2022-12-06 08:38:37 +00:00

3.1 KiB

Silver's House

  • Miles Prower
  • Silver Blure

Miles Prower

"...how come i've never been to your house in the years we've known each other?"

Silver Blure

"You were too busy workin' after six to come with. I would've been happy to show you around, but it's fine."

Miles Prower

"ah, those days. remember when i worked for you instead of dating you?"

Silver Blure

"I recall you were still gay back then, too?"

Miles Prower

"i've always been gay. it's... just a part of me. i've always liked boys... them and their nice bodies... and they can be so sweet but rugged sometimes..."

Silver Blure

Silver raises an eyebrow. "...Like who?"

Miles Prower

Miles looks directly at Silver, with no hesitation. "You know exactly who, Silv." Miles comes closer to Silver. "c'mon... nice bod, sweet personality..."

Silver Blure

Silver gets a bit flustered, put in an awkward situation with Miles' distance. He tries not to freak out, though.

Miles Prower

Miles sighs. "you're perfect. and ripe for loving!"

Silver Blure

Silver smiles, calming down a bit. "...ah- well, thank you Miles-"

Miles Prower

"no need. it just comes pre-packaged, right?"

Silver Blure

Silver buries his face in his hands, mostly in embarrassment. "oh my God- you smooth asshole--"

Miles Prower

"hah- anyway, do you have any tv in here?"

Silver Blure

"Uhh, yeah. it's in the living room! May I show you?"

Miles Prower

Miles nods. "lead the way, silv."


Miles and Silver sit down on the couch, cuddling close. Silver passes the remote to Miles, who turns on the TV and looks towards Silver.

Miles Prower

"hey, what do you wanna watch-?"

Silver Blure

"Uh, I dunno. You're the guest, man."

Miles Prower

Miles sighs, a bit tired, like always. "...well, OK. i've been watching this one show, it's a, uh, romance comedy. it's called 'stupid love'. have you ever heard of it?"

Silver Blure

"Uh, no, I haven't. Is it good?"

Miles Prower

"It was good enough to make me confess my love to you, Silv. It's... definitely relatable."

Silver Blure

"Oh! Wait, really? No way."

Miles Prower

Miles shakes his head. "yes way. it's why we're here, now. it's also why I can do..."

Silver Blure

"do what--"

Miles Prower

Miles lifts himself up to face level with Silver, wrapping his arms around Silv. "this."

Silver Blure

Silver gets REALLY flustered, but allows it to happen. He gets close to Miles, holding his sides and straight-up kissing him. They peck for a small bit, before Silver deems it a bit too embarrassing and pulls back, covering his face.

Miles Prower

"...uh- Silver-?"

Silver Blure

"oh my God oh myGodohmygod- Miiiiiles-"

Miles Prower

"...was it good?"

Silver Blure

Silver nods furiously, still looking away from Miles.

Miles Prower

Miles smiles slightly, hugging Silver.

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