{ "tags": { "old": "#800000", "new": "#008000", "normalize": "#808080" }, "items": [ { "name": "DiceApp", "date": 1655589660000, "description": ["An app. For managing virtual dice."], "url": "/projects/item/dice/", "tags": ["old"] }, { "name": "FunnyClock²", "date": 1662695100000, "description": [ "FunnyClock² is the successor of FunnyClock, an application made for my school to show when smartboards are idle." ], "url": "/projects/item/clock/", "tags": ["old"] }, { "name": "MTRUWSaDMfHTML5", "date": 1701743828350, "description": [ "MeowcaTheoRange's Unnecessary Windowing System and Desktop Manager for HTML5.
Works best outside of windowed mode." ], "url": "/projects/item/wm/", "tags": ["normalize", "new"] }, { "name": "Normalize", "date": 1701404400000, "description": [ "Normalize is a simple CSS library made to provide good-looking yet simple HTML element styles." ], "url": "/projects/item/normalize/", "tags": ["normalize"] }, { "name": "JellyBean's Mid-Sim", "date": 1651986000000, "description": [ "JellyBean's Mid-Sim, a 1K rhythm game made in the HTML5-JS game engine Kaboom." ], "url": "/projects/item/midsim/", "size": [700, 400], "tags": ["old"] }, { "name": "WozSteamGen", "date": 1700200800000, "description": [ "WozSteamGen is a Scott The Woz thumbnail generator for Steam games.", "It's an API-less adaptation of Steam The Woz, running completely locally." ], "url": "/projects/item/woz/", "tags": ["normalize"] }, { "name": "HexFlagGen", "date": 1700114400000, "description": [ "HexFlagGen is a flag generator inspired by how the Free Speech Flag was made.", "I dislike DRM and support trans rights." ], "url": "/projects/item/hex/", "tags": ["normalize"] } ] }