2022-05-27 22:30:23 -05:00

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# Miles' House
- Miles
### Miles Prower
> *It's been 2 days. Silver's left, in order to go to work. Miles is alone, watching TV again. He sighs, thinking of Silver... what a cool little guy. It's midnight, and Miles is still up despite how late it is. His sleep schedule is gruesomely messed up...*
> *He's watching romance comedies. Rom-coms. The real saucy ones. He's watching the characters' dynamics closely, thinking if him and Silver match any singly one of them...*
> *Miles feels a bit lonely without Silver, though. It's like his only motivation is that cool little hedgehog. But alas, Silver's not here to keep him company... and Miles doesn't have his job anymore, due to "the incident". He's here, living off of unemployment, and hoping to God he doesn't die before he's finally able to do something about his work status.*
> *In the rom-com, there's a nice couple Miles has been focused on for the longest time. The woman's name: Marissa. The man's name?* ***Miles.*** *He's been focused on the two since the first episode. Miles ticks all of the boxes for himself... lazy, fat (at least, for Mobian standards), and kind of awkward. Miles is a guy who's desperate for anything life has to give him, and maybe Marissa could be the thing he's been begging for. Marissa, she reflects Silver nicely as well. She's timid, and kind of the submissive type, but she'd definitely tell Miles to get up and go take an opportunity if he was about to miss one. Miles and Marissa don't live together, but their love is regardless of distance.*
> *Miles (Tails) has been trying to find answers from the show, to some avail. He's been thinking about his sexuality, and where he's at. Is he truly in* ***love*** *with Silver? Or is this just a silly friendship thing? He's been trying to piece together this puzzle of himself ever since he started watching... if he actually loves Silver the way Show Miles loves Marissa.*
> *But who knows... it could be a whole dumb thing. Just another plant in the farm of friendship. Love is dumb, and Miles (Tails) is very knowing of the fact that it's stupid. But with Silver, it's not dumb...*
> *...it's just complicated.*
# Miles' House
- Silver
- Miles
> *Today, right now, it seems Miles is on the phone. He's making a call to Silver.* "Hey, Silver. You there?"
### Silver Blure
> "yeah, I am. Do you need something? Is this about your old job-?"
### Miles Prower
> "No, no, not at all. It's not about the job. It's about *us.* Would... you mind coming over later this afternoon?"
### Silver Blure
> "...er... yeah, why not. I get off at six, then I should be good to go. What is it, by the way?"
### Miles Prower
> "I'd rather not say over the phone, heh- you know how I get on this thing with private information."
### Silver Blure
> "Oh. Oh, OK. Uhh, is it... important-? Because... if it is, I can probably get Kevin to cover my managerial shift."
### Miles Prower
> "No, no, it's not too important, you can keep on working. I'm fine with seeing you after six."
### Silver Blure
> "...ookay. See you after six, then?"
### Miles Prower
> "Yup, see you then."
### Silver Blure
> "Nice. OK. *Adieu, Miles!*"
### Miles Prower
> "U...uh-huh... adieu." *click*
-- Later --
> *A knock is heard on the door. Miles gets up, checking the time. It's about 6:30. Miles unlocks the door, seeing Silver behind it.*
> "Oh- uh, hey, Silver- you're here."
### Silver Blure
> "I'm here, haha-" *Silver bear-hugs Miles.* "So... what's up?"
### Miles Prower
> *Miles is a bit shocked with the hug, but he tries to keep his composure nonetheless.* "Erm- would you mind... sitting down for this?" *Miles says, closing the door and locking it, before heading to the couch to sit. His heart pounds, and tensions are quite high.*
### Silver Blure
> "Er... it's.no problem at all." *Silver sits down at the couch. They share a tense moment of silence, as Miles' awkwardness keeps him at bay.*
> "So... uh. *ahem*. What is it you want to tell me?"
### Miles Prower
> *Miles continues to sit in silence. Pressure is building.*
### Silver Blure
> "...Miles? Are you there?" *Silver waves a hand in front of Miles' face.*
### Miles Prower
> "I'm so sorry-" *Miles replies, burying his face.* "god damn it, I should have prepared for this better-"
### Silver Blure
> "...uh-"
### Miles Prower
> "...Silver, you, uh... you know the stuff we've been doing since we... first met?" *Miles quietly says. Silver leans in to hear.* "Y'know... the gay stuff-?"
### Silver Blure
> "Erm... uh-huh, yeah."
### Miles Prower
> *Miles falls into dead silence again. Silver sighs, trying to guess.*
### Silver Blure
> "Miles... are you trying to say you like me or somethin'? I've never heard you get this... red-faced."
> *Silver pats Miles' back, tilting up his head.*
### Miles Prower
> "...uh... hhh..." *Miles' heart pounds. He looks up at Silver, directly in his eyes. That damn sincere look of his... shit, he truly actually cares. Miles slowly guides into a hug, breaking into tears.* "...yeah- i'll be honest, I've liked you this whole time-"
### Silver Blure
> "oh, my God- I... I knew it this whole time, but I didn't know if it was a joke or not- Miles, you're cute, and you're a good guy... right,"
> *Silver thinks.* "And... and I'll be honest, you haven't been all secret with being gay for me. I've had my theories, but here you are." *Silver smiles, tilting up Miles' head again.* "I like you too, dude. Of course I would. You're the sweetest guy I know. You might have your flaws, but christ you're just so lovable. So... the feelings are mutual, Miles."
### Miles Prower
> *Miles looks up at Silver, tears in his eyes.* "...mutual... wow... I don't know how to feel- honestly, I thought I would just fall on my back with this... but mutual feelings."
### Silver Blure
> *Silver pats Miles on the head, while Miles pulls them both into a hug. A hug that marks an event for the ages.*