slowchat, for sysadmins who aren't quite equine.
submit a mininq
MAILBOX: <%= mailboxCount %>/<%= mailboxMaximum %>
MAILBOX (PRIORITY): <%= mailboxVerifiedCount %>/<%= mailboxVerifiedMaximum %>
mininq ([min]i [inq]uiry
) is a ping-ponging non-realtime chat interface made in the early 2000s to satisfy the needs of the single sysadmin writing it.
either way, mininq was conceptualized, developed, and deployed without any second consideration. now, here you are.
<% if (!isIpAlreadyMininq) { %> <% if (mailboxCount < mailboxMaximum || mailboxVerifiedCount < mailboxVerifiedMaximum) { %> <% } else { %>uh-oh! looks like both mailboxes are full. you'll have to wait until the mailbox has emptied - then you can submit your mininq.
<% } %> <% } else { %>you've submitted a mininq!
<% } %>current mininqs
<% data.forEach((mininq) => { %>
- <%- include("../components/mininq.ejs", {mininq}) %> <% }) %>