2023-01-12 01:25:38 +00:00

81 lines
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# Introduction
> Miles' Apartment
- Silver Blure
- Miles Prower
## Miles Prower
Miles is sleeping on his couch again. He's been doing this since the day he got his first place. It saves space, but it gives him headaches the day after. Oh well.
His TV is idling, using that bouncing screensaver with the TV logo on it. It's been like this the entire time he's been sleeping.
Other than that, everything's completely normal to him.
## Narrator
A knock is heard on the door, followed by what seems like feet shuffling away from the door.
The buzzer rings shortly after the steps are heard departing, which wakes Miles up.
## Miles Prower
**"Agh, in a MINUTE!"** he shouts, crawling out of bed and up to get the door. **"And this late, too... What happened to calling first?"**
He opens the door, and on the other side is a package, addressed to Miles himself. **"Oh, a package. Okay."** he says, nabbing the package off of the ground and shutting the door behind him. **"...wonder what it is."**
He grabs a nearby knife... stopping after he picks it up. He observes it... there's a little bit of blood on the edge. **"...oh. right. Wrong knife."**
He takes a detour into his kitchen, to get another, cleaner knife. Then, he cuts the tape with said knife, opening up the box.
It's a box of donuts, packaged neatly in a colourful box. The address line says **"Miles Prower, 14th b."** and the return address reads **"Silver"**.
Miles pauses as he reads the word **"Silver"** on the return address.
**"...Silver? Why would he..."**
He notices the note affixed to the lid with a neat slice of tape. Miles detaches the note from the box, sitting down on his couch and setting the box on the coffee table in front of it.
He opens up the note, reading it. It has hand-drawn art, neat penmanship, the works. Miles looks these details over, smiling at all of the work put on this single piece of paper.
## Silver Blure
Hello, Miles! I sincerely hope you're alive and well while reading this. This box of donuts is for you, sir. I'm so thankful you've been found alive.
Your willingness to end it all was truly depressing to hear... I seriously wish I could have changed what you did, at least somewhat. Suicide was never the way to go, and I hope you realize that now.
I know losing one of my best friends wasn't something I wanted to go through. And I should have done more, Miles. I really really should have done more to help you.
I hope you're doing better right now. I hope you're aware there are people who care for you and love you dearly, even if it doesn't seem like it.
I'd love to see you again, Miles. Please, call me or text me. Either way, I don't care. We should arrange a hangout, if you're not busy.
Your dearest manager and friend,
- Silver Blure
## Miles Prower
Miles continues to stay silent, smiling embarrasingly. He seems to blush a little, dropping the note on the donut box and hiding his head in his hands.
**"Fuck... god damn it, he's so caring, how could I possibly..."**
Miles sighs, sitting up and taking his phone off of the coffee table. His lockscreen hits him immediately, a picture of last year's Christmas party at the burger shop with Silver.
Silver had been the manager of this burger shop for almost his entire life, after he came backwards from the future.
He threw holiday parties every year, and the last year Miles had been employed there was the best bash overall. Through these parties, Silver connected with his employees and treated them like family.
It was amazing, and a night Miles could never forget. Miles and Silver had a great dynamic with each other, and it really showed with this picture.
But, as Miles looked at the picture, he only grew sadder. What could've been. If he didn't... fuck it all up a few months later.
Looking at this picture, Miles set his phone down, contemplating if he should actually contact Silver again.
## Narrator
A chime rings from Miles' phone.
Miles looks at the phone, slowly reaching over to pick it up and read whatever dinged him.
## Silver Blure
**"Silver work - Now - Hey, Miles! I... hope you can see this. Please." >>**
## Miles Prower
Miles quickly unlocked his phone, hunching over and typing away a message.