); onClick(() => {go("Help", ["tutorial"]);/*losemus.stop();*/}); onTouchStart(() => {go("Help", ["tutorial"]);/*losemus.stop();*/}); }); scene("Lose", (score) => { const lost = add([ sprite("jellybeanFail"), "dances", pos((width() / 2) - 162, height() / 2 - 162) ]) const losemus = play("gameover", { volume: 1, loop: true }); onDraw(() => { drawText({ text: "YOU LOST LOL WHOOPS", size: 60, pos: vec2(0, height() - 120) }); drawText({ text: "SPACE/CLICK TO RESTART", size: 30, pos: vec2(0, height() - 60) }); drawText({ text: "SCORE: " + score, size: 30, pos: vec2(0, height() - 30) }); }) onKeyPress("space", () => {go("Title");losemus.stop();}); onClick(() => {go("Title");losemus.stop();}); onTouchStart(() => {go("Title");losemus.stop();}); }); scene("Chart", (song) => { var chart = charts[song]; var crochet = ((60 / chart[1]) * 1000); var curBeat; var curStep; var songTime = 0; var tool = "J"; const music = play(song, { volume: 1, loop: false }); music.pause() var lastTargeted = 4; var tempChart = Array.from(Array(Math.floor((music.duration() * 1000) / (crochet / 4))), () => "."); // Incredibly redundant, sadly I don't care var coords = [ width() * 0.1, width() * 0.2, width() * 0.3, width() * 0.4, width() * 0.5, width() * 0.6, width() * 0.7, width() * 0.8, width() * 0.9 ]; var theEmpty = add([ pos(width() * 0.2, height() * 0.8), rect(60, 60), text(".", { size: 48, // 48 pixels tall width: 60 }), color(255, 255, 255), outline(4, WHITE), origin("center"), area(), "theEmpty" ]); var theJ = add([ pos(width() * 0.4, height() * 0.8), rect(60, 60), text("J", { size: 48, // 48 pixels tall width: 60 }), color(255, 255, 255), outline(4, WHITE), origin("center"), area(), "theJ" ]); var theP = add([ pos(width() * 0.6, height() * 0.8), rect(60, 30), text("P", { size: 24, // 48 pixels tall width: 60 }), color(255, 255, 255), outline(4, WHITE), origin("center"), area(), "theP" ]); var theD = add([ pos(width() * 0.6, height() * 0.8 + 30), rect(60, 30), text("D", { size: 24, // 48 pixels tall width: 60 }), color(255, 255, 255), outline(4, WHITE), origin("center"), area(), "theD" ]); var consoleButton = add([ pos(width() * 0.8, height() * 0.8), rect(60, 60), text("EXPORT", { size: 30, // 48 pixels tall }), color(255, 255, 255), outline(4, WHITE), origin("center"), area(), "consoleButton" ]); onClick("theEmpty", (o) => {tool = "."}) onClick("theJ", (o) => {tool = "J"}) onClick("theP", (o) => {tool = "P"}) onClick("theD", (o) => {tool = "D"}) onClick("consoleButton", (o) => {console.log(tempChart.join(""));}) onUpdate(() => { curBeat = Math.floor(((music.time() * 1000) / crochet) * 10) / 10; curStep = Math.floor((music.time() * 1000) / (crochet / 4)); if (mousePos().y >= height() * 0.4 && mousePos().y < (height() / 2) + 34) { // I shouldve used a Switch Case here :/ if (mousePos().x < width() * 0.15) { // blk0 lastTargeted = 0; } else if (mousePos().x < width() * 0.25) { // blk1 lastTargeted = 1; } else if (mousePos().x < width() * 0.35) { // blk2 lastTargeted = 2; } else if (mousePos().x < width() * 0.45) { // blk3 lastTargeted = 3; } else if (mousePos().x < width() * 0.55) { // blk4 lastTargeted = 4; } else if (mousePos().x < width() * 0.65) { // blk5 lastTargeted = 5; } else if (mousePos().x < width() * 0.75) { // blk6 lastTargeted = 6; } else if (mousePos().x < width() * 0.85) { // blk7 lastTargeted = 7; } else if (mousePos().x < width()) { // blk8 lastTargeted = 8; } } }); onMouseDown(() => { if (mousePos().y >= height() * 0.4 && mousePos().y < (height() / 2) + 34) { tempChart[curStep + lastTargeted] = tool; } }); onDraw(() => { drawText({ text: songTime * 1000, size: 20, pos: vec2(0, ) }); drawText({ text: music.time() * 1000, size: 20, pos: vec2(0, 20) }); drawText({ text: curBeat, size: 20, pos: vec2(0, 40) }); drawText({ text: curStep + "/" + (tempChart.length - 1), size: 20, pos: vec2(0, 60) }); drawText({ text: tool, size: 50, pos: vec2(width() / 2, height() * 0.65), origin: "center" }); drawLine({ p1: vec2(coords[lastTargeted] - 30, (height() / 2) + 30), p2: vec2(coords[lastTargeted] + 30, (height() / 2) + 30), width: 4, color: rgb(255, 0, 0), }) drawText({ text: tempChart[curStep] ? tempChart[curStep] : "", size: 30, pos: vec2(coords[0], height() / 2), color: curStep % 4 == 0 ? RED : MAGENTA, origin: "center" }) drawText({ text: tempChart[curStep + 1] ? tempChart[curStep + 1] : "", size: 30, pos: vec2(coords[1], height() / 2), color: (curStep + 1) % 4 == 0 ? RED : WHITE, origin: "center" }) drawText({ text: tempChart[curStep + 2] ? tempChart[curStep + 2] : "", size: 30, pos: vec2(coords[2], height() / 2), color: (curStep + 2) % 4 == 0 ? RED : WHITE, origin: "center" }) drawText({ text: tempChart[curStep + 3] ? tempChart[curStep + 3] : "", size: 30, pos: vec2(coords[3], height() / 2), color: (curStep + 3) % 4 == 0 ? RED : WHITE, origin: "center" }) drawText({ text: tempChart[curStep + 4] ? tempChart[curStep + 4] : "", size: 30, pos: vec2(coords[4], height() / 2), color: (curStep + 4) % 4 == 0 ? RED : WHITE, origin: "center" }) drawText({ text: tempChart[curStep + 5] ? tempChart[curStep + 5] : "", size: 30, pos: vec2(coords[5], height() / 2), color: (curStep + 5) % 4 == 0 ? RED : WHITE, origin: "center" }) drawText({ text: tempChart[curStep + 6] ? tempChart[curStep + 6] : "", size: 30, pos: vec2(coords[6], height() / 2), color: (curStep + 6) % 4 == 0 ? RED : WHITE, origin: "center" }) drawText({ text: tempChart[curStep + 7] ? tempChart[curStep + 7] : "", size: 30, pos: vec2(coords[7], height() / 2), color: (curStep + 7) % 4 == 0 ? RED : WHITE, origin: "center" }) drawText({ text: tempChart[curStep + 8] ? tempChart[curStep + 8] : "", size: 30, pos: vec2(coords[8], height() / 2), color: (curStep + 8) % 4 == 0 ? RED : WHITE, origin: "center" }) }); onKeyPress("left", () => { music.pause(); songTime = songTime - ((crochet / 4) / 1000); try {; } catch (err) { console.log(err); songTime = 0;; } music.pause(); }); onKeyPress("right", () => { music.pause(); songTime = songTime + ((crochet / 4) / 1000); try {; } catch (err) { console.log(err); songTime = 0;; } music.pause(); }); onKeyPress("space", () => { if (!music.isPaused()) { music.pause(); songTime = music.time(); } else { try {; } catch (err) { console.log(err); songTime = 0;; } } }); }); go("Title");