
<$ nav.html $>

I don't really have strict branding guidelines, but I do have a few important rules if you would like to refer to me in a professional or formal context.


If you would like to refer to me online, you'll usually be able to use my username MeowcaTheoRange. If that's too long, you can always shorten it to MTR.

Please make sure to keep the styling. It's MeowcaTheoRange, not MeowcatHeOrange, MeowcaTheOrange, nor Meowca Theo Range.

The styling meowcatheorange is OK if necessary.

If you would like to refer to me in a more professional context, my name Iszac or the moniker Theo Range will work just as well.

If you are a local organization and would like to refer to me by my legal name, please contact me and we can probably figure something out.
Local means within Minnesota, by the way.


Main Colors

If you would like to use colors to refer to me, whether that be the primary color on a card, or the color of my name, I recommend you use these colors:

Iszac Blue


Rocco Orange
Primary Negative


Iszac Blue is literally Rocco Orange but inverted. This color is named after Iszac.
If you were to use any of these colors to represnt me as a person, use this one.

Rocco Orange is my favourite color orange, but now more red. The name comes from my character Rocco.
If you were to use any of these colors to represnt me as an entity, use this one whenever possible.

Sub Colors

If you need filler colors for something that refers to me, feel free to use these extra colors:

Grape Soda


Avalonian Waste
Secondary Negative


Grape Soda represents my love for grape soda.
My favourite is Fanta Grape. :]

Avalonian Waste is also literally Grape Soda but inverted. This represents some old lore that I'm still screwing with.