2022-05-27 00:05:28 -05:00

53 lines
1.9 KiB

# Miles' apartment - 6 days after his incident
- Miles Prower
- Silver Blure
### Miles Prower
> *It's the middle of the day. The light from the window hits Miles' body and face, which... is going directly in his eyes. Morning light, duh... it's so bright, it'll hurt your eyes.*
> *Miles wakes up, shielding his eyes from the light, mumbling and getting up to close the blinds.* "...oh, god damn it- i should have closed these damn things-"
> *He opens his eyes, stretching and itching his back, also yawning.* "...my god, how long did I sleep?" *He begins to walk over to the kitchen, thinking of those donuts Silver sent.* "whatever. 'least I got these donuts."
> *Miles takes out his phone, checking the time. It's `8:21`. He decides to message Silver again.*
### Miles (texting)
"*yo are you awake*"
### Miles
> *...Nothing back. Oh well. Miles takes a donut and heads back to the living room, still having his phone in hand. He sits back on the the couch and reads his past texts with Silver as he waits for a reply.*
> *Miles gets... really sad as he reads through these texts. Of course, he liked Silver, but in his texts, he really didn't have anything to him at all, other than mild annoyance, like a "why are you texting me" annoyance. It made Miles think that maybe he had the wrong attitude towards Silver this whole time.*
### Silver (texting)
"Yeah I am. Are you"
### ---
> *Well, Silver replied. Miles quickly scrolled back to the end of the conversation, typing.*
### Miles (texting)
"mhm. i just woke up. thx for the donuts dude"
### Silver (texting)
"No problem lol"
"Do you have any free time right now"
### Miles (texting)
"uh, yeah. feel free to come over anytime my dude"
### Silver (texting)
"Great cool:) Is it OK. If I go there __right now__"
### Miles (texting)
"huh? i mean yeah come anytime like i said. but how are you gonna get here in under like a second"
### Silver (texting)
### Miles (texting)
"nevermind whatever"