<%- include("../components/page-head.ejs") %>


slowchat, for sysadmins who aren't quite equine.

submit a mininq

MAILBOX: <%= mailboxCount %>/<%= mailboxMaximum %>

MAILBOX (PRIORITY): <%= mailboxVerifiedCount %>/<%= mailboxVerifiedMaximum %>

mininq ([min]i [inq]uiry) is a ping-ponging non-realtime chat interface made in the early 2000s to satisfy the needs of the single abtmtr.link sysadmin writing it.

either way, mininq was conceptualized, developed, and deployed without any second consideration. now, here you are.

<% if (!isIpAlreadyMininq) { %> <% if (mailboxCount < mailboxMaximum || mailboxVerifiedCount < mailboxVerifiedMaximum) { %>

<% if (mailboxVerifiedCount < mailboxVerifiedMaximum) { %>
<% if (mailboxCount < mailboxMaximum) { %>

optional keyventure

<% } else { %>

mandatory keyventure

uh-oh! looks like the non-priority mailbox is full. if you still want to submit a mininq, you'll have to follow the instructions below.
or, wait until the non-priority mailbox has emptied.

<% } %>

this keypair has been generated for you to put on your site.

put this snippet in your document's head: <meta name="abtmtr-mininq-key" content="<%= keypair.publicKey %>">

then, if you want to make a mininq, you can enter your secret key and your site's URL here, and your domain will appear beside your name.
you'll also get priority in the mininq inbox.

(keep this somewhere safe!)

<% } else { %>

uh-oh! there was a keyventure here, but it looks like the priority mailbox is full. if you still want to submit a mininq, you'll have to appear anonymously.
or, wait until the priority mailbox has emptied.

<% } %>

by clicking this button and successfully submitting a mininq, you agree that your input may be displayed on this site and stored on abtmtr.link servers.

rules: no slurs, no politics, no nsfw, no spam. if you break these rules outside of plausible deniability, your domain will be blacklisted.

<% } else { %>

uh-oh! looks like both mailboxes are full. you'll have to wait until the mailbox has emptied - then you can submit your mininq.

<% } %> <% } else { %>

you've submitted a mininq!

<% } %>

current mininqs

<%- include("../components/footer.ejs") %> <%- include("../components/post-main.ejs") %>