{ "month": "7", "num": 614, "link": "", "year": "2009", "news": "", "safe_title": "Woodpecker", "transcript": "[[A man with a beret and a woman are standing on a boardwalk, leaning on a handrail.]]\nMan: A woodpecker!\n<>\nWoman: Yup.\n\n[[The woodpecker is banging its head against a tree.]]\nWoman: He hatched about this time last year.\n<>\n\n[[The woman walks away. The man is still standing at the handrail.]]\n\nMan: ... woodpecker?\nMan: It's your birthday!\n\nMan: Did you know?\n\nMan: Did... did nobody tell you?\n\n[[The man stands, looking.]]\n\n[[The man walks away.]]\n\n[[There is a tree.]]\n\n[[The man approaches the tree with a present in a box, tied up with ribbon.]]\n\n[[The man sets the present down at the base of the tree and looks up.]]\n\n[[The man walks away.]]\n\n[[The present is sitting at the bottom of the tree.]]\n\n[[The woodpecker looks down at the present.]]\n\n[[The woodpecker sits on the present.]]\n\n[[The woodpecker pulls on the ribbon tying the present closed.]]\n\n((full width panel))\n[[The woodpecker is flying, with an electric drill dangling from its feet, held by the cord.]]\n\n{{Title text: If you don't have an extension cord I can get that too. Because we're friends! Right?}}", "alt": "If you don't have an extension cord I can get that too. Because we're friends! Right?", "img": "https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/woodpecker.png", "title": "Woodpecker", "day": "24" }