2022-05-27 22:34:03 -05:00

1.5 KiB

Miles' House

  • Silver
  • Miles

Silver Blure

...Silver appears out of nowhere after a... very long while, waving to Miles...

...he's passed out on the couch. It's night-time already.

"oh. Maybe I took a bit too long refining my teleportation."

Silver sits down next to Miles, patting his head softly.

Miles Prower

"hhfgh- what- who's there??" Miles wakes up after being pat, looking around. His blanket is over his face.

Silver Blure

"Oh-! Sorry, I woke you up. I just got here."

Miles Prower

"...uh-huh... uhh... how long has it been since you've last messaged me?"

Silver Blure

"Oh, uhh... 22 hours. It's been a... whole day- hah-"

Miles Prower

"mm. maybe you should have walked." Miles silently remarks, curling back up, resting in Silver's lap.

Silver Blure

"...ah-" Silver reacts as Diz rests his head on his lap... but he gets used to it. "...uhh, yeah, I should've. is it OK if I stay over for the night?" Silver asks, modestly petting Miles as he slowly goes back to sleep.

Miles Prower

"yeah, whatever's left of it. we can hang out... later today."

Silver Blure

"Sounds good... nighty-night."

Miles Prower

Miles reaches for the TV remote, located on the coffee table nearby. He grabs it, turning the TV on and muting the volume. "here you go. you can watch some tv if you want."

Silver Blure

"thanks, Miles." Silver smiles, taking the TV remote. He turns the TV off and simply sleeps with Diz until the next day.